Isekai Rohan

276 Siblings

The next day, Asai and his party left the abandoned mines. 

Out of curiosity, the young-duke was about to order Violet, to summon her skeletons. And to see whether or not they could carry them upon their backs. Although he imagined it to be hilariously stupid, and undignified. The thought of saving energy might be worth the hassle.

However, before he could do so.

"Your Grace! It's good to see you again!"

[Jin: lvl 50]

Jin, the elven-knight from Via Marea was approaching. Behind him was his own personal army.

"Jin, good to see you again. Last time I saw you, was right before the mountain border right? How's the poison fog?"

"Ah! You remembered my name... Your Grace, I regret to inform you that the poisonous fog remains a menace to the people of Via Marea. Your Monarch has sent a force of two thousand to reinforce the defences before the mountain pass. And, in accordance to our alliance. I am now here before you with 2000 elven knights for you to command."

Asai's eyes widened in astonishment.

"2000? Plus my 1000 dwarven warriors, and Violet and I's undead summons. I now have the necessary man power to enter enemy territory."

"2000 is no small number. If your men require any additional tents, rations or weapons. Do inform me."

"Your Grace, please take this. It is a map drawn by your kingdom's scouts. You have orders from your monarch to conquer and annex the castle marked. I was originally going to defend Thrud Castle, but upon meeting a fellow elven warrior who went by the name of Leslie. I learned of your position. And thus, I believed it would be more fun to follow you into battle than it is to cower behind walls.

I only marched out to meet you, due to the numerous rumours of monsters and beasts. However, during my march here, I am ashamed to say I have come across no such dangers."

Looking at the map, it seemed Asai had no choice but to travel pass Prince Victor's camp once more, to attack a nearby castle.

Glancing back towards Goddess Roha's statue, beyond the horizon. The man bowed deeply in appreciation for her boons.


Jin gave the girls a quick glance, and began to wonder whether the duke was actually a half-elf himself. As his men turned around, and began their march back. He prayed once more for monsters and beasts to appear. For there to be entertainment, slaughter and bloodshed to be had.

"I've travelled far from home, through an entire kingdom, only to stroll through the lands and not experience a single battle? What is this crap? I even travelled out of the castle just to find the duke. Yet there are no monsters to fight? Goddess Marea, please~ Please send some monsters my way!"


Thrud Castle

Since Prince Victor had pulled his 1000 strong paladin corps back into the castle. Leaving the frontlines to a random noble to defend. The prince had been waiting for his forces to gather and accumulate. The nobles who had answered his call didn't personally attend. As they had their own territories to run. However, they still sent their footmen and levies. Thus, Prince Victor now had a personal force of 7000 all huddling within the keep, all being put through a quick crash course, training under the templars, to prepare for battle.

Whilst Victor was seated upon a couch. Istvan loyally guarded his right, as Daisy was currently away, personally preparing one of Victor's favourite dishes.

The door to his study suddenly erupted into pieces of wooden shrapnel.

Istvan quick to draw his blade, stood before his prince as the intruder entered with a gait.

Queen Victoria Del Lagos strolled in, backhanding the blade with her gauntlets, smashing the metal. And then following with another slap across the templar's face. Sent the man flying into the next couch.

Victoria placed one foot in between Victor's legs. Crushing into the soft leather, out cold.

"Brother, do you know why I am here?"

Prince Victor's mind began to spin. "Wasn't she trapped? What about duke Jeffrey? What's-"

"Victor. I am here because my agents tell me, you've been a fucking shitty brother. A bad boy who needs to be punished!"

As much as Victor tried to struggle, Victoria's inhuman strength overpowered him. Flipping him over, presenting his bare bottom to Her Majesty, who pulled out a small soft, weak cotton paddle. Usually, the tool would be made from leather. However, taking Victoria's strength into consideration. The innocently weak material slumped like a limp dick.

Victoria rose her hand, and with the soft, delicate, pink paddle. She spanked the prince, immediately garnering a yelp from the man as tears filled his eyes.





"Mustering an army to kidnap your own sister? What kind of sick bastard are you!?"


Prince Victor, unable to withstand the punishment, pain and disgrace. Climaxed, as his sperm flew upon the floor. His mind filled with confusion, joy and pain failed to comprehend his current predicament. Refusing to do so, the man fainted.

"Fucking useless. I can't believe I had to come out here to stomp your little rebellion out."

She glanced down to her hand to find the cotton paddle being of just a few pieces of string, damaged beyond repair. Back to her brother's pale ass. The man had cuts and bruises, long papercut like wounds covered his butt.

"Goddess Loha! I'm overworked I'm telling you!"

Victoria knew, that if she had sent someone else as her proxy, or even a small force. Her idiotic brother would've lit a fire that would cripple the kingdom pointlessly. Thankfully, her agents reported that apart from Victor's small elites. No one else knew the exact reason, for their sudden call to arms.

Thus, Queen Victoria would spin the narrative, into one where Prince Victor was a humbled man, no longer spearheading problems alone. He know knew to rely upon the others, calling for their aid so that once this foreign threat passes. All military merits shall be shared upon the households that contributed.

For the nobles, obtaining easy military merit and achievements via proxy. Being their footmen, soldiers and levies. Was a bargain deal. Especially when the words came from both Prince and Queen.


Daisy at this point entered. Shocked to find her prince charming unconscious. However, under the mighty aura and gaze of Her Majesty Victoria. She was quick to kneel and beg for forgiveness on His Highness's behalf.

Victoria scoffed upon this sight.

"Tell Victor he has new orders. Whilst Duke Trichia conquers the foreign castles, he is to send his men to garrison them. If he loses any of the fortifications Duke Trichia annexes for us, tell him I will personally visit him again. 

However, the next time I am forced to step foot out of my castle, I will bring a horse whip!"

Having said her piece, she swiftly turned and left.


Goddess Loha desired further battles between species, to pit her children against Craut's, not some childish infighting. Thus, the goddess of wisdom decided to permit Victoria's short leave from her station, the throne.


Of course, the divine beings can always make exceptions. Under a trade.

For something as significant as entering another Goddess' domain, interrupting her war, and saving a prince. Godfrey had to trade his life.

For something as insignificant as slapping some sense into her fallen sibling. Who currently used his dick more than his brain, Victoria had to donate a few thousand silvers into the various church's fountains.

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