Mary was personally visiting the old Trichia Orphanage.

Which by now, had been transformed into a fully operating duke funded boarding school. Her previous sisters, nuns and priests and the many helpers had been hired to continue supporting the orphans. Having received investments that taught them how to better mentor the children, the adults now became teachers as well as caretakers.

The orphans no longer feeling abandoned, left to their fate within this vast world, were now found brimming with joy and smiles. No longer did they worry about food, as Mary kept a strict eye upon the headmaster's spending. Ensuring the man who had earned the position remained honest and truthful.

Paul, who was both the duke's knight, as well as part time gatekeeper for the campus, was personally leading Mary through the grounds. Little Dan was following closely behind them, adorning his wooden sword and shield, that had many wishes and comments written upon it by the other children who saw him as the ideal older brother.

Mary gazed out into one of many gardens. Swings, see-saws and jungle playground equipment spread throughout. Out of all the new purchases and instalments, located close to the flowerbeds that beautifully bloomed. The old bench in which Asai and Mary had sat upon back then remained.

Mary thought back to her past, how the nuns would always worry about their meals. Whether there would be 1 or 2 within a day, and how much and how little they'd have to ration.

Although the duke covered the entire campus' ongoing expenses. Robin, in her endeavours to learn how to feel, to show her emotions better, had personally purchased many luxuries for the children. Kids who, just like her were parentless. Whilst also giving thanks to the orphanage for having looked after her without discrimination, back when Asai literally dumped her here, venturing off to try find his crush.

The library now filled with fairy tale books, children's literature, and even basic how tos. That the children could read within their free time were mostly sponsored by Robin. The half-elf simply had no need for money after all, since Asai mostly paid for everything. 


One tradition she was glad to having personally ended. The prostitution of the girls who were just entering adulthood. Girls who didn't know any better, only being told that what they were doing was for the greater good. Guilt-tripping them into selling themselves for donations. Pennies, compared to how much Asai and Robin were investing. And although they still accepted donations, Mary remembered and turned down all noble households that had ulterior motives.

As the children were now more numerous, more happy, better fed and better dressed than prior. Growing up to be beautiful and sporting healthy complexions. The Campus found themselves having more visits from perverts than before. 

The ladies who had been impregnated by Asai currently, their future children would also be enrolled here. With such a large number of children in one place, no one would ever guess that the duke's own offspring would be there. Thus, the future of Trichia was ensured a greater pool of intelligence and talent. All due to Asai's blessed bloodline.

This was one of the reasons why Asai's current military force swelled up so fast. The men who were originally single-fathers. Who had lost their wives as they gave birth to the children. They could easily fulfil their duties as soldiers, as knights whilst their sons and daughters received education that almost guaranteed them a future.

Be it, choosing to enter administration and governance, to become merchants or even entering the military. The campus would provide them with the basics until they were old enough to decide for themselves.


Within another one of the playgrounds, a group of boys pretending to be Clam, Gary and Asai were marching in unison. Girls who idolized Robin had sticks upon their shoulders as if they were swords, marching along.

Trying to commit their features into memory. Mary would keep their eyes upon such girls. Considering them to having the correct temperament to enter her blooming department of espionage.

Even Annie was keeping an eye out for potential battle maids. 

And, for some weird reason. Someone had put up a painting of Robin within the small church that remained untouched. Keeping its integrity and prestige. The painting depicted the girl seated upon clouds, watching over the duchy with her beautiful white wings spread far and wide. Glitters of light as well of small feathers fell upon the lands, blessing the people.

Upon seeing such artwork, Paul was fumbling his fingers around his pouch. In search of his old alcohol tin. However, the man had long since quit drinking. Thus, he scratched his rusty beard a few times instead.

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