Isekai Rohan

270 Full Moon

An hour into the battle. The human, half-elves and dark-elf were entirely exhausted. Violet had already emptied her stomach's contents upon the ground, her head spun as a pounding headache struck her mind. Chloe had did her utmost, her muscles filled with lactic-acid, refusing to answer her demands, Her fingertips bled from the continuous abuse, the bowstring now lined with blood.

The girls glanced around their surroundings. The undead-dwarves continued to maintain their bloodlust, maintaining their loud chants for battle as they continued to stomp and cheer. The undead, unlike the living, were full of vigour. Unaffected by any form of stamina negativity.

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Chloe


Mana Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Ranged Attack: +20%

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Robin


Health Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Mana Absorption: +10%

Damage Drop: +10%

Their accessories in conjunction with their enhanced bodies, buffered by the levels, stats and the multiple vials of potions they had consumed, carried the girls throughout the prolonged high-intensity battle.

However, at the end of the day. They were still beings that required rest and respite. Their muscles ached, whilst their hearts pounded away. Their minds faltered, as their concentration weakened.

The undead formation that held their ground steadily decreased. Their safe space, their sanctuary, continuously shrinking.


Asai emerged out of stealth amidst the girls. Down upon a knee, the man chugged another potion that barely benefitted him. Asai coughed as he choked upon the burning liquid. Glancing around, noticing their declining moral, and their increasingly bloodthirsty enemies. Asai had to wrack his brain for ideas.

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 83->84]

[HP: 125 MP:115]

[Title: Monster]

[Robin: Lvl 79->81]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.

[Chloe: Lvl 78->81]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]


Allows caster to control projectile flight path, at 6% of current mana per arrow.

[Violet: Lvl 48->62]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Damage drop -30%

[Sacrificial Rite]

Sacrifice summons to recover target maximum HP/MP/SP at 1% each unit.

Asai's brain took in the the new information swiftly, as he casted [Sealing Square] Separating the two forces, giving the living a moment to breath as the external undead now hammered and bashed their weapons against the red circle. Reduces its duration as Asai's mana stores struggled to support the skill.

Quick to inform the girls of their new skills. They didn't even need to be ordered, as they cast them.

[Saintess' Faith] applied everyone's weapons with the holy element. A razer sharp white glean glistened across Asai's [Ruin]. Asai glanced over to see pristine white, astral wings appear upon Robin's back as a holy cross appeared within her iris'.

Chloe, helplessly stepped back, as her skill actually didn't help their current predicament.

Violet wasn't told about her new [Masochist] skill. As the young duke believed it wasn't necessary. However, he did recognise the benefits of it. He had seen how she struggled to cope with the cycles of pain and healing her necromancy put her through, and how it nearly broke her mind. Thus, the [Masochist] skill was bestowed upon her to help alleviate such problems.

Casting her new [Sacrificial Rite] throwing her chips all in on Asai. All of her skeleton warriors and knights dematerialized, as Asai's condition renewed. His pale face brightened, his ragged breath calmed as his heart no longer pounded his ribcage. His mana refilled, as the red circle protecting them strengthened anew.

"You three, climb the statue, now!"

During battles, the man usually allowed them to follow their own intuition and battle sense. Thus, when he did give them orders, they knew to immediately act upon it. The man clearly had an idea or plan. Seeing as he now positioned himself in a low stance, surging his mana stores into his blessed weapon.

Chloe being the tallest, had Robin and Violet climb upon her shoulders to reach up high enough to climb. Her main-hand being injured, the two smaller girls had to yank her up.

Even during a moment of crisis, such as this one. Chloe observed the beautiful white feathers that made up Robin's two wings. And although they appeared full and soft, they remained transparent enough that her view was unobstructed.

The girl couldn't help but compare herself to Robin. Both her performance and appearance felt sorely lacking.

Violet, on the other hand only felt curiosity towards Robin's new wings. The opposite element towards hers, she wondered if she'd one day receive wings of death herself. And how majestic they would be.


Asai's muscles strained as he kept his blood thirsty blade steady. It rocked and vibrated, urging its owner to unsheathe it. However, Asai continued to course his mana into the weapon. A mixture of chaos and light now swam throughout the weapon. Chaos, ruin, bloodlust, divinity and pure holiness clashed and burned.


Perfectly timing the release, [Sealing Square] deactivated as there was no longer any mana left to support it.

The undead army immediately charged in to slaughter the lone human. The undead force knew that Asai was their strongest card, thus they ignored the girls, who would become sitting ducks, as they continued to climb the dragon statue.

????  [DECIMATE: FULL MOON]  ????

A radiant moon bloomed, its elegance sharp and precise. The surrounding wind blasted against the faces of his enemies. The kinetic energy carried upon the back of the magical element mercilessly returned the undead into eternal slumber as metal, wood and bone found themselves decimated.

The blade shattered upon finishing its 360 degree arc. The volatile energies continued to fly true as it sliced through all upon its path. Surging ever onwards, culling all that stood. All that didn't belong amidst the world of the living.

The dragon statue being the only thing unaffected, along with its new riders who hid upon its back. From their bird eye view, they ingrained the aesthetics of Asai's skill into their memories. Breathing a sigh of relief, as the undead force remained truly dead.

Asai Trichia, having truly spent his utmost. His mind weary, his mana depleted once more. His soul fatigued. Dropped onto his knees, before slamming his face into the dirt. Falling unconscious.

Robin was the first to immediately jump down, being the most athletic. She quickly ran on over to embrace her man. Reaching into her pouch to finding it empty, as her potion stock was also depleted. Looking back upon the two who slowly clambered down. Violet was quick to sacrifice her own health pools to summon her undead, and then immediately sacrificing her skeletons to heal Asai. Slowly returning the blood to his face.

However, as much as they tried to heal the man. His HP, MP and SP were actually full. Rather than on the physical realm, his very being was exhausted within the dimensions of his soul. Thus, only good old fashioned sleep would wake him.


Clarification for now. 


Divinity, appears as golden radiance. Deals bonus 20% damage to undead and creatures of evil origins (Monsters/Beasts)


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.


Holy, appears as a pristine radiance of white. Deals bonus 25%/15% true damage to undead, creatures of evil origins (Monsters/Beasts)

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.


Against targets that aren't listed. Like humans, elves, dhans and the dwarves. The bonus elemental damage isn't as effective, but still increases the weapon's potency. Such as buffing the density/integrity of the metal/leather weapon/armour.


Yes, they can stack. One is inflated damage, the other is true/RAW.

Inflated = damage that is reduced by enemy armour/defences.

True/RAW = damage that ignores enemy armour/defences. Directly damaging target health pool.

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