Isekai Rohan

281 Aftermath

Within the confines of Thrud Castle. A war council was being held. The hall filled with royalty, nobles, knights, vassals and also the ambassadors from Via Marea continued to discuss and exchange their newly gained information.

The newest appearance of their foes. Both dekans and dhans were now being dissected and analysed for weaknesses.

Courtesy of Duke Trichia, the humans now believed the neck to be the dragonkin's weak spot. However, the man himself knew better as he voiced his opinion.

"Although I managed to sever the dekan's neck in one strike. I believe it was only possible as Caron's neck was outstretched, thus reducing his defences as the scales upon his skin became thinner. As swordsmen, I believe you'd understand what I mean, when I say with certainty that if his neck was as per usual. I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to penetrate it." 

"I concur. I am of the same opinion as Duke Trichia. I have dealt numerous strikes and blows upon our newest foe. Yet, his scales kept regenerating. His face, head, neck, claws and tail were absurdly dense. Only upon his torso and stomach was I able to deal any noticeable damage. Thus, I believe we should view them in the same light as Armadillos. Having armoured heads and backs, but soft bellies." Prince Victor added his opinion upon the dukes. With a prince adding his input, no one dared to scrutinize the young-duke's word.

During the prince's duel against the dekan. Thanks to [Group Euphoria] something in which the dhans had no knowledge of. Victor was actually constantly healing his templars even within their own duels. Even the normal soldiers who fought against the lizards benefitted from his aura. Thus, humanity suffered much lesser casualties, thanks to Victor's presence upon the fields of battle.

However, as much as the prince was breaking his back, carrying his species. They all credited such miracles to Goddess Loha. Who was more than happy to receive and absorb the extra prayers, designated to her religion.

Istvan, personally wasn't paying much attention to the meeting and sharing of information. His gaze was fixated upon Asai's growing party. Being filled with only beauties, who within Istvan's eyes, were exotic.


As the conversation strayed off-path. Towards discussions on how best to utilize current supplies and resources. Asai was replaying the events within his mind.

A little slower, and the prince of Del Lagos would've been a dekan's dinner. Asai knew that Victor had mostly been hostile towards him. Not directly, but against his agenda and political stance. However, allowing someone as powerful as Victor perish, especially so early on would no doubt increase his own workload. And, as a man who desired nothing more than to rest once more. Saving the prince, achieving military merits and also having the prince owe him a favour was indeed the ideal choice.

Hopefully, the man was mature enough to understand that, at the end of the day, they were both on the same side. Fighting for humanity's survival.

[Victor Del Lagos: Lvl 88]  [Istvan: Lvl 72]  [Daisy: Lvl 18]

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 87]  [Robin: Lvl 84]  [Chloe: Lvl 84]  [Violet: Lvl 69]

[Jin: lvl 54]

Inspecting the elites of humanity's levels. Asai found most templars to be hovering around levels 50-60. Which was definitely a welcome sight. 

When Asai's gaze lingered upon the prince, although the man was only a level above him. He felt that Victor himself was stronger, or perhaps more skilled than what the system quantified. 

"Maybe he's just like Arthur. Over geared as fuck."

Thinking back towards Caron, the dekan. Asai was honestly glad, he had caught the dragonkin off-guard. Hidden within stealth, abusing [Hide] as the enemy didn't seem to expect their enemies to also have stealth at their disposal. Asai was lucky to catch the dekan's hand within the cookie jar.

"If a swordsmen, built and trained for single combat struggled to best the level 75 dekan. How would someone like me, a rogue-assassin fighter fare?"


The discussion soon shifted to another point of importance. Whether to attack the hostile kingdoms or not. And whilst one half of the room advocated for another invasion, against two kingdoms. The other more level-headed faction decided the decision to be too great for them to decide alone. 

Thus, within an hour of passive-aggressive arguing. The men decided to postpone the decision until Queen Victoria Del Lagos was notified. In hopes that, their new found allies would also commit to their war front. Tipping the scales into a two versus two. This delay, also allowed the rest of the kingdom to muster their arms and men.

As such, Duke Trichia, who thought he would be spending the next few months living within the deadlands, thanks to his orders to conquer the castles within Varvylon. Suddenly found himself being sent back to Trichia Duchy instead. To govern his lands, to build his army and to restock upon supplies.


Prince Victor Del Lagos volunteered himself and his paladin corps, to remain behind, defending Thrud Castle until the kingdom of humanity was better prepared. Jin and his elven forces decided to remind within the keep. Preferring battle over sitting around touring the human kingdom. Especially after their pride was somewhat hurt, due to her abysmal performance prior.


As it was clear to the humans, that their enemies were no longer just beasts and monsters, but also the dhans and dekans. Who had the ability to command the horrible beasts, in great numbers.

One thing for sure, was that the humans holding Thrud Castle would be feasting and dining upon lizard meat for months to come.

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