Queen Rima, seemingly bored of the human who was strangely inconsistent with his desires, turned.

"Larmiel will give you the details. Now leave me, I'm busy."

As the elven queen walked off, every step she took created shockwaves among the lake's surface. The waves of water increasingly strong, carried Asai back towards the entrance where Rosemi was quick to pull the man out and into her embrace.

"Asai! Are you okay? You were underwater for so long!" Cute adorable little whimpers sounded as she shoved her face into his chest. Desperately listening to his strong heart beat that proved as evidence for his survival.

Larmiel, who was always swamped with work, was quick to explain Queen Rima's request.

"Duke Trichia. I sincerely congratulate for passing the goddess' trial and receiving her blessing. As such, you may now consider the alliance to be set in stone. However, you must travel towards the eastern borders of Via Marea. There, you will engage in battle on our behalf, in accordance to our military alliance and fend off the dark elves.

In return, we shall immediately send workers, builders and craftsmen to assist in building this great northern keep of yours. Upon reaching the eastern borders you will immediately find out why we're not fighting our own battles.

We simply can not. The dark elves are practitioners of necromancy. There they have sealed the mountain pass with a fog of poison. Before you ask any questions, we've already tested it. The poison is extremely potent, and designed to kill elves. The dark elves, beasts and monsters seem to be immune to it. Therefore, we believe you humans to also be unaffected by it. We shall confirm this when we get there.

And whether you wish to enter alone or summon your human armies to join you, that is your decision. However, by the chances of you failing and perishing within their lands, with our alliance, we will demand more human armies to enter after you.

I wish you great success, for both our kingdom's sake. 

Marea with you."

Being the only human on the continent blessed by Marea, Larmiel showed the man due respect.

It was only after his lengthy report that Rosemi stopped her tears. She glanced up to notice the man she was hugging. Immediately shoving him away, her face flushed. "W-Who? Who are you!?" She pointed at the pervert who was embracing her. Taking her emotions for granted like scum.

Asai stared in disbelief. "HUH?"

Larmiel coughed, obtaining his attention.

"Duke Trichia, please inspect your own reflection."

Asai peered upon the water surface, his reflection upon it showed his long pointy ears. His hair now no longer black, but greyish-white. His facial features appeared the same, but his hair and eyes dynamically changing pigmentation greatly changed his image.

"A-Asai? That's you?"

Rosemi approached in disbelief, her hand immediately ripped his robes off his torso, revealing his abs. Then she pulled his pants away from his hips to inspect his penis. Before Asai could scream pervert. Rosemi hugged the man. Reassured that it was indeed him.


Rosemi was staring and enjoying the new type of flavour of eye-candy that was Asai Trichia. She had to give it to Goddess Marea, An elven Asai was pretty damn hot. Without his abyssal black features, that made him seem scary. His whiteish-grey hair and eyes made him seem holy, like a saint. Except, a saint with an extremely hot and sexy body.

Immediately curious, Asai pulled the luxurious ring off. His features slowly transmuted back into his human features.

"Duke Trichia, Queen Rima had personally ordered the creation of the ring you now possess. We've read the reports of your battle-style, and your preferability towards working solo. The ring will allow you to sneak into their cities incognito if you so desire."

Rosemi quickly snatched the ring, placing it upon her ring finger, hoping to see herself as an elf, but nothing happened.

"You have to beat the goddess's trial to use the ring." Asai answered.

"To enter the trial, you must receive the attention of both Queen Rima Regenon and Goddess Marea." Added Larmiel.

Whilst pouting, she returned the ring.

A certain thought popped into his mind.

"Aren't the dark elves, dark? How would I be able to sneak in?"

Larmiel chuckled.

"Duke Trichia, I assure you, they're the same skin pigmentation as us. They're called dark elves simply because unlike we, who practice in the healing arts, they've chosen to worship and practice necromancy and vile arts."

"Good to know." Asai nodded.


I think you've realised by now that I like to experiment with this story a lot. Constantly changing POV and different writing styles. From greater deviations between show and tell, and also the amount of information I give to the reader compared to how much I deliberately withhold etc. I apologise to anyone who gets confused by my writing, as I continue to explore my abilities to paint this world.


I just wanted to say, thank you for reading my story. 

Thank you.


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