Isekai Rohan

271 – 霊界

In a world of surrealism, Asai found himself standing upon a vast green land. The grass gently swayed upon the spring breeze that carried the aroma of flowers. Far beyond the horizon, strolling in between the titanic mountains, a colossal deer and its family continued on. 

"Fucking hell, that thing is massive! I feel like an ant..."

Further observing his surroundings, he found a tree so large, that the human was unable to see the tree top that perched through the heavenly clouds. Upon the giant tree trunk, rivers of water fell upwards, towards its branches rather than down.

A swarm of fireflies flew over his position. Looking closely, Asai found the fireflies to have bodies of fish. Their bodies glowed whilst insect-like wings flapped upon their gills.

The more information Asai's brain took in from his surroundings, the less coherent he felt. His legs becoming numb, his mind spinning as he felt like puking, yet his stomach felt empty.

"That was a bloody good one boy." Impossibly appearing right before him was a dwarf. 

[???: Lvl ??]

"You're trying to guess who I am aren't you? That's simple man." The dwarf pointed towards his crown.

Upon regaining his bearing, shifting his attention and gaze away from the landscape, focusing it entirely upon the singular being before him. Asai's mind relaxed as he observed the dwarf. A thick looking crown, encrusted with numerous equally thick gems and diamonds adorned the man's head. A smartly trimmed, grizzly looking beard upon his chin. Thick eyebrows that although appearing wild and barbaric, strangely suited the man. 

The dwarf wore armour familiar to Asai. Considering how he had just spent hours battling his forces.

"Dwarven king Caronia?"

"Correct. Now, I'll assume you'll have many questions for me, but you honestly don't have the time. Heavens, you shouldn't even be here. This is the land of the dead. From here, we watch on over her descendants, and once we've seen enough, we move on to ♡̩̥̩  ♡̩̩̥͙  ♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤  ♡̩̥̩  ♡̩̩̥͙   ♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤-"

"-Stop, stop! I can't understand you. Whatever you're saying, it's only hurting my mind!" Asai clutched his head, as a headache began to pound within. 

The dwarven king scratched his chin. 

"Apologies young one. It seems you're not privy to such knowledge yet. Whelp! Anyways, Goddess Roha has asked me to reward you for clearing her trial."

"Wait, is Goddess Roha a dragon? Like the statue where we just fought?" "Does that mean Þrúðr the red border dragon is actually a goddess? Also, I'm really fucking glad this guy didn't pop out of nowhere and just start throwing fists. Goddess knows how many times I keep finishing one fight just to enter another..."

"Nay. The dragons are the god's and goddesses' avatars ♡̩̩̥͙ ♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤-"

"-Stop!" "Ugh..."

"Sorry lad. It's just been quite some time since I've spoken to someone. Can't help but have loose lips you see. Anyways. Your reward. Well, it's also my reward if I'm being honest with you. Here take this."

[Caronia's Spirit]

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Asai


[Call to Battle] Summon dwarven king Caronia's 1000 elites to battle.

Stats : 50% of caster level

"A little advice from me. Wear the ring, don't take it off. Only rally us to you if it's an actual war. If you summon us for some measly little skirmish, we won't even bother answering. What we care for is glorious battle. If it's not an army versus army, then don't even bother thinking about us. As thanks for our services, prepare enough kegs of booze to drown us in the beautiful substance.

Also, you don't have to worry about anyone going rogue, we're under a contract that's supervised by Roha herself. If any of my lads strays off path, starts to think with his little wee-wee instead of his brain, then you can be sure his soul would perish.

As king of the dwarves, you have my word that we will only battle to death, and drink ourselves to death."

A big fat smile appeared upon his grizzly face. Truly, Asai's reward was also a reward for the dwarves who refused to enter eternal slumber. More glorious battles and wars, to showcase their combat prowess upon the world and people, as well as an endless supply of booze supplied for doing something they already love doing.

Asai smiled, as he shook the man's rough hands in agreement.

Having a thousand strong dwarven army to call upon is too good to give up. If it only costed alcohol, something the young duke could easily afford.

"Lad, give it a go now, so they can meet their new employer. Mind you though, I'm still the king alright? Now and forever."

Asai nodded.

Funnelling his mana into the ring upon his finger, a golden gilded horn appeared within his grasp, and a thin golden crown appeared atop his head. Similar to how his [Inventory] worked, it seems the horn can only be stored within the dwarven king's ring. Upon release, both war horn and king's crown would instantly vanish, returning to their container.

Looking towards Caronia, seeing the man eagerly nodding, urging him to use it. Asai drew in his breath, the oxygen within his lungs mixed with tendrils of mana before entering the war horn.

The long blasting sound shook their eardrums, as a thousand dwarves materialized surrounding the king and duke. To Asai's surprise, they didn't appear as skeletal beings, but as if they were still part of the living realm. Healthy coloured flesh, skin and smiles were upon them, as they all looked around, cheering to finally having proven themselves worthy of receiving Roha's grace. A perpetual lifetime of battle now await them.

Once the war horn was blown and used, it returned to its storage ring, whilst the undecorated crown upon his head remained.


"That was a really fun work out huh boys?"

"Those beauties were as strong as they are hot-"

"You should've seen the way the ladies were checking me out! MWHAA-"

"Nonsense, their asses were too small! They won't bear healthy dwarven children with-"

"-Hey! The tall one with the bow was hotter than your mum bro!"

"What are you on about? They were all taller than us!"


When they all calmed down, and realised they were before their king. The man who had promised them eternal glory and honour. They all kneeled in unison. Lowering their heads towards both king and duke. In respect and appreciation they all renewed their vows of fealty upon their previous and new, king and lord.


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