Isekai Rohan

242 Asai Trichia

"I'm sorry. Please stop crying, I'll definitely keep my word, you'll be looked after in Via Marea."

Asai Trichia, was currently engaged in perhaps the toughest he'd experienced battle yet. Violet grudgingly followed the two humans towards the west. Her eyes were continuously bawling, her snot occasionally seeping out before she sniffed it back in. Asai wasn't sure what it was, but he felt somewhat compelled to cheer her up. A little guilty for making her cry, her little grey puppy eyes were extremely adorable as she pouted.

The woman was furious, so angry yet, she felt hopeless. She wasn't stupid enough to immediately forget what she had seen. The man single-handedly destroyed one of Ignis' greatest prides. There was so much monumental and historic value in that bridge, that it actually broke her heart, seeing it collapse into the ravines.

"But, you I have to be honest, if the dark-elves cared that much for the bridge. Why didn't they invest more in the security? A bunch of slow statues at the very end won't deter anyone. They should've placed them at the front, like serious-"

Violet's glare shot towards Asai's abyssal black. Her imagination running wild with all the torture procedures she could come up with. Yet, she wouldn't be able to act upon, considering the man's superior combat prowess.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry. There's no need to be so angry now is there? Aren't we friends now? On the same team." Asai gave her his brightest smile. In an attempt to appease her. 

"Okay, I forgive you." Violet replied. What else could she do? If the man were to abandon her, she had no doubts that by the time Ignis had built a new bridge, they'd no doubt hunt her down as a treasonous barbarian, doomed to never achieving an honourable slumber.

Asai sighed in relief. "Thank goddess-"

"-I just think that it's really funny, don't you? Who would be mad enough to-"

"-Oh no..." Asai glanced behind Violet's shoulder. Rosemi was keeping her distance from the two, completely enjoying the show as she held her snickers in. "Rosemi! Help! Save me!" Asai hoped that she'd read his thoughts.

However, even if she did manage to guess his intentions, she only smugly grinned.






After a while of further marching westward. Before reaching the orc village, the three stumbled into Ignis' advance infantry. 

[Phantom Menace] - Four phantom clones appeared, surrounding Violet. 

"Violet, don't worry. These four will protect you." 

"P-protect me!? More like keep an eye on me!" Her eyes darted towards the 200 dark-elves beyond the horizon. Whatever thoughts of trying to save her own ass was immediately lost, especially when there were now 5 Asai's staring into her grey eyes. 

Asai further inspected the 200, down below their vantage point. If they had horses, the down-chill charge would be insanely effective. A shame, they were only on foot. 

The 200 appeared to be slowly preparing the lands. An action which reminded him of his own advance deployment back during the human-elf war. Pre-emptively preparing the lands for the main army to occupy. The information he had received from Larmiel was now clicking together ever more.

Via Marea, had only been receiving small skirmishes, scouting parties that were only there to poke and test their defences. Perhaps, Ignis had been sending their own versions of adventurers and mercenaries to gather information. Having satisfied their curiosity, they now deigned to march their armies.

"My timing truly was impeccable huh. A little later and Queen Rima would be fighting another war."

Mana converged into his eyes, enhancing their vision like a telescope would.

[???: Lvl 37]  [???: Lvl 34]  [???: Lvl 33]  [???: Lvl 35]  

Within a glance, before sharp pain forced his eyes shut. Asai managed to scout out their general combat strength. 

"They're so weak. Are they the levies?" [Yomi & Yami]'s golden glint appeared within his grip. "I could easily wipe them all out. However, I should still try to use them to level up Violet... Ah fuck. I forgot, they're both dark-elves. She won't gain experience."

Shifting his glance back towards the 6. 

"Rosemi, keep an eye on the battle field. When I'm done cleaning up, immediately re-join me."

His attention shifted to Violet, who was incredibly pale. The girl had scared herself, imagining the mad man forcing her to accompany his suicidal charge into 200.

"Violet, change your outfit into this. It has defensive properties, it will keep you safe, trust me."

"Trust you my ass!" She swiftly took the military uniform out of his hands regardless of what she thought. Anything would be better than her own grey-rags. And the quality of the fit looked amazing. Her fingers travelled across the soft fabric. "Luxurious! ♡"

She glanced around, staring daggers into the 5 males, who were quick to turn around. Allowing her to strip down to her underwear, to equip her new gears. As the outfit was designed for Robin in mind, the fit was quite snug, especially in the chest department. But, that didn't matter much when the cloak was large enough to hide her curves.

The three now adorned similar outfits. Now, there was zero doubt that Violet was one of them. Asai dipped into [Hide]

Violet gasped, as the man suddenly vanished.

"You'll get used to it." Rosemi smiled. "Actually, if you had any doubts about his strength, you should watch closely. 1 versus 200, you don't get to see that everyday."

As Rosemi laid upon the hilltop, Violet decided to join her in doing so.

"If he dies, then I'll have to go into hiding... If he wins? Then as mother once said, I should seduce him, to produce strong children."


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