Asai covertly strolled into the military camp. For what he had planned, he decided he may as well pre-emptively help himself to their supplies. Lest he accidentally wrecked and ruined everything.

Now that he was among them, he now had the ability to inspect their persons better.

Equipped with spears and daggers, the majority wore what seemed to be leather. If he had to guess, then Asai would assume the leather to be crafted from domestic cows. Thus, affording them a much lower defensive factor when compared to Asai's own kit. Crafted from the strongest beasts he had come across.

From eavesdropping, they confirmed that they were indeed the levies of Ignis, mostly farmers, peasants and a few select hunters. Sent in advance of the main army to simply ensure the lands weren't infested by beasts or monster-outbreaks. And, after their main counter-part arrives, they then would be delegated to supply-duty. Thus, they merrily worked away, happy to know that they were safe from the conflict.

As Asai continued to store their food supplies into his [Inventory] Leaving the crates themselves empty, but closed. He started to wonder if what he was about to do was righteous or not.

On one hand, the man was about to reduce their enemies' numbers, but on the other. These people were basically lambs, hardly a threat. They spoke of their wives and children awaiting their return. And as much as Asai desired to villainize them, to see them as evil. He simply couldn't.

"Why am I getting cold feet now? I've killed humans, elves, monsters and beasts alike. "

Unknown to Asai, as he continued to open himself up more to the people who followed him, who were there for him. His unconsciousness started to view this new world less like a game, and more as reality. His morality, and accountability surfaced as he began to acknowledge the people of this world as humans. 

His previous guilt returned. At the back of his mind, he was aware that destroying the bridge, meant that the villagers who were now enslaved to Ignis, had no means of defending themselves. If any monster-outbreak were to occur, the villages would be slaughtered. The villagers, undoubtedly innocent. Simply caught in the cross-fire within the grand schemes of the world.

Especially more so, after the events of today.

"Goddess Loha, Marea, Craut. I want to be the hero, not some third-rate mass murderous villain..."

As guilt struck his heart, he did what he could to ignore the remorse.

Standing directly within the middle of the base, his posture lowered. Katana upon hip. Divinity surged into [Ruin] as the blade began to vibrate and rumble. Asai's arms numbing as he held the weapon steady.

To the dark-elves who were close enough to the vicinity. All of a sudden, a random silver haired elf popped up and was posing like a statue. A couple of the more in the know, dark-elves approached him. Questioning him.

"Sir, you shouldn't be here." The dark elf inspected the man from behind. High quality clothing, not a crappy spear but an expensive looking exotic sword. "Is he an inspector from the kingdom? Isn't he a month ahead of schedule?" "Sir?-"

Before the man could realise what Asai was doing. Being unable to see the astral properties that were converging into his blade. Asai erupted.


The golden radiance bloomed in a full circle. The sharp edge shot and sliced through dozens of dark-elves as it continued to spread its radius, all the way until it faded. At the end of the pre-emptive strike, over a hundred corpses lay strewn within the large circumference.

The tents, the flags and the BBQ-pits were all destroyed. The still burning coals flung out from the strong gust of wind, flying into numerous tents, setting them ablaze.

The fire continued to rise and blaze as the gust of wind fed the flames with oxygen.

[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest]

The crest imbedded within his chest burned in joy. Revering in the death of the practitioners of the dark arts. As the flames surrounding him raged, so did the crest of solemn death.

The remaining 80 dark-elves who were far enough to be unaware of what had just transpired ran towards the centre of their camp, as the flames surrounding them continued to rage and rage. The heat singed and burnt the slower ones as shouts and screams echoed throughout.

Dark smoke covered the air, reducing their vision. As they ran and tripped over corpses, they soon found themselves to be trapped.

The fire slowly encroached upon their position as they desperately tried to fight the flames. Utilizing the water from their canteens, smashing the flames with their clothing, some even tried to utilise their urine to counter the spreading fire.

Amidst the chaos, Asai was dipping in and out of stealth. With [Yomi & Yami] equipped, he mercilessly culled his enemies. The death crest upon his chest continued to rage and beat, his previous hesitation and morality overridden by the desire to slaughter. 

With each life he took, his health, stamina and mana returned to him. And amidst the slaughter, death and chaos. The smoke was becoming so thick, that the toxins began to fill the lungs of many. Choking and killing them as they found themselves unable to breath.

Asai's own health points were gradually falling, but as he continued his adrenaline driven slaughter. He managed to avoid the fate of the dark-elves.

Within moments, Asai found himself to be the last man standing, among 200 corpses.

Due to 


Immune to bacteria, viruses, disease and toxins

The toxicity of the smoke and ashes didn't effect him. However, the thinning of oxygen did. He soon found himself to be light-headed, as his brain began to lack air. And, as the flames continued to converge upon his position. Asai lowered his stance, [Ruin] back on his hip, and performed a charged quick-draw to his utmost.

He continued to funnel his mana into the godly-weapon, up until he felt the flames sicker his skin.

[Decimate: Full Bloom] !

The golden radiance immediately shot forth. All the cotton, cloth, burnable-materials and wooden tools immediately blasted away. The gushing of energy and wind smothered the flames as they no longer had any materials to consume.

The fresh air immediately filled the void, as a strange sensation suddenly attacked the human.

His raging heart was yet raging on, beating and slamming within its cage.

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