Isekai Rohan

274 Rewards

Whilst the girls once again bathed, cleansing their gorgeous bodies of the sweat and cum.

Asai was inspecting the gilded war horn. Whilst he continued to trace his eyes upon the intricate design. He had completely forgotten about the one side effect of pulling out the instrument. The plain, golden crown that was atop his head was easily seen by the ladies. Their eyes widening in surprise, wondering as to what this meant.

"Was this Asai's declaration? To become more than just a duke, to become sovereign and king?"

"Are we really going to go conquer the northern kingdoms? Or will we build our own?"


Asai, being awfully tempted to run his tests and experiments. Bought the horn up towards his lips.

"Don't you fucking do it kid. I see no opponents within your proximity. I'll tell you this now, if you summon us as a joke, we will refuse to answer your call for a month!"

Dwarven king Caronia's voice could only be heard within Asai's mind. Upon hearing such a remark, he quickly shot down his curiosities. Changing his attention elsewhere. He watched as the three beauties emerged out of the water, wrapping their individual towels tightly against their bodies.

Asai presented them with fresh military gears to wear. Although Violet's pieces were still quite tight around her glutes and bosom.

"Bear with it for now. When we return to my duchy, I'll have your body measured." Violet simply nodded, taking the clothing that was tailor made for Robin's measurements.

Once everyone was once again clothed, and battle ready. Rather than diving down back into the sunken tunnels to exit. Asai approached the dragon statue that continued to loom over there.

"C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ."

The systematic voice boomed, filling the cavern as the water subsided. Seemingly entering into the ground, draining away. The stairs that led them in also drained. 

The abyssal black sphere that lingered within the jaws of the dragon, liquefied and dripped down before the party. Splashing into little pools of water, converging into three concentrations of energy before materializing, solidifying into three golden rings.

[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Robin


[Mithril Daggers]


[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Chloe


[Mithril Bow]


[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Violet


[Mithril Staff]



"Hey, what about me?" 


Asai tried, but as he figured, he was unable to even touch the golden rings. However, his eyes continued to feel a tad bit jealous, knowing the three of them received weapons made out of the legendary material, mithril. A mineral known to be a beautiful silver, harder than tempered steel, and having the ability to empower the mana its user imbued it with. 

If he were to compare, when funnelling mana into an old iron sword. The iron filled with its numerous impurities would dampen and interfere with the mana-flow. Mithril, being near perfection, allowed the mana to efficiently flow and fill.

Thinking about [Yomi & Yami] and [Ruin] 

"What are my weapons made of anyway? Adamantine? But isn't adamantine supposedly unbreakable?"

Asai's conjecture was close to correct. Mithril being the metal that harnesses magical energies incredibly efficiently. Adamantine, whilst being unbreakable due to external forces. Was weak towards Asai's constant abuse with mana, specifically due to Asai's magical energy being filled with conflicting properties. 

Asai Trichia being born half human, half dhan. Mostly inherited his dhan lineage of skills and traits. Receiving skills that are inherently dark, whilst fuelled with divinity, naturally had his weapons the objects that kept and held the magical energies prior to activation, struggled. 

As much as Asai had worried about his literal God-given weapons breaking. [Yomi & Yami] would naturally regenerate its sharpness and mass over time. [Ruin]'s reset was the instant version of the natural recovery process of the weapons. Thus, the girls didn't have to worry about their weapons ever breaking and forever becoming unusable. Something they won't learn about until much later.


The girls, upon wearing their new accessories had the new information inject into their memories just as their skills did. 

Now having their own personal dimensional storage, Asai would hard stock them with rations and potions. However, upon trying to stuff them full. Violet, with the lowest mana stat was the first to voice her concern. As her storage ring became filled, she found her usable mana lessen. Thus, they only deigned themselves to carrying the essentials within their rings.

"So, unlike my [Inventory] their [Storage] rings basically store the items within their mana heart? So is it like a private dimension, that's filled with our mana?"

Asai's own [Inventory] was surely broken, and unbalanced. The girls realising the difference between their dimensional storages. Looked over to the man, who personally wore multiple rings himself. As camouflage, Asai would actually wear additional rings, to bluff and to hide the fact that his [Inventory] appeared so massive.


[The Queen's Gift]

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Vena's Friend


-10% Mana costs upon skill usage

[Overhaul] Appearance change to elven

was still worn upon his finger, but his appearance remained that of a human. After fumbling around with the ring, he found that he could trigger it by intent. Thus, there was no need to continuously take it on and off. Especially when he wanted to make use of its -10% mana cost effect.


Robin spun her two new beautifully designed daggers. They almost appeared ceremonial, unbefitting for battle. Yet, when she tested them upon rock, she easily sliced through the hard stone material. Testing out a trick she had seen Asai perform during battles.

She threw both daggers, allowing them to fly true until her intent triggered their return. Instantly returning them into her grasp. 


Chloe, also quick to test her new mithril bow, fired her [Kael's Arrow] upon the cavern walls. The strain upon her muscles, and especially her fingers lightened so much, that her firing speed hastened. 

"Amazing..." She couldn't help but voice.

Bows, being a weapon unfavoured within this world, naturally had less weapon smiths working and developing them. Thus, she was forced to utilize low quality bows. Even with Asai's influence and coffers, she was unable to find anything decent. Thus, this new heavenly weapon was most welcome, as tears of joy dripped down her cheeks.


Violet was praying, thanking the heavens for their boons. Insanely glad that she had made the decision to join Asai Trichia on his journey. Truly, he was her hero. The girl thought back to how her own kingdom had forsaken her to some backwater village, and how she had grown and progressed so quickly that if it personally didn't happen to her, she would believe it all to be a lie.

Within her grasp, rather than what she was expecting. Like the ones she had seen back in the Ignis kingdom. Her mithril staff was beautifully designed, like an upside down longsword. It's edges were entirely blunt, allowing her dainty hands easy hold over it. Upon the edges of the pommels, two tear like black gems dangled.

As a woman, Violet clearly loved her staff more than all others. The aesthetic design, the smooth and clean appearance. 


The girl ran over, throwing herself into Asai's embrace. Rubbing her face, tears of joy and snot upon his tunic.

"Thank you Asai! I knew I wouldn't regret following you. ♡"

Within the comforts of his arms, she thought back to the staffs she had seen on display. The gruesome skull-top wooden sticks. The blood soaked grimoires, and even necklaces crafted from elven bones. It was said that the closer to death the catalysts were, the better. However, her own mithril staff said otherwise. Within her grip, she could clearly feel it embrace her mana. Allowing her to will her summons into reality easily.

No longer would Asai have to bleed for her to be useful.

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