Isekai Rohan

279 Dekan

Prince Victor, adorned in full plate armour, accepted the dekan's challenge.

Making his way down the stairs of the 2nd wall. He mounted his mighty steed, as 700 templars mounted theirs behind him. Istvan took his place besides the prince, as his shield and sword, the man would endeavour to remain within the man's shadow.

Victor glanced back, noticing the missing 300.

"Men. I don't know much about you, but personally, I do enjoy fishing. And, the way I see it, there's a bunch of overgrown fish beyond this gate waiting for us to gut them. Thus, I hope you're hungry, because we'll be eating sushi tonight!"

Signalling to the soldiers within the gatehouse, the large wooden doors opened, allowing the templars to march out. The horses the men rode upon were the elite of the elite, being personally funded by a royal prince, even the horses were afforded steel barding.

Thus, the 700 strong cavalry galloped out, steadily increasing their speed as they crushed the smaller lizardmen under their heavy mass. As the war horses did their part, the templars who rode upon them fired concentrated volleys. Slaughtering all that ran through the 3rd gate.

As Prince Victor personally entered the battle with his elites. The common foot soldiers and knights continued to fight for their lives. Blood and gore splashed and spilled upon the masses, as steel and stone chipped and broke. As roars and shouts echoed throughout, the templar's skills crashed and erupted into both flesh and stone. 

The lucky few, who were injured but managed to crawl back into the safety of the 2nd wall, were immediately treated by medics. Whilst the common soldier was only afforded disinfectant and bandages, knights who were borderline nobility were provided with HP potions.

As much as a common solider would usually be filled with envy, for once, they were happy for the lower treatment. Whilst they would remain far too injured to re-join the fight. The knights who received HP potions, which literally mended their wounds were expected to immediately re-join the battle.

Thankfully, for Thrud Castle and it's inhabitants. Prince Victor's previous call to arms, and reinforcement sent from the numerous old nobility. Now reinforced the keep with 7000 able men.

However, as numerous as the humans were. The lizards also attacked with a never-ending fervour as their numbers continued to surge in relentlessly.

"Just how fucking many are there!?" One knight exclaimed.


An hour into the battle. Prince Victor inspected the battlefields once more. The dekan had been out of sight, ever since he entered the fields. Perhaps the enemy was waiting for his elite force to tire themselves. However, thanks to [Group Euphoria] and also [Horsemanship] working in union, both templar and steed were brimming with health and stamina.

Thousands upon thousands of bodies lay cold upon the stone. Yet, thousands of lizardmen continued to screech and roar, as they continued their suicide charge. 

"Your Highness, over there!" Istvan pointed towards the fourth wall. Caron, the dekan stood upon a broken Del Lagos flag. Within his hand were the legs of a human. Caron had been enjoying the show, whilst snacking on a fresh meal. Blood and saliva dripped from his fangs, as Prince Victor and Caron made eye contact.

Ushering his horse onwards, the templars quickly barged through hundreds of lizardmen. Upon entering a small clearing, close to the stairs. Five hundred dhans emerged out of stealth. All casting their bread and butter skills.

hundreds of exotic looking warriors all vaulted in unison. [Psychic Phantom] Slammed into the flanks of the templars. Both horse and man fell, collapsing and smashing upon the stone.

Within seconds, hundreds of [Sealing Square]s emerged, trapping and segregating the templars into their own individual fights to the death.


The dhans chanted, whilst Caron continued to enjoy both the snack and the show.

The battlefield now shifting. Whilst knights and soldiers fought against beasts, the templars found themselves fighting opponents their own size. The slippery bastards kept dipping in and out of sight, forcing the templars to perform at their utmost within their individual skirmishes and duels.

The tip of the paladin corps, the templars at the forefront. Prince Victor himself, Istvan and his captains continued on. The only opponent within their sight was Caron.

Whilst the others couldn't see it. Within Victor's eyes, due to his many passive abilities, in which he collected from the many women of his kingdom. The prince could see, with every bite, every chunk of flesh the dekan consumed. The dragonkin grew in both strength and physical size. Absorbing both mana and mass instantly.

"Your Highness! What are your orders!?" Shouted Istvan. The loyal templar desperately wanted to turn back, to help the men who had followed him for years, through thick and thin.

"The sooner we kill that thing, the better!" Victor also shared his sentiments. However, he knew better than to let the dekan eat as he pleased.

[Loha's Mace] ! 

Victor fired his divine hammer overhead, slamming into the chest of Caron. Anything, to disturb his meal.

Although the skill had struck the dragonkin directly upon its skin. The wounded flesh mended itself within seconds as Caron simply took another bite. Finishing its current snack, the dekan began to search for the next corpse.

"Fuck! Bombard the cunt! Now!"

Volleys upon volleys of magical hammers slammed into Caron's vicinity. Staggering the dragonkin, whilst also ruining the castle wall. Caron fell, landing just before the prince and his cavalry charge, who instantly took it upon themselves to charge at the man.

[Forefoot Swing]!

A skill invisible to all others, but to Victor due to one of his many skills. Shot forth from the dekan's foot. Slamming into Istvan's horse, slaughtering the mighty animal as its rider was flung away. The horses, instinctively avoided the dragonkin, afraid of the beast, that clearly stood above them within the food chain. And as much as their riders urged, they refused to face Caron. Thus, Prince Victor and his bravest men dismounted to engage in melee.

Caron, seemingly pleased with their choice.

"I am Caron. Servant to his Lord and Majesty, King Dacate. Human, announce yourself, so I may remember who I'm about to eat!"

Caron stood menacingly, flexing his muscles, as his long lingering claws scratched upon the stone floor.

"Prince Victor Del Lagos, the sword of humanity.

Caron, do tell me. Do you dekans taste like raw fish? Or fried lizard? And also, what part of your body is most nutritious? Our allies, the elves, they love eating meat you see..."

Clearly not bothered to chat, the two warriors shot towards each other.

A ferocious claw clashed against mighty steel, as both human and dekan roared into their opponent's face.



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