Isekai Rohan

268 Caronia’s Tomb


Within the spacious cave now filled with silence. Chloe tugged on Asai's sleeves, her eyes filled with tears as she helplessly watched her new friends declared prisoners of war.

Asai, feeling mentally exhausted, seated himself against the wall. Bottles of whiskey popped out of his [Inventory] as he began to pour himself a cup. Robin quickly took over, serving the man before pouring herself and her friends a serving too.

Asai seated, sipping his drink as Robin, Chloe and Violet remained by his side.

The least effected one here was the dark-elf. However, the atmosphere felt quite bad, so she held her tongue. Whilst Robin and Chloe tried to console one and another, that his decisions were righteous, or morally correct. Violet continued to observe their new surroundings closer.

Her eyes widened in surprise when they landed upon the body of water. She immediately approached the sunken stair case, tempted to dive right in.

"Asai! Under there! There's a catalyst that's brimming with death!" The familiar sensation of undeath made Violet shiver in excitement. 

Asai, more than happy to distract himself with items, levels or self-betterment in general shot the rest of his drink down, before approaching the underwater staircase.

"By catalyst, you mean there's a tool down there that's perfect for necromancy?"

Violet nodded excitedly. The only other time she had felt such energies, was when Queen Emilita Regenon had visited the academy during one of her annual visits.

"I see... Well, lets not waste any time." Asai held his breath as he dived in. Robin without hesitation followed through, whilst Chloe and Violet had to mentally prepare themselves. Being stuck underwater in a cramp space didn't appear all that fun to them. Claustrophobia striking them as they threw themselves in.


Asai emerged at the other end of the tunnel. Climbing out, he found himself to be in a great spacious cavern. Spread throughout the walls, edges and sides were numerous tunnels that shot out like tendrils. However, they all appeared to have caved-in.

Directing his gaze towards the centre of the cavern. A massive statue of what appeared to be a black dragon stood. It's mighty wings open, as if about to take flight. It's head towering above the humans, just before hitting the top of the cavern. Within it's mouth was a vanta-black marble that seemed to suck the light out of its surroundings. 

Upon gazing into the sphere, Asai had goose bumps strike through his spine. 

"I guess that must be the catalyst of death?"

Robin emerged, swiftly followed by Chloe and Violet. Luckily for the party, the bonus stats from their levels had ensured they had no difficulties holding their breaths. As their bodies, their endurance and vitality levels were high enough that the body could withstand prolonged absence of oxygen.

Something Asai had already experimented with, whenever he would push his muscles to their utmost, forcing them to be starved of energy and oxygen. Only to find them capable of continuing on, even when his lungs and heart failed to increase the supply in accordance to their requirements.

"Maintain your guard, think of this cavern as a dungeon boss room. Don't relax until we're back outside alright?" Asai passed his gaze over his party, each one nodding in affirmation as he did so. Satisfied with their compliance, as they prepared themselves mentally and physically.

Asai gave another shortbow to Chloe, since her previous weapon had broken. Violet received multiples vials of his blood, something Robin couldn't help but frown upon. Each of the girls restocked on potions, courtesy of Asai's [Inventory]

Approaching the base of the dragon-statue. There was a small grey tomb that read.

Caronia's Tomb 

Here lies, the souls of 1000. Sacrificed to appease the wrath and fury of Goddess Roha


Oh Goddess of War, forgive us, cleanse us of our sins.

I beseech thee, do not forsake your children.


Dwarven king Caronia

After reading the tomb, Asai glanced over to his allies. However, upon their faces were confusion and annoyance. It appeared they were unable to decipher the language. Feeling an entity tug at his soul, his attention was forcefully taken.

"H U M A N .  D O  Y O U  W I S H   T O  T A K E  M Y  T E S T ?"

Asai's glance shot upwards, towards the mighty dragon's face. But, however much he looked, the statue remained unmoving. His very being continued to feel the presence stare at him. Robin, being extremely sensitive to the astral world, also stared upon the dragon's face. Feeling as if they were being watched.

Violet and Chloe were simply surprised, unsure of where the voice originated from. However, Violet, being a necromancer did have an idea.

"Asai, you should take the test! There are stories within our history books that depict trials and challenges taken by heroes of the old. I'm sure of it! The reward must be the catalyst."

Asai inspected the abyssal sphere. Feeling its density.

"If I could get my hands on something that potent. Perhaps I'll be strong enough to protect my people, and to defeat those hostile to me."

Thus, Asai made his decision. His party was well rested, equipped and battle-ready. 

"Your test, I'll take it!"

[Ruin] appeared upon his hip, ready to be quick-drawn.

The caverns rumbled, small rocks and dirt fell from all across the edges. The hundred collapsed tunnels all reopened as the stone and mud fell aside.

A thousand undead dwarves marched out. Their skeletal bodies still wearing their war-equipment. As they sacrificed themselves whilst geared for battle, in respect to their divine-creator. The goddess of War, Roha, sister of the goddess of wisdom, Loha.

Upon each of their palms were battle-axes too large for their bodies, yet it mattered not. They still swung them around as if they were weightless. A few centuries had passed since they entered deep-slumber. Upon awakening, they believed the humans before them were their tests.


"Kill the humans to redeem our people! The kingdom of dwarves lives on yet!"



A thousand undead dwarves surged in, converging upon their position. Eager to redeem themselves within the eyes of Roha, the goddess of war.


It's actually my birthday today, so I'll be heading out to crack open a few cold ones with the lads. So, to those readers who keep reading my chapters as soon as they're posted. I apologise for the longer wait between uploads.

Thank you for reading


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