Isekai Rohan

301 Seasons

Night 36

Prior to sunset, Asai woke his trainees from their heavy slumber. They rubbed the sleep out of their eyes as they fumbled upon their feet. The muscles ached, as the delayed onset muscle soreness struck them like a hammer. 

"Are you this rough with all of your vassals and knights that you personally train? Like Senior Robin?" Miku asked, whilst she tried to stretch the soreness away.

Asai took a moment to himself to think, moments passed, and all that he could remember was training them roughly in bed. And although he did somewhat mentor others, providing tips and tricks. He never really committed himself into spending an entire month, just to train people other than himself. Even with Lucas' party, he only trained them a few times during rest and respite.

"I'm usually not so hands on with the mentoring, because I personally believe that everyone has their own battle style that is most optimal towards them. It could be based on their tendencies, their personality, their innate talents and even aspirations. Of course I will give advice, and pointers, when people find themselves stuck. 

But, only you Miku. Because your combat style is so similar to mine, perhaps that's why I'm more invested than usual. And besides, Robin never challenged me in an anything goes, duel.

Oh, that has me thinking, how did you find my location whilst I was still in stealth? That really surprised me you know?"

Asai couldn't help it, he started head patting the petite girl, who peered upwards into his eyes with her own little purple gems.

"I- I could smell your scent..."

Although Miku's cheeks flushed, she maintained her eye contact with the man.

"Is this because of my many passives that targets women who are close to me? Or is she saying her nose is just that powerful?"

The twins were over in the corner, staring at one and another. Having their own little private mental conversation.


When the sun fully set, and night covered the vast lands. The party immediately noticed the anomaly. The pattern of a hundred monsters didn't continue. The usual radiant moon was entirely missing. With no illumination, no moon and no stars within the skies above. The lands were truly covered, almost as if flooded, by darkness.

Pain, assaulted their very skin, as even breathing in the dark particles that flooded the air around them, proved painful.

"Utilize your mana. Don't rush, but control it efficiently. Use your mana to flush out the foreign element, and to empower your bodies to resist the intrusion."

Asai having already figured out how to resist the sudden rising pain, quickly ordered the others to follow along. And although they couldn't see one and another anymore, as they couldn't even see their own hands. The willed their mana throughout their bodies, cleansing their muscles, skin and lungs of the foreign darkness element.

Even with mana imbued eyes, Asai was unable to see further than his own nose, as the darkness literally lit up the entire world with mana. Something that actually reminded him of the poisonous fog back in Via Marea's mountain pass.

"If I'm correct, our challenge for the entirety of tonight, is to control and efficiently use our mana. Let it course through your body, but control it, limit yourself. Use only what you need, do your utmost to find the correct balance. Ensuring your mana lasts the entirety of the long night.

Hold out, until sunrise."

In a world of nothing, just hearing the man's orders, instructions and advice was found to be soothing. The twins, luckily were close enough to one and another when their new scenario appeared. As such, they remained hugging one and another. Whilst Oliver had [Divinity] Olivia was relying upon default mana. Thus, within this situation, she suffered the most.

"Think of this challenge as a blessing. It will force you to train your mana consumption, perhaps by the end of this, you'll be able to activate your skills and abilities at lower costs than before.

Miku, fumbled around throughout the void, bumping into Asai, as she managed to locate him via his reassuring voice. Whilst the others were nervous, feeling as if they would drown if they messed up. Duke Trichia remained composed and collected. Her arms wrapped themselves around him, as his hand starting to pet her blue hair once more.


Hours in, Miku and the twins were covered in sweat, as their hearts continued to bump and bang against their ribcages. During the previous numerous battles, they always had moments to catch their breath, to stop running their mana within the throes of combat. Yet, right now, they were forced to consume their magical energies to both constantly defend themselves, and to cleanse the oxygen in which they breathed.

As the twins started to fumble through their pouches, clinking their glass containers together. Asai immediately advised them otherwise.

"Don't drink your mana potions yet, drink it only when you absolutely have to. Sacrifice your HP, to prolong the effects of your potions. I understand that you have many available to drink, but remember this. The quicker you drink those mana potions, the diminishing effects will render the later potions useless. 

When you run out of mana, allow your HP to fall, follow your intuition, and when you feel yourself weakened, then drink both MP and HP potions to recover."

The advice Asai gave them, was basically ordering them to torture themselves. To willingly allow the pain to consume them, to batter their mental capacity, further testing their conviction.

Olivia continued to struggle the most, she felt her health dropping. Pain and suffering assaulted her mind and body. She had a skill [Heal] but she had to force her own hands back down from using it. The mana cost was simply too great.

Whilst Oliver continued to hold her tight, hoping that his divinity would lessen the pressure upon her. Miku was personally focusing intently upon herself. Ignoring everything, ignoring the pain, the suffering and constant feeling of weakness. Focusing solely on the duke's scent, endeavouring herself to prove herself worthy.


Whilst the three struggled to endure upon hours and hours, Asai was honestly quite bored. Relentless, reckless continuous usage of magical energies, that would be considered borderline crazy and suicidal?

Nothing new to the duke of war.


Fun fact: 






These are the available [Element] attack modifiers in game.

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