Isekai Rohan

275 Recap

Since the party ended up wasting so much time engaging in sexual intercourse. They were forced to retire for the day once more.

Returning to the abandoned mines, the spacious area they had left their previous set up. They quickly ignited the campfire, heating up a pot of holy water. Various meat and vegetables plopped in, to slowly cook.

Asai bought out ale to sip upon. Trying his utmost to withhold himself from consuming heavier substances. Whilst waiting for their meal to cook. Asai was about to enter another one of this deep-dives. To analyse and ponder upon his actions and choices. The consequences and results, whether he made his choices upon rationalism or idealism. 

Violet, being none the wiser helped herself to his glass.

"Asai. If you don't mind me asking. Why do you surround yourself with only women? Even back then, it was just Rosemi, then those two dhans? and now its Robin and Chloe? Is there a particular reason?" Violet, innocently asked.

Robin and Chloe, although having a small inclination towards why, were also curious to hear it from the man himself. Thus, they too poured themselves a cup to join in their conversation.

After a moment of thinking.

"I... It's not that I surround myself with only women deliberately. It's more of an unconscious thought, or so I believe. If anything, it's more or less because of something as simple as trust." His black eyes, gazed into theirs one after the other. Feeling their sincerity and attention, he continued.

"It might sound ridiculous to you, but although I am supposedly a mighty duke. I suffer from trust issues. In the past, I have naively believed people would naturally stick around. That I was special, and before I was special, that the people around me would grow and be there with me.

However, as both mind and body matured. I came to realise how naïve I was. People I considered strong, died. Someone who popped out of nowhere to save me multiple times, helped me gain power and strength, left. I spent half a year to find someone I thought was important to me. After finding her, in the end, she only left me again. It seems whatever sentiments I had towards her, she didn't share them."

Asai's eyes landed upon Robin's. The half-elf knew he was referring to Mel. The two thought back to her untimely demise.

"It is out of my distrust for people to be loyal to me. That I surround myself with you three, and Rosemi included. I feel that we have a connection stronger than blood, that keeps us together. And that, no matter how much time, resource and energy I spend with and on you guys. At the end of the day, you wouldn't willingly leave me. It just happens that the four of you are women. So, not by choice, but perhaps by fate or destiny if you believe in such a thing.

As for Clam, Gary. And perhaps Lucas and Marvin, whom I could've easily recruited into my fold. At the end of the day, they too are men. And they will one day branch off, to have a wife and child, a family of their own. Their loyalties may stand strong and true for now, but if ever the case arises. I assure you, as men, we will prioritize our families over others.

I admit it, I am a selfish man. I want people to remain loyal to me, so that my trust in them will forever remain worth it.

We have a long life ahead of us. And I can only hope that at the end of our long journey, we would still be together."

"HEY HEY LAD! You can place your trust in me one hundred and twenty percent! Our contract is supervised by Goddess Roha herself! There's simply no way we'll ever betray you. We simply can't! So add us into your numbers of trustees. One thousand and six trustees sounds pretty darn good if I say so myself! PWHAHA" King Caronia's voice boomed.

"Robin, I love you. And I hope that you'll forever remain by my side, as much as I will try to be by yours."

"Chloe, I consider you to be one of my lovers. Someone I hold dearly and important. So, please look after your health and accompany us."

"Violet, although our time together is short. I see you in an irreplaceable light. For whatever plans I have in store for our future. I say with certainty that I need your assistance."

Robin, had zero doubts as to her position within his life. Thus, she gave him a deep kiss before tending to their meal.

Chloe, her heart was nervous and unsettled, believing herself to be the most useless amongst his women. Thus, hearing that he held her dearly, and that her feelings were met. She shrugged off whatever worries she had of being abandoned or left behind. Especially when Asai had literally picked her up, and then simply dumped her upon Robin. Leaving to Via Marea. Glancing over towards Asai, Robin and Violet.

"This new family of mine. I'll cherish it!"

Violet, although not yet fallen in love with the man. As she prioritised her future over her feelings. Felt a certain spark within her heart, as it skipped a beat. 

"I'm irreplaceable? Back in the kingdom, I was a dime amongst a dozen. Yet, in the eyes of someone as powerful and kind as him. I'm irreplaceable? Mother! I did it!"

Violet, personally was prepared to cling to the man's legs, if he ever tried to leave her behind. Duke Asai Trichia was simply the ideal candidate to marry. Even if she wasn't the main wife. She foresaw a future where her children would without a doubt, be well fed, clothed, and cared for.


Robin, with her blind faith towards Asai. Never even bothered to come up with any back-up plans. She idealistically believed that Asai simply wouldn't forsaken her. 

Chloe, a person who constantly wondered whether she was right or wrong. Required a more emotional connection. Thus, she continued to further seek his comfort, warmth and words of affection to settle her mind and heart.

