Isekai Rohan

238 Thrud Castle

Thrud Castle, named after the red dragon that once acted as the human's guardian stood tall and strong, among the ongoing construction works. Large red flags and banners decorated its mighty stone walls, depicted upon them, the great red dragon. Mixed in with the banners among the walls were also Einhoren's golden insignia. Representing Her Majesty Victoria's interest in defending the kingdom.

Currently, multiple layers of stone walls had been built throughout the great mountain pass. It was designed in this way so that if the enemies did manage to break through the main gates. Then the army would've already retreated back into the next layer of inner walls. Just like an onion would constantly peel, only to reveal more layers.

Thrud Castle itself was built at the very rear, acting as the last stand. The keep was built large enough to house the thousands of humans working, building and living within. The stock of foodstuff was so filled, they estimated it to be able to last for months if rationed properly. Which by then, reinforcements from the mainland should've arrived.


Out of human territory, deep into no man's land. Prince Victor Del Lagos and his company had been defending the very end of the mountain pass. A thousand strong templars clad in full armour, continued to battle as they chanted their prayers to Goddess Loha.

Across the fields from them, lay a thousand more corpses. A great mixture of beasts and monsters alike formed a small wall of flesh and blood.

[Loha's Mace] [Loha's Mace] [Loha's Mace] [Loha's Mace] [Loha's Mace] 

Volleys upon volleys barraged down, slamming into the army of Gnolls, that were suicide charging into the human defensive. The monsters would launch their spears and javelins before dropping to all fours, sprinting through the fields of battle. Horrible slimy drool continued to drip from their jaws, as their hyena features showed nothing but bloodlust.

Hidden behind the gnolls, high among the trees were hundreds of dhans. They had successfully lured monster pack after monster pack into attacking the human settlement. Their desire to eat something other than their own kinds greatly fuelled their hunger into action.

Due to the large number discrepancy, the gnolls managed to charge close enough to enter a grand melee against the templars are the vanguard. Their tower shields remained steadfast, plugged into the ground, whilst their swords struck their targets from above. In essence, the gnolls were literally slamming their bodies into a spiked wall.

Whilst the vanguard valiantly roared their battle cries. Robin and Chloe were safely at the rear firing their ranged skills, diligently awaiting their cooldowns, ensuring their mana efficiency was optimized for quantity over a small burst.

Chloe stood atop the prince's wooden carriage. Surrounded by a hundred quivers jam packed with arrows, in case she became unable to utilize [Kael's Quiver]

Robin, maintained a close distance to Chloe, ensuring her safety. Her vaults and spins focused fire upon the larger gnolls, who she assumed to be captains or leaders. 

[All in One] ~ [All in One]  ~ [All in One]  ~[All in One] 

Robin focused on only casting the skill that fired 13 arrows for 80% attack each rather than her flashier [Holy Testimony] which only shot 10 for 35% attack.

From what her golden eyes could see, the gnolls were mana-less, and thus had no skills for her to nullify. 


To Robin's surprise, Victor Del Lagos has positioned himself at the vanguard, directly holding the mid-section. The man's stamina seemed to be limitless, as his passive skill [Group Euphoria] continue to buffer his surrounding allies. The man to this day, still regarded the skill as a blessing bestowed upon him from Goddess Loha.

Thus, he believed that the goddess had not yet abandoned him. A flicker of hope and ambition relit within the man's eyes, as he continued to slaughter the beasts before him.


After an hour long battle, the remaining gnolls finally gave up on their exotic dinner and escaped. Their tails tucked nicely between their legs.

The dhans who had watched the entire performance clicked their tongues, as they continued to stare daggers at Victor Del Lagos, Robin and Chloe. The three humans who stood out the most, unknowingly becoming high priority assassination targets.

"Captain, the goblins were too weak, the gnolls proved useless. How about we lure the ogres next? We might have to sacrifice a few of our lads to get their attention, but with their 3m tall bodies, I'm sure they'll be able to overpower the humans." A red headed dhan suggested.

Their captain nodded in approval. The abandoned lands were filled with monsters and beasts throughout. If this one tribe didn't work, then they'll simply try the next.

""Craut wills it!""


For once, the dhans battle-cry was true. Craut, seated upon his heavenly throne, was exceptionally delighted. The god had front row seats to the show, and no longer were his battles held against his own creations. The forever stagnant back and forth, in which the dhans and dekans were seemingly perpetually stuck in. They now tested their mettle against Goddess Loha and Goddess Marea's children.

His glance landed upon Xian Par'Talucca. Tempted to shower him with his blessings. However, Craut decided against it, he held his tongue. He desired the self-proclaimed king to enter the battlefields, rather than restricting him to his lands only.

To send one's own king-piece into enemy territory, one must first obtain the permission to do so. Something in which the beings of the high-heavens had agreed upon.


Just as how Goddess Marea had bargained a prince's life for Godfrey's soul. Who now resided beside not the mother of all humans, but the elven.

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