During their journey through Aevraury, Asai and Rosemi were the tourists. Now, on the flipside, Violet was wide-eyed, absorbing, smelling and inspecting every nook and cranny of the lands of Via Marea.

She couldn't believe how fertile the fields were, how numerous the domestic farm animals were, and the beautiful clear rivers that flowed through the kingdom.

However, as much as her attention was constantly drawn away by the new greenery and pleasant weather. Her gaze shot back towards her two companions.

"So, when were you two going to tell me you were human!? All this time, I thought you were dark-elves! And then after you destroyed the bridge, I figured you were Elves! But- but to be human!?" All this new scenery, environment and the confusion from everything she ever knew and learnt being lies.

Her head felt extremely dizzy as she failed to comprehend anything.

Now that Rosemi no longer had to keep a low profile, she felt her freedom to express herself return.

"Well, technically, I never lied to you. Not once did I say I was an elf or not, I just had my hood up, and if you failed to notice my ears, then that's on you isn't it? And for His Grace, he was ordered by Queen Rima Regenon herself to act incognito. So you can't blame him at all for following orders." Rosemi now felt incredibly tempted to tease the girl, for her naivety and ability to be so gullible.

"Anyways, whatever they taught you at your royal academy, don't you ever stop and just wonder whether or not they're true or not?"

Violet, pouted as her eyes began to shed tears. Her entire life spent studying, all that she knew, all of it was currently at risk.

"Honestly, as gullible as you are. You're quite lucky. You should consider yourself fortunate, you now have the opportunity to see the world for what it truly is. With your very own eyes, and not through the lens and bias opinion of another."

Rosemi rode her mount closely by Violet's. Lowering her voice just a little, eager to continue teasing the girl.

"And by the way. The man in front of you, the one you raped whilst he was sleeping. That's His Grace, Duke Asai Trichia from the kingdom of Del Lagos. How does it feel? Knowing you raped a man of such prestige and peerage?"

Violet, without whimpering or any noises at that. Had tears streaming out of her eyes, the girl simply continued to pout as her tears fell. Rosemi was enjoying herself, teasing other's was always a fun past time, but perhaps she went too far this time. Feeling a little remorseful, she cut the girl some slack.

"Violet, how old are you by the way?"

"I-I'm.. I'm 18. Uuuu~ Why?"

Rosemi's eyes shot open in surprise, from how immature the girl looked and carried herself, she thought her to be just 16.

"His Grace is actually just 19, whilst I'm 18 as well."

Now, it was Violet's turn to gasp in surprise. Within her grey eyes, she had thought the two to be late into their twenties. If they told her they were within their thirties, she'd believe them without question. The two just seemed so much more experienced when compared to herself. They seemed to always know what to do, charging forward into the unknown, confident in their own abilities.

"Well~ That's good, you're still young. You have plenty of time to experience more of the world, to learn more and see more. Cheer up okay? Your life is about to become really bright!" Rosemi wore one of her most dazzling smiles, brimming with warmth as her strawberry-blonde hair gently swayed upon the breeze.

Seeing Violet's feelings recover, she decided to nudge her.

"Oh, take this as advice from one woman to another. As your friend, I believe you should do your utmost to seduce the duke. You already raped him once, which of course is a crime. So, now you better seduce him so much, that the man will grow to like you, thus, changing whatever negativity he feels towards you into positivity. Later tonight, when we go pick some flowers. I'll teach you some of his favourite positions, and how to make him feel good okay?

Cheer up! I'm rooting for you!"

Seeing how serious Rosemi De Lumix was acting to support and cheer her up. Violet one hundred believed the beauty. She fervently nodded her head, as she deigned herself to becoming the girl's student. Learning the ways of seduction and pleasure.


Asai, who was riding along ahead. Heavily focused upon scouting the horizon for any monsters to hunt. Had heard the entirety of their conversation. This was Rosemi's way of both informing Asai her intentions, and asking for permission.

And considering how Asai didn't bother to cut in and rebuke them. The man had practically given them the green light to do whatever they wanted.

Violet, alone was nervous. Wondering if her body was good enough to pleasure the mighty duke before her. His back, seeming bigger than before. "Mother! I'm going to do it! I'm going to seduce a powerful man like you told me to! I'll make you proud!!"

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