"Asai. Please listen to my request."

Mizumi immediately tried to drag her sister off the ground, but Kozumi adamantly refused to budge. Kozumi kissed both her index and middle finger, her eyes flashed in red as her mana quickly surged, entering Mizumi and paralyzing the girl.

Robin immediately stood besides Asai, returning to her bodyguard persona, and doing what she could to carry whatever burden the dhan was about to thrust upon the man.

Violet and Chloe, unsure of what to do remained behind the duke, quietly observing the events.

Whilst the little ones continued to eat, albeit quietly. Mizu kneeled besides Kozumi. The little girl didn't know what was going on, but she could guess that whatever request Kozumi was about to make, most definitely it was regarding her and the 9 kids.

Silence filled the spacious cave as Asai kept his attention on the kneeling girl. This was a first for him, Kozumi had within memory always appeared strong-willed and free. For her to suddenly act submissive, it destroyed the image he had of her.

"Your Grace, Duke Asai Trichia.

My sister and I, we were planning on withholding this information from you. And as much as I agree with her pragmatism over idealism. I personally can not bring myself to continue using you as I have. 

Yes, I was born and raised to be a person of extreme nationalism. As patriotic as I were for my people and nation. I did my utmost to condition my mind and soul to only work in the interest of Par'Talucca.

As you have most likely imagined, I was trained in the ways of seduction. In order to increase my chances of espionage. When I first saw you, I immediately decided to seduce you and it proved successful. I was aware of your interests and desires to have me, thus I continued to string you along. Perhaps my biggest failure, is failing to have you turn colours, to betray the kingdom and people that raised you.

I... I regretfully inform you that you weren't the only one I had seduced. Throughout the kingdom of humanity and elves. My sister and I, we have targeted many, and killed many. However, I assure you that we are still pure.

We followed our monarch's orders, uncaring of the blemishes upon our souls and morality. We did it all because we believed it had meaning, but... Our sovereign, Uda Par'Talucca has perished. His throne, usurped by his own son. Xian Par'Talucca. Who immediately turned coats, submitting our people to the dekans that had killed and slaughtered millions of us.

The self-proclaimed king, Xian now desires my hand in marriage. Regardless of my desires. And although I would throw my soul into the pits of fire for the nation. The current kingdom of dhans, I wholeheartedly do not recognise as my home, for it is a land without pride and honour.

The dhans who remained loyal to the old patriarch, are now considered to be traitors, forced to become vagabonds without a home. My sister and I, and the children you see before you are all victims of this without exception.

I once told you, that I wanted you, but that I didn't need you.

Currently... Asai Trichia, I and my people desperately need you. I- I understand my hypocrisy, to seek aid and assistance from the people and nations that we attacked, but I see no other alternative. If perhaps I was alone, I could commit seppuku, but I am not. I have people I am responsible for, that I have to live for.

Now that you have perhaps a clearer picture on what and who I really am. I will tell you what I can offer you in return for your aid.

Asai Trichia, I am the 4th princess of Par'Talucca, born to a concubine. And although I didn't inherit the Par'Talucca name, I did inherit Uda Par'Talucca's blood. Mizumi, my little sister is the 5th princess. 

For your assistance, I offer you the lineage of two princesses, and a path towards the throne of East Barhan, the land of the dhans."


Kozumi lowered her head, placing it upon the ground. The nine kids, not fully understanding the implications, but seeing their big-sister-figure kneeling, all stopped eating and joined her in begging the human for aid. Mizumi, with her freedom returned, kneeled upon a single knee, her head lowered in shame as their secrets were revealed.

She gritted her teeth and held her breath, as for once, she didn't agree with Kozumi's actions. within her red eyes, what they did was for a righteous cause. She saw no problem with killing the enemies of their kingdom. The same way Asai had killed the elves without batting an eye.

If Asai found fault in Kozumi's assassinations through the two southern kingdoms. Then truly that would make the human a hypocrite. Kozumi had already revealed herself to be a member of hostile forces, not once did she lie and pretend to be human. The girl had admitted to being a dhan from the very beginning.

Thus, it simply wouldn't make sense if Asai hated her for performing her own duties, whilst Asai also performed his duties in accordance to the kingdom of humans.

Mizumi also didn't forget, the stories in which Kozumi told. Her sister had saved Asai on multiple occasions, consistently placing herself at risk. Crystal Quarry was one of those instances. The dhans had no reason to actually enter the place, but Kozumi still ended up revealing herself to the humans.

Sacrificing her own safety to pull the Templar Istvan away, was but another.


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