Isekai Rohan

288 Training

Currently, Duke Trichia stood before a wooden training dummy. The twins, as well as Miku were watching by the side lines. Within the duke's hand was [Ruin] held up high in an overhead stance.

[Skill Unlocked:]

[Weighted Slash]

Overhead sword strike that increases caster's total [Mass] x [Velocity] by 10%

Due to him, passing out during intercourse. Asai had completely forgotten to check the newest addition to his skill roster until now. Curious, as to its extent, he performed a normal downward strike which easily sliced the wooden dummy in two. Miku, who deigned herself to assist the man quickly replaced the wooden piece before backing away to safety once more.

[Weighted Slash] !

A sudden surge of mass filled his body, the weight of his sword slightly increased, yanking him slightly off his feet as the weapon lowered down upon the target. Instead of slicing through cleanly, [Ruin] now acted as if it was a blunt weapon, smashing the training tool into pieces.

Whilst Asai took in the results of his little test. Miku and the twins could only stare in astonishment. From their point of view, the man had performed the exact same sword strike, but achieved two polar opposite results. From a clean and beautiful severing, to a brutal and destructive blow. A skill, perfect for fighting heavily armoured opponents.

"Miku, where is lady Christine's current whereabouts?" Inquired the young duke.

"Father, I regret to inform you, but lady Christine Doltz has swiftly departed, returning to the De Lumix duchy."

"Damn, I can't exactly follow her back to another duchy just to increase the skill's potency right?"

Whilst Asai was thinking up scenarios, and ways to meet Christine again, the twins were inspecting Miku's appearance, comparing it to Asai Trichia. 

"I heard the duke was only 19, but he's already a father to someone who's barely younger than us?" Olivia thought.

"Miku must be adopted, there's no way he could possibly have offspring already, and that old at that." Oliver replied.

"Should I also try calling him daddy? And see how he reacts? You never know, we might receive better benefits."

"Do whatever you want, sis. Just make sure you don't go overboard."

The twins, telepathically engaged in a private conversation of their own. Something only possible due to their matching mana signatures. However, they would forever remain oblivious, believing it to be their connection as twins, a sharing of souls.

Giving up on forcefully making another encounter with the knight, Asai decided to leave it to luck. Switching his mind back to the present. The young duke summoned his 4 clones, ordering the three to train against them as if they were real opponents.

And whilst the clones wielded wooden swords, Miku and the twins utilized their real steel weapons. Provided to them by the duchy. 

[Olivia: Lvl 21]  [Oliver: Lvl 23]  [Miku: Lvl 19] 

Considering their level differences, Asai's phantom clones being set to level 43. Naturally, the three failed to defeat any of them. And although they wouldn't benefit in the system's eyes. Their bodies naturally became more accustom to wielding their swords, the handling, the momentum and force that pulled them. The fact that they didn't have to hold back from actually slicing their targets greatly helped. When compared to their usual training, against dummies and against colleagues. There was naturally a fear of hurting a friend.

Hours passed, and their bodies were filled with bruises throughout. Before Asai could order them into fighting against his undead for fun and training purposes. Robin entered the training hall, dressed in her black and gold military gears, that hugged her body tightly.

"Your Grace, you have a visitor. It's someone we both met a long time ago. He states that if not you, he will leave."

Asai nodded. Glancing back towards the three gasping upon the stone floor.

"Whilst I'm gone, take a 15 minute break. Afterwards, continue training your stamina with weighted weapons."

The three quickly forced themselves up to salute the duke as he exited.


As the two were making their way to the greathall. Robin's curiosity got the better of her.

"Asai, you told me Olivia has the making of a white mage right? A healer of sorts. So why are you training her in swordsmanship? Shouldn't she be using a staff like Violet?"

Asai, looked around to ensure they were alone before answering. His system was still one of his biggest secrets that he only trusted Robin with the knowledge of.

"Well, you've seen how Violet fights right? She can barely defend herself, and in all honesty, I'm tempted to snatch her mithril staff away, replacing it with a sword and shield. In my opinion, having a healer that is also capable of protecting herself, especially within a chaotic melee. Is worth much more than a healer that constantly requires protection, being nothing more than a liability. Especially when our enemies has access to both stealth and ranged attacks.

Our backline would ideally be the safest position, but it never really is the case."

Robin nodded, somewhat agreeing with his views on warfare. During their battle against the 1000 dwarves, Robin felt obligated in staying behind, protecting both Violet and Chloe. Even when she desired nothing more than to be within the fray right besides Asai.


Entering the great hall, Asai saw a face, one in which he never thought he would be seeing again.

[Gordon Gray: Lvl 44]

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