Asai immediately dipped into [Hide] vanishing from their view right before them. As extreme killing intent suddenly flooded their senses.

50 undead skeleton surged out of the numerous shadows, surrounding the three who quickly huddled up together. 4 phantom clones appeared within every direction, all adorning the same [Yokai Mask] which seemed to resonate with one and another, hiding the true location of the duke.

Whilst the undead began to beat the stone ground in unison, filling the empty world with noise, further concealing any other footsteps or even sounds of breathing. The four clones lunged in, all vaulting.

Although having their vision filled with hostiles, their ears assaulted by dozens of stomps and the constant dreadful killing intent that made them wonder whether the duke would really kill them or not. [Courageous Aura] helped mitigate its hold over their bodies. Oliver took it upon himself to fight against two of the clones who were now weaker than him. With shield mastery, he swiftly blocked their blows before returning a [Knight Symbol] of his own.

Miku fought against the other two herself, meeting their vaults with [Psychic Phantom] vaults of her own, albeit hers were true. As her doppelganger also followed through.

Olivia was quickly firing [Heal] and [Astral Concussion] upon the undead, and although the system no longer recognised the skeletons as allies, she could still slowly snipe them one by one with [Heal] As for her AOE stun, she managed to paralyze dozens of undead before charging in herself, attacking with her mace.

Truly, she was the bane of undead at this very moment. Filled with holy skills, and a blunt weapon that was ideal for breaking skull and bones.

After Miku and Oliver managed to beat their individual opponents, they quickly followed the battle maiden into the horde of undead, who by now were punching and scratching at their thinly layered mana barrier.

As their adrenaline coursed and surged through their bodies, as well as their newfound elemental energies. Excitement and joy filled them, as they felt themselves to be triumphing over the mighty duke. Perhaps if they beat him, they too could be granted peerage? To become Viscounts or Counts themselves.

These thoughts didn't last long though.

[Death Call]   Oliver suddenly found his body to be out of his control, his feet hovering just barely above the ground as telekensis yanked him over into the darkness. Within the shadows, Asai with his [Yokai Mask] eyes brimming with radiance smiled, seemingly enjoying himself as well.

[Weighted Slash] !

The gravity within the proximity felt like it increased greatly. As the blade swung down upon the man, kinetic energy, mass, gravity and force all started slamming the young knight into the ground. The thin mana barrier quickly shattered into magical particles.

Perhaps by luck, the stonewalls weren't able to withhold such pressure, and rather than crushing Oliver into a sandwich, it crumbled and broke apart. Allowing the knight to fall without being completely defeated, as his consciousness now struggled to remain.

Whilst Oliver now remained fazed, laying upon the rocks and stone fragments down below. He gazed up to see the duke of war towering over him upon the edges of the wall. The sun was burning his eyes, as it hovered just behind his frame. Olivia was already running over, casting [Heal] upon her brother. With hundreds of uses, compounding experience and mastery over this skill, the girl was now able to cast it from range. Without having physical contact, she would have to point her main hand's index and middle finger to cast it. As such, weakening her grip upon her mace, a small price to pay to gain range.

The duke's sword rose once more, as he continued to smile.

"No fucking wayy-" Oliver exclaimed, struggling to bring his shield over him.

[Weighted Slash] !

As Asai remained upon the high walls above, the physical aspect of the skill hit nothing, but the magical, the surge of mass and kinetic flow continued to slam down as an invisible force upon the knight down below. It was only thanks to both [Heal] and Olivia added her own shield into the mix, sharing the burden did he survive. Albeit, now greatly weakened and requiring focused healing.

The duke above rose his blade once more. "What do you think this is some kind of anime where I'll give you plenty of time to heal each other?" The warmonger grinned, his bloodlust amplified by his cursed mask, as his sword once again charged up its skill. However, before he could bring the skill into fruition, Miku slammed into both of his sides with [Psychic Phantom]

Fortune favoured the girl as both her's and her doppelganger's skill landed critical attacks out of stealth, thus the two petite fighters remained in stealth.

Asai, still not yet having a detection skill of his own backed away, entering his own stealth.

As he positioned himself afar from the trio. He checked himself out once more.

The [Invenom] elemental bypassed his


Immune to bacteria, viruses, disease and toxins

Something that reminded him of the aphrodisiac, that also bypassed his passive ability. And from what he gathered from Mary's information gathering. Magically imbued types of poisons shouldn't be classified as simple cold and flue bacteria types of viruses. Even the venom from a snake's bite would be immediately nullified by [Immunity]

But once magical properties were added into the mix, even the most resilient person would feel the sting of poison. As Asai had the system, and was aware of his actual skill description. He could theorize that the system no longer recognised [Invenom] as basic poison, but perhaps as simple ticks of damage.

Regardless, at the end of the day, all it took was for him to perform a quick flush of divinity through his own body to remove it. Thus, against anyone with the ability to utilize their mana, [Invenom] was actually quite trash. Perhaps it would shine best against monsters and beasts, as they hardly had the wit and intelligence to utilize their mana consciously.

