Isekai Rohan

269 Undeath

The entire cavern rumbled, the old tunnels revealed themselves as the rocks and dirt subsided.


Asai knew that he was once again leading his most trusted companions into the deep end. Out of one fire, and immediately into the next. As much as his past self would feel remorse, and the need to constantly apologise to those who loyally followed him. His mind resolved itself, his conviction renewed as a simple line of thought entered his mind.

"At the end of the day the morality or principles of a person matters not, unless they have the power to support those beliefs and impose them on others. I won't shy away from battle, nor any conflict. I will continue to grow and progress, until no one in this world can impose their self-interests upon me!"

Leaving his four phantom clones to guard Violet and Chloe, the two ranged-fighters. Asai immediately summoned his own undead army.

[Summon Skeleton] !

25 thick-boned skeletons quickly emerged, spreading themselves into a circle wall. Asai willed his passive skill [Lingering Shadow] into action, feeling a larger amount of health and mana deplete. The astral shadow immediately cast its own [Summon Skeleton] increasing the allied undead to 50 strong. Which swiftly reinforced the circle formation.




A thousand undead dwarves surged in, converging upon Asai's party. Eager to redeem themselves within the eyes of Roha, the goddess of war.

Their skeletal-bones banged and rattled against the metallic armour they wore. Without their previous biological body, without flesh and meat, their armours now became loose, clashing against their bones as they ran on down.

From the numerous tunnels, they emerged. The old stairs from a time forgotten by man, eroded and weakened by unrelenting time crumbled. A large boundary emerged as the undead army slid down their slopes, and into the moat-like pits surrounding the humans. In which they quick began to climb. The undeath bestowed upon them, granted them courage that border-lined suicide. No fear apparent within their actions as they climbed and flung each other out of the pits to reach the living.

When they managed to peak their heads out of the pits, rather than the living, they met undead-being just like them.


Asai's summons immediately entered into a grand melee. Desperately punching and slashing against their armoured adversaries, dealing little to no damage as they simply fended them off.

Violet's own skeletons lunged forward, joining the fray. The necromancer's undead thought like crazy-agents of death. When their arms broke, or their ribs shattered. They were quick to utilize their own body parts, the sharp-fragments of bone as weapons.

[Summon Skeleton Knight] !

5 strong skeletal knights charged in, their bone swords proving powerful. However, rather than cutting, the blunt edges smashed and swept their targets aside. However, as strong as they were. The more numerous dwarven-undead managed to latch onto their weapons and pull them out of their formation. Thrusting them into the depths of the undead army. Like a thousand ants against a single insect, the undead-dwarves immediately swarmed the skeletal knight out of existence.

""WAR. WAR. WAR. WAR. WAR."" The dwarven undead continued to chant, bolstering their battle efforts.

Their unified shouts, banging and stomping, loudly echoed throughout the cavern as more dust and dirt fell from the rooftop.


Asai currently, was balls-deep into enemy lines. The man had immediately dived into the fray, the moment he had left his summons to protect his backline, which in all honestly, couldn't even be considered a backline anymore. Considering how they were literally surrounded.

It had been quite a while since his adrenaline had rushed so greatly. His breathing deep and heavy as his heart continued to drum against his rib-cage. Coursing and surging both life and mana throughout his body. With [Ruin] within his hands, he smashed through both helmet and skulls. Rather than just relying upon the blade that was increasingly chipping away, due to being used as a blunt weapon. Asai also utilized his sheathe, funnelling mana into the wooden frame, increasing its density and integrity. Smashing the wooden tool into any opponent that took his challenge.

Having no stable footing due to the numerous bone and metals that covered the ground, the young-duke couldn't afford to cast his bread and butter skill. [Psychic Phantom] Imagining himself simply slipping or falling upon landing. Thus, he forced himself to rely heavily upon his swordsmanship, and ability to regulate his breathing and stamina consumption. This was going to be a long battle, and he knew he had to make every single breath count.


Robin remained within the circle formation. Glancing over towards Violet, noticing her inaction, she frowned. "Another kid I will have to teach no doubt..." Robin immediately realized that soon after, just as she did with Chloe, she would have to teach and mentor Violet in the ways of battle. Taking into consideration her class as a summoner, perhaps she could throw her responsibility onto Clam and Gary, to learn how to defend herself.