Violet, honestly didn't care if Asai only kept her around for her body. Amongst so many powerful ladies, she knew better than to desperately compete. Thus, as much as the man enjoyed her body, she too enjoyed his. If ever a day, a prince or a king came to propose to her. She would for sure decline. Having spent enough time and energy with Asai. Creating as many memories and scenarios of trust as possible.

She honestly felt that she could trust him. In addition, her mother once told her that men of high prestige placed great value on the virginity of young-maidens. Thus, Duke Asai, having taken her purity, and having promised her back in Ignis, to take responsibility for her well-being. Placed absolute trust in the man. As much as Violet tried to think and care only about the end result, she naturally couldn't help but enjoy and desire a better process.

Observing the man's handsome aesthetics.

"Mother never taught me what love felt like, but I hope that one day, I'll fall genuinely in love with him."


[Asai Trichia: Lvl 85]

[HP: 125 MP:115]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Active Skills:]


Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 15 levels higher.

[Death Call]

Brings an opponent within a 5 meter distance to your feet and paralyze it for 2 seconds.

[Double Psychic Phantom/Annihilate]

Additional 200% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

[Phantom Menace]

Summon two phantoms 50% of caster level

[Lingering Shadow]

Leaves a phantom after image after skill usage

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP. Maximum [25]

[Knife Throw]

Additional 40% damage added to your Dart Attacks.



[Passive Skills:]

[Sword Saint]

Lumix bloodline: +20% attack speed, damage, accuracy and critical rate when wielding a sword

[Sword and Dagger Mastery]

50% boost in Dagger and One Handed Sword damage


+20% damage against [Living] targets. Kills regain 10% of missing stamina.

[David & Goliath]

15% of damage dealt against larger targets changed to true damage


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.


When in stealth additional 50% effect

[Mental Fortitude]

Pain tolerance +50% effect. Mental debuff durations -50%


Damage drop -20%


Potion consumption effect +10%


Immune to bacteria, viruses, disease and toxins


Stamina, health points and endurance increased +10

[Robin's Desire]

15% Pain & DMG transferred to [Robin] When within 20m

[Delicious essence]

Your essence now tastes sweet.


Alcohol tolerance +40%


Ignite strong sexual urges within target

[Maestro's Touch]

Target sensitivity during intimacy increased +10

[Loha's Blessing]

Royal Blood now flows through your veins.

[Chloe's Faith]

Targets that willingly consume your essence +10 loyalty

[Vena's Friend]

Citizens of Via Marea + 10 likeability


Lifespan increased to [607.5] Aging greatly decelerated [Youth] Greatly extended.

Asai [Inventory]

[Ring of Prodigious Power]

Level Requirement: 15

Requirements: None


+15 All stats

+10 Melee Attack

EXP Gain +100%

[Caronia's Spirit]

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Asai


[Call to Battle] Summon dwarven king Caronia's 1000 elites to battle.

Stats : 50% of caster level

[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest]

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Kill score [1000/1000]


+35 Strength

+35 Dexterity

+25 Agility

+50 Melee Attack

Sneak attack +200% DMG

[Yomi & Yami]

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Asai



Kills regain 5% maximum health

Kills regain 10% maximum mana

Kills regain 10% maximum stamina

Night: Double effect.


Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Asai


[Reset] Blade condition resets upon sheathe

[Decimate] 80% of caster's normal attack to AOE zone

: Full Moon / Half Moon

[The Queen's Gift]

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Vena's Friend


-10% Mana costs upon skill usage

[Overhaul] Appearance change to elven

[Robin: Lvl 82]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


70% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 80% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 30 meter radius for 60 seconds.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.

[Chloe: Lvl 82]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Bow Mastery]

20% boost in Bow and arrow damage. +20% maximum range

[Kael's Quiver]

Summon Kael's arrow at 1% of maximum mana expires after 60 seconds


Electricity element added to attack. Additional 120% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Siege Shot]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 100% ranged attack

[Tempest Stance]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 200% attack speed 


Increases caster's evasion and mobility by 15%. Reduces aggro gain by 20%


Allows caster to control projectile flight path, at 6% of current mana per arrow.

[Violet: Lvl 65]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Soul Eater]

Targets defeated by [Violet] summons, recover 10% of [Violet] missing HP & MP

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP [100]

[Summon Skeleton Knight]

Skill costs both HP & MP - Bestows summons [bone sword] [10]


Damage drop -30%

[Sacrificial Rite]

Sacrifice summons to recover target maximum HP/MP/SP at 1% each unit.


Robin [Storage]

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Robin


Health Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Mana Absorption: +10%

Damage Drop: +10%

[Copper Ring of strength]

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Robin


[Mithril Daggers]


Chloe [Storage]

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Chloe


Mana Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Ranged Attack: +20%

[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Chloe


[Mithril Bow]


[Trian Ring of Dexterity]

Level Requirement: 25



+7 Vitality

+7 Dexterity

+10 Ranged attack

Violet [Storage]

[Bedron Ring] 

Level Requirement: 75

Requirements: Violet


[Mithril Staff]


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