"Yeah. Go fuck yourself!"

The dhan felt a sudden strange wave of confusion tickle his brain. The girl under his foot didn't move a single muscle, yet she spoke.

[Psychic Phantom]!

The skill shot its crimson astral energy into the man's torso. His blood immediately spilt as the dhan collapsed in two. Causing him to instantly enter shock as his heart had been sliced apart. Within his last second of life, he could only gaze in confusion as a silver haired beauty towered over his cold corpse.

Mizumi spat upon the man.

"That's what you get for stepping on a lady's chest!" Her attention turned towards Robin who was intensely gazing at her. "H-Hey! I'm a friend. I just helped you, it's okay!" Robin's attention shifted behind the girl.

Chloe was being helped up by Miku, the smaller girl who dressed in similar fashion to Mizumi.

"I'm Mizumi, and that's Miku. We were searching for food when we saw you. You were basically running straight into us, and well... I recognised your uniform. You're people who belong to that perverted-lecherous-always-fucking-horny-down-to-have-sex-anywhere-and-anytime Asai Trichia right? If so, then that makes us friends." 

Robin, couldn't trust the girl. This was enemy territory, and her dress-sense heavily reminded her of the men who had just chased them. However, the matter of fact was still evident that she had just saved them. Thus, she reached out a hand to accept her assistance.

"Thank you Mizumi. I'm Robin, and that's Chloe. And yes, you're correct, we are Duke Asai Trichia's vassals."

Mizumi nodded happily. "I knew it, women are the best! So quick to understand."

As much as she'd like to continue their introductions, rumbles and growls were slowly encroaching their position. The explosions from their battle had caught the attention of the local-wild life.

Seeing how Robin appeared pale, Chloe was injured and weapon-less. Miku was but a little helper. Mizumi quickly urged them back towards their hideout.


Within an abandoned mining tunnel. Robin quickly inspected her new surroundings. There were nine more of the little looking dhans. Their outfits appeared quite exotic to her, however, they also appeared to be worn and torn to great degrees.

Mizumi closed the wooden-gates behind them as she began to explain.

"We think this is a mine that used to belong to kobolds or hobgoblins. Their beds are pretty small you see. I've already checked within and its completely abandoned."

Glancing around, the little deposits of crystals gently illuminated the tunnels. Thus, relinquishing the needs for fire, which would no doubt reveal their position.

Chloe, upon seeing the children was quick to offer them her water-canteen. Something she would carry upon her person, but always forget to take off. The girl also had a small napkin wrapped around a portion of her food. Something she was planning on snacking on later during the night.


Robin watched as Chloe was quick to help, something she wouldn't have even thought of doing if no one had told her to do so.

"Come, I'll take you to Neechan. Think of her as our leader." Robin nodded, following her into another tunnel that appeared to be filled with rooms.

Within, Kozumi was laying in bed. Her leg was heavily bandaged up, with a clumsily made wooden-support attached. Other than her leg injury, she appeared healthy. No signs of infection luckily.

"Neechan~ I bumped into your old friends. Do you think they can help us?"

Kozumi's red eyes glanced into Robin's golden eyes.

"Hi. We've never met before but I know a lot about you Robin. I'm Kozumi, and you've already met my little sister Mizu. To answer the many questions you undoubtedly have. Think of me as Asai Trichia's secret unit. Whilst you defend him out in the open, during the day. I fight for him during the night, hidden within the darkness. Hence why you've never seen me before."

Robin, usually would scrutinize and interrogate her for clarification, but after sniffing the air a few times. And recognising this scent. Her eyes widen.

"This is the vixen who would keep applying her smell onto Asai!"

Robin, fell for her lies, believing her story. She accepted her as a friend.

"Robin, before we have our discussion, I think we should help you out first correct?"

Robin nodded, Mizumi quickly shot out, dragging Chloe into the room, before ordering Mizu to ensure no one was to interrupt their adult's talk.

Kozumi sniffed the air a few times, as did Mizumi.

Chloe no longer had any strength to move, laying upon the bed. Her face sickly-pale. Robin's own expression, was also faltering.

"Whoever spiked your food. He's quite the cunning one, this aphrodisiac is actually dangerous. If you don't satisfy your urges properly, your system will actually begin to falter and fail."

Robin, being someone who had also utilized aphrodisiacs on Asai. Had recognised the similar taste and extreme sweetness. Thus, she was quick to drag Chloe out of the camp.

Her hand was indeed forced, if she were to return to Thrud Castle, the two would be seen as deserters, to be caught and executed whilst their lord would also have to pay the price for having poor judgement in people. Not once did Istvan think that Robin would be crazy enough to escape into enemy territory, as that was borderline suicide. 


Robin, reluctantly nodded. At first, she was hoping to assist Chloe herself, but their chasers had cost her time and energy. She too now felt powerless and weak. Laying herself upon another bed.

Mizumi and Kozumi both began to strip the girls. Gently massaging and caressing their sacred parts. Whilst Kozumi was restricted in what she could do, due to her injured leg. The silver haired beauty would focus on pleasuring Chloe more gently and lovingly, 

Mizumi went all out. Shoving Robin's cute b-cup breasts into her mouth as if they were pudding.

Garnering a small yelp from the girl in response, as her pussy began to flood.


You guys thought I'd really kill off best girl?

What do you take me for?

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