Shoving her thoughts aside, having caught her breath. She continued to vault like an Olympic acrobat.

Consecutive [All in One]s fired upon the mass of undead bodies. Shards and fragments of bone splattered around in chaos, as the petite girl continued to throw her axis around. Her mana depleted at such speeds, that she was forced down onto her knees to steady her mind that was spinning. Vomiting upon the dirt, she chugged two vials of stamina and mana before throwing her body into further momentum.

[Holy Testimony] although being a weaker skill when compared to [All in One] in stats. Currently was shining like flames amidst the darkest of nights. The swords of divinity sliced and diced the dwarven horde into bone meal.


Chloe, stationed within the middle, alongside Violet was straining her rear-delts, as she continued to fire blindly upon the undead. Being quite freaked out due to their situation. The girl was panicking, her [Kael's Arrow]s were striking both ally and foe. As her muscles tired from continuously drawing the bowstring. Her mind settled, as she realised her contribution being sub-optimal. Her arrows were barely penetrating the armour of her targets. Turning them into hedgehogs that wore their protective coats on their chests rather than backs.


Even when imbued with lightning, her arrows barely had any effect. Having no muscles, tendons or nerves, the undead were unable to feel the electricity course through their bones, and grounding upon the dirt.

If anything, she had to start focus firing only to prevent strikes that appeared lethal. Shoving the dwarves back into their ranks. As any shot she fired relatively close to Asai's position, had the opposite effect.

Seeing Asai suddenly spasm and twitch, knowing that her electricity had also effected him. Chloe could only hope that Asai would forget about her mishap later down the line.


Asai, who was still balls-deep into enemy lines felt like someone had just tasered his ass on fire. Shooting a frown back towards the source, he immediately found Chloe ignoring his eyes, sweat upon her brow as she quickly turned her back towards him.

Robin, due to her [Robin's Desire] faltered due to the shared sensation. The sudden stun had ruined her footing amidst her momentum. Slamming the girl's face into the ground as she immediately bled from both nostrils.

This was the first ever time, she had failed a vault like a beginner. Her glare shot towards Asai, hoping he would be more careful and mindful of their literal soul-connection. When Asai noticed Robin's glare, and her predicament. Her face filled with dirt and blood. He quickly turned his back towards her, as she continued slaughtering the undead before him.

Feeling the sting and prick upon his back, as Robin continued to glare.


Whilst the trio were engaging in their own little triangle-drama.

Violet was down upon her knees, panting and breathing. 

[Soul Eater]

Targets defeated by [Violet] summons, recover 10% of [Violet] missing HP & MP

Her skill had her experiencing terrible pain and healing in cycles. She kept reanimating, summoning and renewing her undead forces. Sacrificing her mana and health continuously. The vials of blood quickly diminishing within her hands. Her health returned, as her summons managed to defeat their targets. 

For Violet, this would be the longest battle she had ever felt. Only being able to pray and hope that it would end quicker than later. Struggling to keep her consciousness as pain and health, cycled again and again.

Being  entirely stationary, Violet became an easy target as the undead-dwarves performed overhead axe throws. Lunging their weapons over the skeletal wall. Fortune smiled upon Violet, as Asai's 4 phantom clones sacrificed their short existences for her. Protecting her as she continued to pray.


[Robin: Lvl 79]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


70% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 80% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 30 meter radius for 60 seconds.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Chloe: Lvl 78]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Bow Mastery]

20% boost in Bow and arrow damage. +20% maximum range

[Kael's Quiver]

Summon Kael's arrow at 1% of maximum mana expires after 60 seconds


Electricity element added to attack. Additional 120% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Siege Shot]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 100% ranged attack

[Tempest Stance]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 200% attack speed 


Increases caster's evasion and mobility by 15%. Reduces aggro gain by 20%

[Violet: Lvl 48]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Soul Eater]

Targets defeated by [Violet] summons, recover 10% of [Violet] missing HP & MP

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP [100]

[Summon Skeleton Knight]

Skill costs both HP & MP - Bestows summons [bone sword] [10]


To everyone who wished me happy birthday.

Thank you <3


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