A few dozen elves formed a shield wall with their elven-longswords peeking through the gaps. One singular elf who appeared to be the captain ordered Asai to stand down.

Asai Trichia, Rosemi De Lumix and Violet had just emerged out of the poisonous fog, exhausted and sweating. The saving grace was that, due to their previous culling, the amount of undead hidden within the fog had lessened to a great degree. Thus, the trio spent most of their time performing cardio. However, that didn't change the fact that the entire experience was terrifying nerve wracking for Violet.

As much as the girl grew up around necromancy, and the dark arts. The moment the skeletons she was all so familiar with started swarming upon her position, she had nearly pissed herself.

Within Asai's point of view. It was basically the equivalent of someone growing up with cute dogs, and believing them all to be harmless, only until they start baring their fangs at you.

Asai took his ring off, returning his appearance back to that of a human's. Holding the ring above his head, allowing the elven platoons to clearly see Her Majesty's insignia. Identifying the human as her private guest and a friend of the nation.

Thanks to the passive,

[Vena's Friend]

Citizens of Via Marea + 10 likeability

The elves immediately let their guard down, not even bothering to doubt the ring's authenticity.

"Ah! I apologise my lord. The defending company has been rotated elsewhere within the kingdom. Thus, I wasn't aware of your appearance. I Jin apologise on behalf of my men." Jin performed a small salute, before his gaze shifted to Rosemi, who had pulled her hood down. Revealing her human ears. 

Violet however, had the man slightly confused. "My lord, I was told you only entered as two. Was the reports wrong?"

It was at this moment that Violet began to get scared. The girl was now definitely in enemy territory. Behind her, an undead army that wanted her to join their ranks. In front of her, the rumoured cannibalistic elves. Looking at their well-fed appearance, she started to believe the stories of them eating their own even more. Her hands automatically sought comfort by gripping Asai's cloak.

"Ah, this one here is a dark-elf. Her name's Violet, and I had personally guaranteed her safe passage into Via Marea upon my name. In exchange, she helped me destroy our enemies scouts, forward army, and the bridge that connected Ignis to Aevraury. Thus, successfully delaying the enemy invasion by roughly a year."

Asai gazed into their eyes one by one, checking their reaction to hearing that she was an dark-elf. However, after moments of nothing, he was satisfied that there seemed to be no discrimination. Perhaps in their eyes, they were simply distance-cousins who had gone down the wrong path.

Jin, slowly approached Violet, who was half-hidden behind Asai.

"On behalf of Via Marea, I thank you Violet of Ignis." Again, the elven-knight saluted.

Violet, now slightly confused, questioned the man.

"A-are you not going to eat me? I heard the elves enjoy eating raw flash and drinking fresh blood from us dark-elves?"

Jin, completely dumbfounded by what he'd heard froze. A moment of silence passed before all the elves laughed historically. 

Jin was quick to slap himself upon the cheeks. The man hit himself so hard, he now had a fresh red print upon his face. All in order to curb his laughter.

"I apologise my lord. I simply haven't ever heard of anything so ridiculous before. We elves, would rather starve to death, than to perform cannibalism. Goddess Marea is forever watching us, and we wouldn't dare to perform anything so vile and dastardly."

"I accept your apology." Asai bonked Violet's grey head. "You apologise too. You should know that what you just asked is actually incredibly rude."



Violet lowered her head low, as her face flushed red in deep shame.

"If I told her about Santa Claus, she'd probably believe the man to be real huh?"

"Captain Jin, just one question. What is your opinion on necromancy?" 

Jin's cheerful demeanour immediately soured.

"It's a vile art. The dead should be left as they are, undisturbed. Why?" He fiercely gazed towards Violet.

"The entire mountain pass, hidden within the fog, there's over a thousand undead wandering throughout. I killed as many as I could, but I am only human. I too have my limits you see..."

"Ah! My lord, no one would fault you for not helping them." Eager to shift the topic, feeling a little remorseful for even thinking about arresting Violet. "My lord, your previous escorts are currently station within Vena, escorting the human Count, Jenson De Lion. What would you like to do? I could send a messenger if you'd like?"

Asai thought for a moment. "Honestly, I don't feel anything about Lucas and his party. I'd rather travel with just us back to Del Lagos. I'm sure Robin has been missing me dearly."

"Negative. My party and I shall return to Del Lagos. We have accomplished our part of the deal, thus we should return to our own territories. I personally, quite miss my own bed you see... However, I would like to purchase three horses from you. Can you arrange that for me?" Asai shoved a few dozen coins into his palm. Even if the elf tried to reject it, Asai was adamant.

"And please pass my thanks and appreciation to Larmiel and Her Majesty Queen Rima Regenon for their warm hospitality. I have enjoyed my stay within Via Marea, the people and scenery here are exceptionally beautiful." "Especially when I'm here not as an invader, but as a friend."

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