Isekai Rohan

303 Seasons –

Day 39

Dawn, the beautiful glow, and radiant warmth filled the lands as the snow disappeared. As if the lands had been reset, the grass returned to its pristine healthy glow, whilst the still broken castle walls were as dry as sand paper could be.

Asai stood upon the stone walls, gazing out into the horizon.

"If I'm correct, the next element must be fire." Gazing into Miku and the twin's eyes one after the after, he voiced his concerns. "Fire, won't be something we can fend against like [Frozen] I can already imagine the grass, the trees, the doors themselves lighting ablaze. Whilst the very air we breathe would become hot enough to roast our lungs.

We have two choices, we either find a large body of water to submerge ourselves in. Or we find a cave, or dig one ourselves. And I will fill it with water."

"I really want to go home..." Olivia was struggling to hold her tears back from falling.

"It's okay sis, just two more nights. Just two more nights..."

Asai gazed towards the north. There, Juda's Waterclock stood above a large body of water. However, taking into consideration their stamina, endurance and speed. The only one who could make it in time would be himself. Thus, he quickly decided upon their latter choice. Summoning his undead, and clones. Ordering them to dig a tunnel down.

Whilst his clones were afford shovels, the undead scratched and dug at the ground.

The duke glanced over to this trainees. Four shovels in hand.

"It's your choice, dig and hide below when the heatwave comes. Or stay aboveground by yourself, and try your luck with only your mana."

Needless to say, the three plus doppelganger quickly found themselves digging alongside the undead. Something they definitely didn't enjoy, but at the very least, it trained their muscles and endurance.

Seeing the duke go topless, joining them in the pit at least motivated them. Rather than a leader who only orders, Asai at the very least was one who deigned to lead by example.

"Hey, look at the bright side. Last time my party and I challenged a god's trial. Clam, Gary, Robin and Chloe, literally everyone died in it. So, cheer up, you guys are doing good!"

The four trainees suddenly spurred themselves onwards, digging with greater fervour. Asai, glad to see that his little comment managed to motivate them, continued digging himself.


As the sun was beginning to set. The party had managed to dig a tunnel system reaching as far down as they could possibly go. Whilst the tunnel slope led them downwards, towards the planet's crust. At the very bottom, they dug a cavern space that was enough to fit them all, along with water that went up as high as their necks. 

To enter this cavern space, they actually had to dive down into the submerged tunnel. Similar to the cavern system Asai had met King Caronia in. 

Hoping that whilst the body of water located by the entrance would heat, the water they had swam to would remain cool enough not to cook them alive. 

Thankfully, only Asai due to his common knowledge from Earth's standards, had a tactic understanding of oxygen. Usually, the oxygen trapped within a cavern system such as this one would thin out, as oxygen turned into carbon dioxide via their lungs. However, from questioning as much as he could during every single dungeon he had entered.

Particularly back when he was trapped underground with Kozumi, yet there was a never ending supply of both light and fresh air. Asai confidently trapped themselves underground. Abusing the dungeon's own dimensional laws, as their oxygen simply wouldn't run out.

Honestly, Asai wasn't even sure if carbon dioxide even existed within this dimension. Whether the plants and trees truly depended on it, or if the world itself simply turned it back into oxygen as soon as the human's had exhaled the air within their lungs.

"Well... Whatever it is, it's basically a gamble at this point huh."

As for Oliver, Olivia and Miku. Having never truly experienced any heatwaves, as the heavens mostly regulated their designated lands and kingdoms to their desires. They were about to experience literal hell on Ohn.


Out of his [Inventory] the young duke provided everyone with multiple sets of bikinis and swimwear. Allowing them to chose whatever piece they were more comfortable with.

And although they were stuck in a life or death scenario. Asai Trichia couldn't help himself, as a man of culture, he certainly enjoyed seeing the two girl's in tight bikinis.

Olivia, with her chosen white bikini string that covered less than usual. Outlined her deliciously toned curves. When she submerged herself underwater, the material became slightly transparent, as her cute pink tips poked through the cloth a little.

Miku, chose a black and gold set, colours in which she believed Asai favoured. The cute tube top, with frills hid her small curves. As well as the little mini skirt that lined her bottoms.

Oliver, wore a plain black speedo. Proud of his toned build, befitting a knight.

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