Isekai Rohan

221 Godfrey

[Phantom Menace] !

Another four opponents arrived in front of Godfrey. Currently, Asai was wracking his brains for ideas. As much as he wanted to go for the easy route of spamming summons. Entering a fight of attrition and only engaging when his opponent was tired, he had to remember that he was currently in the presence of Goddess Marea. As a spectator, would she enjoy such a fight?

Survival would be pointless if he gained the goddess's disinterest by fighting so cowardly.

"Fuck it!"

Chugging another potion, numbing the pain within his shoulder. Asai willed his body into the fray.

Whilst two clones suddenly vaulted, the two others performed orthodox sword lunges. Godfrey, remembering the potential damage from [Psychic Phantom] immediately slaughtered the two vaulting humans.

Whilst the two other clones barely managed to pierce into his torso, a third Asai's blade that was glimmering with radiance slammed deeply, piercing out through the front.

In surprise, Godfrey aggressively spun his body, snapping the katana and landing a back hand upon Asai's cheeks. Sending him stumbling back. Just before he was about to lunge forward, he felt greater pain fire upon his abdomen as the blade dematerialized, allowing his wound to bleed out.

Within Asai's hands, a fresh katana emerged

[Decimate: Half Moon]!

Godfrey charged through, tanking the sharp divinity, engaging into close quarters combat. The man relinquished his long weapon, and began to throw punch after punch.

The blows increasingly heavy, as his fervour and excitement for battle increased. Asai's katana soon found itself breaking upon parrying every fist. Forcing Asai into a battle of attrition, having to constantly quick-draw just to block. Resetting his weapon again and again.

Whilst Godfrey ignored his mortal wounds, his adrenaline continued to pump, further increasing the speed and intensity of his blood flow. Which empowered by his aggression and the speed in which his blood left him.

A trail of crimson was left, as Asai was continually pushed back. His four clones were constantly striking, lunging and slamming their weapons into the berserker's back.

As much as Asai wanted to avoid a battle of attrition. Betting his stamina against Godfrey's dwindling health. Godfrey seemed entirely satisfied with such an outcome.

"Fuck it, lets hope this works!" Asai gritted his teeth, as he ignored his bleeding hands. Numb from the continuous impacts. His thoughts went to Rosemi De Lumix, her swordsmanship, her ability to deploy criticals on demand.

His divinity subsided, withdrawing back into his raging heart. Godfrey was almost disappointed at the decrease of his fighting spirit. That was, until Asai parried his next attack. The man's fist, erupted within his gauntlets, more of his crimson blood spurted out through the chain mail, covering the two.

[David & Goliath] & [Bloodthirsty] 

Worked hand in hand to empower their owner. Increasing the damage Asai inflicted upon his foe.

In a world of complete white, two humans found themselves covered in red, as more and more criticals landed.

When Godfrey's stamina and health plummeted. When the man's arms no longer acted upon his will and orders. Godfrey smiled, completely satisfied that both his daughter, and humanity were in safe hands.

He saw the hesitancy within his deep black eyes. With the love of a father, and a king. He happily nodded.

Asai's conviction reaffirmed. 


A beautiful shockwave of golden radiance bloomed. Glitters of astral petals gently danced upon the skies above as Godfrey's body shattered into particles. Returning the man into the heavens.

The gentle rain continued to fall. Asai's wounds began to heal as the heavenly water repaired his mind and soul. The man laid down, resting his mind and enjoying the soothing sensation. Within his [Inventory] another crate of coins appeared. At this point, he didn't even bother counting the amount of money he had. Asai was pretty much solo-destroying the economy, he literally couldn't spend the coins unless he desired to inflict inflation upon a kingdom.

"Stop rewarding me with money please. I know you can hear my thoughts! If the dragons can, so can you. Please reward me with weapons, accessories or more skills!"

After a moment of silence.


Asai suddenly found himself unable to breathe, quick to open his eyes. He saw Queen Rima glaring down upon him, whilst he was seemingly underwater. As he emerged, he once more took in deep gasps of oxygen, enjoying the flavour of air as if it were a delicacy.

As his mind returned, and his vision became clearer. He found himself close to Rima's feet.

"Human, like I said. I understand your kind has certain fetishes, but to think you'd refuse to kiss and instead chose to smell my feet. That is indeed a strange one." Her gaze shot towards Larmiel. "I wonder, does Larmy also partake in such fetishes?"

[Skill Unlocked:]

[Vena's Friend]

Citizens of Via Marea + 10 likeability

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