Isekai Rohan

308 Finale

The long ascension up was so great.

The party now found themselves upon a large plateau, one that hovered above even the clouds. Now positioned between different worlds. The party could see multiple realms, dimensions and even planets that were colourfully blue, green and white. These windows, doorways and crevices that revealed multiple worlds, surrounded their location.

"Is every star another world!?" Questioned Olivia.

"Another world, or another dungeon?" Added Oliver.

"I wonder which one is the world the Gods and Goddesses dwell in?" Wondered Miku.

"Probably both." Asai, being someone who used to read reports from Nasa, and their beliefs on a vast universe, one in which, it was simply unfounded to believe that Earth was the only planet to host sentient and intelligent beings. However, such information and notions was best kept to himself, lest he wanted to sound crazy. Especially when the divine beings of this world were so active.

"I wonder if one of those planets out there is Earth? Even if it was there, would I want to return? Probably not right...

Here, I'm a duke. With many people who care for me as I care for them, although this place seems to be constantly stuck in battles and wars... " Even if he tried, his memories refused to resurface when he tried to think of his previous family or loved ones. The connection, seemingly severed.


Inspecting their new location, finding the stairs behind them fading out of existence entirely. The skeletons that were climbing, helplessly fell back into oblivion.

Out of curiosity, Asai threw a dozen darts with [Knife Throw] to see if he could cheat the system for some free experience. Seemingly, no.

Finding themselves within the middle of an arena that was the size of a football pitch. Upon each side was an opponent who were standing where the goal posts would be.

[Caron: Lvl 90]

Dekan Caron, kneeled upon the ground. Praying, and thanking his creator for the chance to redeem himself. Against the human who had unfairly taken his honour. His anger, wrath and hatred was overflowing. Flooding his mind and soul, as he remembered how close he came to achieving eternal glory. By personally slaughtering a hostile nation's prince, Victor Del Lagos.

If it wasn't for the human before him, who came at him out of stealth, catching him off-guard. The dekan stood, taller and larger than before he had died. His scales were darker, thicker and stronger. As if he had been eating and absorbing even within the realm of afterlife.

"You fucking human scum! Lets see how your sword fares against my claws without your sneak attack!"


[Arthur Del Lagos: Lvl 75]

2nd prince Arthur Del Lagos, who had previously turned traitor to the kingdom. Continued to avidly believe he was morally correct in his judgement in going against his older brother, Victor. From the heavens, he was notified on how his ally Queen Rima Regenon had successfully beaten Victor, and his human army.

As such, if only Asai didn't cheat, using multiple bodies to fight in a honourable duel. He would still be alive, and easily be thrusted upon the throne with the help of a foreign Monarch. All it took, was a simple demand, as the elves were the winners after all.

"You! You took it all away from me! You fucking cheater! Where is your honour? Your pride as a swordsman!?"

Arthur glanced up towards the heavens, thanking them for the opportunity to redeem himself. Not in life, but at least his pride as a swordsman.

With mana imbued eyes, the two halves of the arena seemed to be magically split, as if two dimensions were merged together. Whilst Caron's half was filled with dark magical particles, Arthur's half was filled with divinity.

And although they stood within the middle, between both worlds. The elements no longer assaulted their systems like the previous nights.


[Asai Trichia: Lvl 88]

[Oliver: Lvl 72]  [Olivia: Lvl 72]  [Miku: Lvl 74]

"I don't think either of them would be nice enough to casually wait whilst we gang-bang the other... Honestly, it doesn't even seem like they can see each other."

"Listen up. I'll take on the dekan, and you three will fight Arthur over there."

"Are you sure? Why don't we just fight one of them at a time together?" Questioned Oliver.

"I personally don't believe the heavens would allow us to cheat their final stage. Most likely, once we engage in either one of them. Both will become mobile, and attack. The dekan is too strong for you three, even if you ganged up on him. 

Remember, you three fought against me, yet you still lost as a group. That dekan over there, he's stronger than me.

So here's the plan, I'll stall for time, you guys defeat the human who is actually around the same strength level as you three. Then you can provide me support. Got it?"

Olivia consumed another MP potion, as she just finished casting [Heal] on Asai. The young duke had already swapped out his shredded attire for a fresh set. And now the wounds upon his legs and back were fully healed. 

The man believed himself to be ready.

The trio saluted, as the two groups now parted ways. Venturing towards their individual targets. Oliver taking point, filling his shield with divinity. The battle maiden kept herself just behind him, whilst Miku entered [Hide] with her doppelganger, taking flank.

"Can I defeat this dekan, the one who managed to beat Prince Victor?" Asai wondered.

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