Robin entered the large dining-tent. Within were wooden tables and benches, simple but practical. Within her hands were her supper. A tray that carried both a mug of booze, and her portion of bread, jerky, cheese and dried fruits. On days of battle, the company would indulge a little with more nutritional food, something that helped encouraged moral to perform well. On the quieter days, the men would be eating oatmeal, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Topped off with maybe a few dried pieces of fruit, or any berries that the men could scavenge relatively close by.

Chloe was already seated, taking turns biting into the different flavours upon her tray, before taking a swig of her booze. The drink tasted exceptionally sweet. Something they rarely received. Thus, she took a few more chugs.

Robin seated herself, quick to consume half of her meal before washing it down with the drink. In this regard, the girl copied Asai's tendency and notions towards food. Food as nutrition, proteins, vitamins and calories, rather than for flavour and taste.

Her hand froze. Her eyes widened.

"This flavour!? Shit!" Robin returned her mug to the wooden table, leapt off the bench. Yanked Chloe by the next, before throwing her onto her shoulder before she dashed out through the back of the tent. Escaping into the unknown.


Just minutes later, after a well-timed wait. Istvan entered the dining-tent also with his portion of rations. With a wide grin stretched across his face, and a little drool. The man eagerly entered and searched for his two beautiful flowers, that should be begging for the man to pluck.

His surprise to find the tent empty, had him greatly confused. He had sword the two were here. Glancing down, the half eaten meals upon the table were quickly taken by Istvan. "Why waste food, when I can enjoy their flavours?" The man thought.

As per usual, he took his meal into his private tent to enjoy, along with his newly gained desserts. Afterwards, he would begin his search for the two pretty flowers.


Far into the distance, Robin continued to sprint with [Winged Foot]

Chloe was greatly surprised at her sudden actions, but she trusted the girl more than she trusted herself at this point.

And, it wasn't long until Chloe saw their hunters. Five dhans who were ordered to remain here to keep an eye on the camp had caught sight of their departing. Remembering their priority on the KOS (Kill on sight) list, they immediately chased after the two girls.

Chloe began to fire her [Kael's Arrow]s upon the men, the first arrow caught the dhan by surprise. Entering right through the middle of his brows, ending his life as his body slammed into a tree.

The four dhans continued without batting an eye, now slowing their chase down as they were forced into evasive manoeuvres. Dipping into [Hide] Chloe became unable to see their positions anymore.

Loosely firing her literally limitless amount of arrows upon the rustling grass and branches, she managed to snipe another out of hiding. The dhan collapsed as the arrow struck through his knee-cap. Sending him tumbling through the mud.

Three left, but these remaining members had gained their ground. Although Robin was utilizing [Winged Foot] being weighed down by another person whose body mass was actually heavier and larger than hers didn't do her any favours.

Robin decisively threw Chloe into the nearby foliage, before spinning herself on her heel. Immediately spinning her body and momentum, throwing her body into a vault as soon as she could.


[Holy Testimony]

[All in One] !

The three skills worked in unison to immediately slaughter the three remaining dhans who found themselves becoming pin-cushions at point blank range. They were so close to her, that they no longer had any time to even react to her skills.

Glancing around her vicinity, finding no one else targeting them. She lowered her guard, her mana swiftly re-entered her blood stream. 

"ROBIN!" Chloe shouted, desperately.

Behind Robin was another dhan, one that remained entirely hidden. Rather than chasing among the ground, this agent had been hidden within the trees, and even if [Detect] had forcefully removed his stealth. Robin had failed to check directly above herself.

As the dhan was free-falling, his katar glistened, eager to assassinate the pesky woman through her neck.

Robin intuitively spun upon her heel again, like an axis her body forcefully rotated and her dagger barely managed to block the weapon from impaling her.

Her gaze shot towards Chloe, who helplessly watched. Her bow appeared snapped, and her ankle injured from the momentum of her fall.

The dhan stood atop Robin's chest, planting her deep into the ground. The oxygen within her lungs emptied out as he continued to force his mass upon her smaller frame.

Chloe helplessly threw her [Kael's Arrow], but no matter how many she threw, they were like cotton balls at best. Without a proper weapon to propel them with kinetic energy, they were nothing. Mostly landing around the man's feet and less.


"Any last words you little shite?" His black hair and eyes, reminded her of someone. Someone, far away. Someone, she dearly missed.

His katar lowered towards her neck.

"Yeah. Go fuck yourself!"

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