Isekai Rohan

289 Yokai

"Gordon Gray, words can't express how happy I am to see you again. How are you? How have you been?" The young duke joyfully approached the man, reaching out to shake his hand as he did so.

The old elf was completely dumbfounded, it had been years since he had seen this man. Back then, wasn't he but a simple adventurer? Dressed in cheap leather whilst also being covered in dirt from the long journey from whatever it was they came from.

Whatever catchphrase the old man was going to deliver as his opening speech, completely slipped his mind.

"What can I do for you? What do I owe this pleasure to?" Asai backed off, taking his seat as Robin stood upon the side. In Robin's case, she had forgotten the man's identity, but remembered his face. Simply because he was the one who sold

[Copper Ring of strength]

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

To Asai, which became Asai's first ever gift to her.

Now having his tempo and groove back, Gordon expressed his intentions.

"I hail from Via Marea's greatest factories, located within the capital itself, Vena. I have at my disposal the best engineers, blacksmiths and craftsman. During another one of our many balls, I met a human named Jenson De Lion. This gentleman told stories of your courage and bravery, and your commitment to the people within your realm.

Having heard of your unhinged spending limits, whenever it came to supplying your people. I have decided to personally meet you, hoping to create a trade deal with your duchy."

"Perfect. Please, do show me your wares." "Please tell me you have more magically enchanted items!"

Seeing the duke, act at utmost efficiency, streamlining through his business pitch. Gordon obliged the man. From his family heirloom, his inventory ring. Multiple crates appeared within the great hall. Quick to open their lids, revealing their contents. Asai strolled around, peering into them.

"I understand you humans prefer swords that are thicker than our elven kinds. Thus, I had my craftsman design weapons, more appropriate for your armies."

[Edwin's Sword]

Level Requirement: 20



+3 Strength

+3 Stamina

5% Weight reduction

"I assure you Your Grace, the swords are made from our finest steel ingots. Whilst the shields are a mixture of our finest Fir timbre and steel."

[Edwin's Shield]

Level Requirement: 20



+3 Vitality

+3 Endurance

5% Weight reduction

"Gordon, do you perchance have any masks for sale?"

"Masks? For what occasion may I ask?" "A masquerade mask?"

"One for battle. Although I won't be wearing a helmet. A mask to protect my face from, lets say debris, dirt and blood splatter."

"Ah! A man of war, I see..."

Gordon's fingers starting flicking around within the space before him. Rummaging through his wares. Flicking the useless junk aside.

"How about this Your Grace?"

[Yokai Mask]

Level Requirement: 45



[Bloodlust Amplification]

Wearer's bloodlust & killing intent is amplified during times of bloodshed.

[Perfect Fit]

Immunity to momentum, [Yokai Mask] can only be intentionally unequipped.

Seeing the young duke's eyes open in excitement, gazing upon the demonic mask of black, lined with gold trimmings. Two goathorns spread from the temples, as the eyes appeared angered, emitting a sense of dread. Perfectly in-tune with his military aesthetic and battle sense. Gordon had to voice a disclaimer.

"Your Grace, I see that you've taken a liking to this mask. However, I must be the bearer of bad news and inform you that this particular piece is actually cursed. Upon wearing it, many have found it extremely difficult to take off. And, certain, unsavoury urges, wickedness, wrath and anger will fill your mind. Corrupting it. 

Thus, as a businessman, I will gift you this mask for free on the conditions that you purchase at least 100 swords, and 100 of the shields you see before you."

"Deal. Actually, make that 1000 of both sword and shield. I will outfit my strongest with your arms."

Thrilled to have succeeded in such a large trade of goods. Gordon quickly followed Robin out, heading towards Mary and Annie's study. Who would then fill out the paperwork, ensuring the correct amount and taxes were paid.

As Gordon had only bought with him 100 of each, the man would have to set up a delivery line. Recruiting adventurers as bodyguards, increasing the economies flow of coins.

Because of Duke Trichia's tendency to instantly search and destroy all bandits, the men hired to guard such a caravan would only find peace and quiet as they carried both the duchy of Trichia's flag, and Gordon Grey's Vena banner.

Out of curiosity, Asai immediately equipped the [Yokai Mask]

Weird sensations shot through him, as his more malicious side emerged. His urges to kill and slaughter increased, desiring bloodlust as his passive [Bloodthirsty] became slightly uncomfortable. To everyone else within vicinity, chills shot through their spines as Asai's level 87 killing intent spread out, submerging everyone under a thick haze of fear. Like a predator on the howl, their intuition made them all stay clear from his position.

Taking multiple deep breaths, and fighting the urge, Asai struggled to unequip the mask. As if he was drunk upon such bloodlust, he struggled and fought against his desires. And only when he surged his entire system with divinity, did such urges submit. The level 45 [Yokai Mask] was easily dominated by the human. Relinquishing its hold upon his mind, clarity and peace returned.

"Good boy, the rodeo was fun, but I'm glad you know your place."

[Phantom Menace] !

Four identical phantom clones appeared, all wearing the same mask.

"Perfect, now it's even harder to tell who's the original."

The clones, as always, had default poker faces that never showed any emotions. Even Asai, upon feeling pain couldn't help but wince a little. Thus, the new mask indeed helped.



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