Victor Del Lagos repelled and dodged claw after claw, as he landed strike after strike upon Caron's chest. Blood and scales flew and cut, as wounds compounded upon his torso.

Dodging a bite to his shoulder, Victor fired a point blank [Loha's Mace] that slammed down from above, smashing the dekan's head, forcing it to lower close enough for Victor to cut his reptilian eye.

The match was closely even it appeared. Whilst Victor healed his wounds and stamina through life steal. Caron would commit auto-cannibalism with any of his many fingers to heal, whenever he couldn't land any blows upon the templars that circled around him.

As much as the templar captains wanted to assist their lord and prince, they were sorely lacking in skill and speed when compared to Victor. Who was overpowered by hundreds of skills. Something in which they still continued to believe was the result of Goddess Loha's blessing. 

Caron continued to wildly swing, ensuring his mighty tail was attacking and defending his rear side, whilst his claws fended against the human prince.

"Compared to that elven queen, you fight like a new born goblin!" Seeing as the dekan refused to reply to personal insults. Victor dug a little deeper.

"Dacate, King of the overgrown fishes, does he also fight like a piece of shit? I'll be honest, I was expecting more of a challenge from you fishmen."

Insulting him personally, nothing new. The society in which the dekans prevailed in was a dog eat dog world. Not for the weak minded. However, insulting his king and sovereign?

Rage and wrath filled his mind with cruelty. His claws struck without caring about his defences. His maws lunged and chomped wildly, and if Victor dodged, then Caron would take massive bites out of his men instead. Reducing the templars furthermore as more dhans cast their [Death Call] and [Sealing Square] to isolate the human prince.

Now that Caron's tail was freed up from playing defence, the elastic like limb snapped forward, catching Victor off-guard. The dekan taking its chance leapt, slamming his mass upon the human, Victor's sword managed to pierce through the dragonkin chest, lodging itself between his ribs. But the larger foe, with his size and mass was crushing him into the stone ground, uncaring of the blade within him.

With no more subordinates to pester him, Caron enjoyed his meal. Slamming his fists upon the royal prince. Cracks and crevices appeared upon the ground below. 

Caron, towering about the beaten human, allowed his drool, mixed with blood to drip upon the human's helm. Seeping through the gaps among the metal.

"Ah~ I love that flavour, so delectable, I love it when you things feel fear." Attempting to increase the flavour, Caron dug his long sharp nails into Victor's shoulder. Entering just under the shoulder plates. As the prince's blood covered his claw, Caron gave it a lick.

"I guess, you will never know what I taste like, but I sure do know how tasty your kind is!"

Caron stretched his long draconic neck out, towering above Victor. His maws opened so wide, the skin upon his cheeks began to rip as his dastardly breath of both rotten and raw meat exhaled upon the human who helplessly laid below.

"Goddess Loha, for all my years of loyal servitude, your humble servant begs thee, don't forsake him now!" Victor Del Lagos, with both years of battle experience and his passives that solidified his conviction and courage, fearlessly gazed into the maws of the dragonkin.

Caron's head slammed down upon Victor's head, the long reptilian neck snapped as it went down.

Seconds passed as Victor continued to gaze into Caron's throat. The weight upon his body lessened, as the dekan fell aside.

A human foot clad in black leather booted the severed head off the prince's helm.

"Your Highness, Goddess Loha sends her greetings." Duke Asai Trichia stood towering above the prince, smiling whilst pouring vials of high quality HP potions upon his wounds. As Victor regained his movement, he sat up to take in his new conditions.

The hundreds of [Sealing Square]s scattered across the battlefields were deleted by a dozen holy swords, that flew rapidly throughout. Courtesy of Robin's [Holy Testimony]

At the sudden loss of their arenas and mana, Chloe, like a human minigun decimated the dhans who were caught with their pants down. Out of their element, out of stealth, the assassins were sitting ducks. 

Chloe's arrows flew true, curving and slithering through allies to hit their marks.

"TWO IN ONE DAY! YEAAAAAA BOYYYYYY!-" A thousand dwarves charged through, slaughtering the lizardmen. Any that were too tall for the smaller men, had their legs hacked and cut through like tree-trunks.

"Whoever kills more gets more booze!-"

"For booze! For food! For glory!!-"

"Your Highness, the 5th and 4th wall has been retaken. Our elven allies are currently defending them now." Duke Trichia glanced around. His own [Sealing Square] ensured no harm came upon the two men. Before Victor could wonder why the duke wasn't personally fighting. He noticed the man's fatigue, and his attire that was completely drenched through in blood. Evidence of a previous battle.

Taking the duke's hand, the prince stood. Sighing in relief, as his personal templars appeared alright. Hundreds were injured, but as long as they survived, to return home to their families. Victor was content.

"Duke Trichia, thank you for your timely arrival."

Duke Trichia simply saluted the prince, before casting his gaze back towards the battle that was concluding.

Whatever notions the prince had on Asai, immediately changed. Within Prince Victor's eyes, the young duke appeared to be blessed, brimming with the same divinity that coursed through his own heart and veins.

Unbeknownst to His Highness, it was one of Asai's skills.

[Loha's Blessing]

Royal Blood now flows through your veins.

Thus, Victor couldn't help but feel kinship, as if he were reuniting with one of his long-lost brothers.

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