After a night and morning of intense cuddling. Asai left his tent to begin the day by chugging a stamina potion.

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP. Maximum [20->25]

As the skill's level and proficiency increased, the cost of mana and HP reduced. Lowering enough that he was no longer forced to consume a HP potion to compensate. Seemingly hitting the cap for the skill. The man did a quick self-inspection. Having nothing more to prepare, Asai decided to immediately head towards Robin's location.

To his surprise, during his travels from Thrud Castle to Altar of Roha. The man had actually passed by the abandoned mines, just barely missing the little hidden entrance. Thus, upon their steeds, the trio were quick to approach Robin's location.

When questioned on his sudden decision to turn back, rather than continuing heading east or north. Asai bluntly answered.

"The Goddess told me so."

Whilst Violet didn't even question the man. Leslie, struggled to believe what he had heard. Staring hard towards the girl, and at her naivety in confusion.


Upon approaching the abandoned mines, hidden behind the foliage and rocks. The small entrance, covered by rotten planks of wood and webbing swung open.

A petite girl, dressed in black and gold ran out enthusiastically. Her long white hair tied into a tail, tiny little astral wings upon her ankles. Her copper coloured eyes, that widened in surprise and joy upon seeing the man healthy and alive.

Robin dived into his arms, squeezing his waist, bear-hugging the man as he sighed in relief. Visually checking her status, finding her to be healthy and without harm.

"Hi Robin, I missed you too-" 

Robin tip-toed, whilst throwing her arms around the duke's neck. Bringing his face down to kiss him.

"I-I missed you too!" Chloe, who exited the mines later quickly ran over, swinging her arms around the two. During her stay, stuck between Kozumi, Mizumi and Robin. And their never ending discussion, bragging and story telling regarding Asai Trichia. Chloe had begun to envision and paint Asai as some sort of hero, destined to save the world within her mind.

Since Asai did technically save her back when the monsters managed to push her down, he literally was her hero. Seeing so many strong, powerful and independent women flocking to the man, Chloe's competitive spirit ignited, thus, she now desired to perform her utmost in making the man favour her over the others.

For some reason, seeing two beautiful women embrace the man made Violet instinctively join in on the hug. Also repeating their greetings.

"I missed you too!" Violet's face flushed, as she dug herself into his back. Realizing what she had just spoke out loud.

[Robin: Lvl 79]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Chloe: Lvl 78]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

After ensuring both Robin and Chloe were healthy. Asai's gaze returned to the entrance to see Kozumi standing before him. Mizumi naturally clung to her sister. The two looked tired, fatigued and their usually pristine gears appeared as if they've been through battlefields.

The two dhans smiled, as 10 curious little kids started peeking from behind the two guardians. Asai, noticing how famished the group appeared to be, decided to finish their greetings there.

"Lets talk inside, I believe we have some catching up to do." Asai pulled out of his [Inventory] a crate filled with military rations, courtesy of the 200 from Ignis. "I believe it is lunch time no?" 


The entire group relocated into the deepest section of the tunnels. The spacious cave was quickly filled with the aroma of food and fruit juice. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. All the things Asai believed the little ones desperately required.

The leader of the little ones approached to give their thanks.

[Miku: Lvl 17]

Miku bowed deeply, and apologised for the other 9's shyness. As they had heard a lot about the duke, they were quite afraid of offending their one possible saviour.

[Mizumi: Lvl 70] [Kozumi: Lvl 74] 

"How many battles have they been through since I last saw them? Fucking hell..."

Kozumi, after ensuring the children had washed their hands prior to consuming their food, as well as chewing properly, as she was aware of their hunger. Approached Asai. 

"If I remember correctly, the last time I saw her, she told me. I want you, but I don't need you."

Kozumi, right before the man who was seated upon a stool. Kneeled upon both knees, her eyes fiercely gazed into his abyssal black gems.

"Asai. Please listen to my request."


[Robin: Lvl 79]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


70% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 80% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 30 meter radius for 60 seconds.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Chloe: Lvl 78]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Bow Mastery]

20% boost in Bow and arrow damage. +20% maximum range

[Kael's Quiver]

Summon Kael's arrow at 1% of maximum mana expires after 60 seconds


Electricity element added to attack. Additional 120% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Siege Shot]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 100% ranged attack

[Tempest Stance]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 200% attack speed 


Increases caster's evasion and mobility by 15%. Reduces aggro gain by 20%

[Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 66]

[HP: 110 MP: 100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[Critical Aura]

20% Increase in critical attack rate

[Order Swing]

12% of your damage is accumulated and applied towards next attack for 20 seconds

[Lumix Bloodline]

+30% attack speed, damage, accuracy and critical rate when wielding a sword


Charge target within 15 meters from caster and Paralyze for 3 seconds.

[Violet: Lvl 48]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Soul Eater]

Targets defeated by [Violet] summons, recover 10% of [Violet] missing HP & MP

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP [100]

[Summon Skeleton Knight]

Skill costs both HP & MP - Bestows summons [bone sword] [10]

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Chloe


Mana Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Ranged Attack: +20%

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Robin


Health Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Mana Absorption: +10%

Damage Drop: +10%

[Copper Ring of strength] (Robin)

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

[Trian Ring of Dexterity] (Robin)

Level Requirement: 25



+7 Vitality

+7 Dexterity

+10 Ranged attack

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