Oliver, Olivia and Miku now stood, glancing around, searching for his whereabouts.

[Psychic Phantom] !

The skill slammed into Asai's back once more, and although it didn't deal much damage to his HP. The ability still pushed him forward, causing him to stagger out of his stealth. The duke turned to see Miku grinning.

"Found you!" She announced, which quickly caught the attention of the other three.

Asai reacted on instinct, instantly thrusting his momentum forward before vaulting back towards Miku, who had already re-summoned her doppelganger to her location also performed their own vaults.

[ANNIHILATION]    [[Psychic Phantom]] 

As much as Miku desired her skill to triumph over his, level, skill, strength, stats and experienced disparities were too great. She found herself being slamming out of mid-air flying back. Her doppelganger being weaker than her was already flying backwards, ending up being crushed between Miku and stone. The two Miku's fell unconscious as their bodies slumped. The real Miku's chest just barely beating, still breathing as blood spilt from both mouth and nostrils. The clone however, dematerialized as her host no longer sourced her with mana.

Asai gently smiled, whilst inspecting her condition.

"Good fight. You did good, now rest so you can fight some more another day."

Summoning a single clone, the duke ordered it to pour potions over Miku's head. To literally shower her in the liquids. After performing its orders, it gently carried the dhan back to her personal tent. Carrying her like a baby.


Asai turned his attention towards the approaching twins. Both slowly approaching with their shields up.

"Are you two ready?"

The twins nodded, planning to immediately flank the duke from both sides. However, the man himself had other plans.

[Death Call] Latched itself onto the girl, yanking her in. And before Oliver could realise his sister's status.

[Sealing Square] Was placed down, sealing the boy outside.

Asai grinned, as he twirled his blade.

Olivia turned to see the red ring, feeling her connection with her brother distorted and weakened. It truly felt horrible, as if she was suddenly all alone within the vast world.

Rather than sit around and wait for her to be mentally ready. Asai entered into a contest of swordsmanship against her mace. And whilst she had the advantage of both shield and mana barrier. Asai's precisive strikes, cuts and thrusts made short work of her. Highlighting to her, her inexperience and how much further she could grow.

Asai having achieved his goals. Ensuring they didn't become complacent from being systematically boosted, to not rely upon the gifted muscle memory. Forcing them to realise the windows and gaps within their abilities, in which they could further fill in with actual combat experience, knowledge and tricks. Now held back no longer.

[Psychic Phantom] after [Psychic Phantom] vaulted out in the dozens, slamming into her shield, her mana barrier, and through her numerous self-casted [Heal]

Funnelling his mana into [Lingering Shadow] As many vaults Asai performed, his astral version also churned out his own. Overwhelming the girl as her arms no longer listened to her. Even abandoning her mace, to brace her shield against both arms. She faltered, collapsing upon the edges of the red arena.

"This is for your own good. Engrave this into memory, don't forget how much further you can climb. And also how there are always people stronger than you out there. Don't become complacent, and don't disappoint me."

Asai Trichia spoke to both twins during this moment. As Olivia no longer had the strength to stand, laying upon the ground with her shield in shambles. Somehow, she intuitively knew that the man was still holding back his true ability. 


Asai shifted his gaze into Oliver's. 

"What will you do?" Deliberately questioning him, testing his conviction, his willpower, his ability to fight on even after being shown the overwhelming difference in battle ability.

Oliver took deep breaths, before walking past his sister. Entering the new [Sealing Square] that kept Olivia out.

"Good decision." The duke of war nodded approvingly. "Yes, this is the sort of willpower you need to become strong in this world. To face your challenges head on, even when you don't feel ready, even when you're not good enough. Hold your head up high, and challenge the gods if you must!"

Swordsmanship against swordsmanship, Steel and timbre clashed against Adamantine. Divinity erupted upon meeting divinity. Feeling himself being pressured onto his back foot, he leapt back to surge his mana into his blade.

[Knight Symbol] !

[Decimate: Half Moon] !

Asai Trichia answered his attack with one of his own. In respect for his conviction to fight a foe stronger than oneself. And although he barely funnelled any mana into [Ruin] the skill still radiated a beautiful gleam of sharp light. Enough to shatter [Knight Symbol] and slam the knight back.

[Death Call] !

The invisible force, yanked the man off his knees and flung him towards Asai who swiftly side-stepped. Allowing the man to continue his flight path into the opposite arena wall.

[Psychic Phantom]!

The magical strike slamming into his back, knocking the man unconscious, as he limply fell to the ground.

Summoning more of his phantom clones, they quickly poured potions upon them before carrying them back to their bedrolls.

And although Olivia argued that she was still awake, and was able to walk, Asai ignored her cries, carrying her back too.

Looking back at the broken, shattered and devastated conditions of the castle walls and grounds. Asai only then wondered to himself.

"Did I perhaps go too far?"


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