Violet continued on as the two nobles followed closely behind her.

She continued to tell stories, folk-lore and her own experiences, as she retraveled the lands. From passing through multiple villages, it appeared clear as day that no one had any idea who the girl was. Truly, her exile and shameful past was a well kept secret. One she deigned not to reveal, that is, until she met Asai.

From Violet's point of view, Asai and his servant appeared to be a powerful person, hailing from the capital, and for the first time, seeing the actual world for what it actually was. She thought back to her own experience, she had read the stories concerning these lands, regarding how evil and wicked they were in the past. Until Her Majesty, Emilita Regenon, defeated their vile-king and calmed the lands.

However, after having spent months living among them, she honestly couldn't see any evil practices. And this was coming from a society who saw necromancy as a God-given right.


The group continued on with their free-spirited tour guide. Her enthusiasm brimming for once, having someone so handsome and powerful to tell her story to.

"And there, this is the grand bridge that connects the two lands. Within our old history books, they saw it took Ignis' best engineers nearly two years to build it. It was an arduous process, one that also cost us many lives." She pointed down towards the deep ravines. "Due to the natural forces and dangers of nature. A simple gust of wind, and a weaker man would fall to his demise." She told her story as if it were a horror story. Grinning, and dragging out tones.

Asai nodded, stepped forward to check the drop down, and also the bridge itself.

"Say, Violet. Those statue looking things. Can they see us from over there?" He pointed towards the numerous gargoyles positioned across the stone bridge. The stone statues stood menacingly, spears within their arms, wings upon their backs and small goat horns spiralled out of their heads.

[Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]

[Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]  [Gargoyle: Lvl 65]

With her dull grey eyes, she glanced over and immediately knew what he was talking to. "The sentinels? Sure, they have really good eye sight. If they find any intruders, their eyes immediately captures the image and sends the memory to their summoner. Oh, they can't fly though. They may have wings, but their bodies are too heavy."

"What about natural disasters? Like earthquakes or monsters? What happens if the bridge gets destroyed?"

Such an odd question left Violet quite dumbfounded.

"Pftttt! Asai, sure you're joking right? What could possibly damage this bridge? You know, according to the books. The people who died building it, their bones were literally mixed into the structure, forever having the honour of supporting the kingdom even in death.

And, if by chance a hostile goddess like Marea destroys it. The last time I heard, it was estimated the building of a new bridge would take just under a year to accomplish. Her Majesty hasn't bothered with building a secondary bridge yet only due to the cost of resources." Violet informed her two clients with great pride. As if she were a member of such a glorious and advanced civilization.

"Violet, what are your opinions on the elves who live in Via Marea?" A question he felt he should've asked earlier.

"Those backwater elves? We're told they're barbaric, blood thirsty and to this day, still engage in cannibalistic rituals." She shook her head in disappointment. "See, We in Ignis, believe that death should be honourable. You either enter eternal slumber, or you allow a necromancer to bless you with undeath. So that you may continue working for the glory of the kingdom forever more~ Not like those barbarians who eat their own kind. Dishonouring their death like savages."

"Man, it seems what they teach in their society is quite, well... Different?"

Asai imbued his eyes with mana. Closely examining the stone bridge. He came to realise that necromancy was utilized in building and supporting it.

"I can only assume that their engineering isn't as good as Earth's. So their builders cheated by using dark-arts."

Chugging a mana and stamina potion. Asai funnelled as much divinity as he could into [Ruin] So much so, that the blade began to intensely vibrate within its sheath. Asai's arms struggled to hold the blade steady, as his forearm muscles suffered from the backlash.

Rosemi, already realising what he had in mind, yanked Violet back into her embrace. The two ladies now both wide-eyed, albeit watching for different reasons. They observed Asai's actions.


Torrents and waves of divinity roared out of [Ruin] slamming into the stone bridge and traveling within it. Whilst, the stone elements simply vibrated as the transfer of kinetic and astral energies disturbed its integrity. The vile-necromantic energies that kept the bridge together was instantly dissolved. The thousands of souls that were forced by dark-arts to forever carry the stones upon their broken bodies finally received eternal rest.

Whilst the stone bridge continued to rumble, the sentinels all started to violently stir and shake. Their outer layers of rock shattered, as they all began to charge across the bridge. Great fury, and excitement within their eyes, for finally having prey to hunt once more.

Before the vibration, and the astral energies of the skill expired. Asai was quick to to vault multiple times in succession. His weapons switching within mid vaults to satisfy the heights and forms of flips he performed.




And as Asai finished his vaults, gasping for oxygen, he quickly leapt back towards his companions whilst

[Lingering Shadow]

Duplicated his skills, although at greater mana costs.

The same skills shot forth, amplifying the disturbance within the stone-bridge. It's core integrity and structural balance collapsed as the vibrations heightened. 

Beginning from the middle, the individual stones, rumbled and clashed against one and another. Once loose, they fell into the ravines down below. The sentinels who weren't quick enough fell along with them.

Asai turned to see Rosemi grinning. As far as she was concerned, it was a job-well done. As for Violet, she gazed in horror. Guessing her thoughts, Asai decided to nicely inform her.

"Yes. That's right Violet, you're an accomplice. You're one of us now, I look forward to getting along with you. Now, as much as I'd like to enjoy the show. Please lead the way to Via Marea. Whatever questions you have, I'll answer them once we're safe."

Violet gazed upon the gentle and kind angelic smile of his. Cold shivers ran down her back in great amounts, causing her to almost piss herself. The prince charming image she had built up within her mind shattered into thousands.



[Asai Trichia: Lvl 82->83]

[Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 64->66]

[Violet: Lvl 1->20]

"For zero contribution, she actually levelled up?"


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