Isekai Rohan

309 Finale –

Asai Trichia dipped into [Hide]

His limbs brimming with divinity as his four clones instantly ran at the dragonkin. 

Positioning himself at the rear, all five Asai's vaulted. Whilst the four before him were met with claws sharper than their copies of [Ruin]

Asai's [Psychic Phantom] clashed against the dekan's tail, finding it absurdly tough, as he was unable to penetrate through it.

"Right, tails and claws are their toughest parts." "I need to strike his stomach or neck." Thinking back to the prior meeting at Thrud Castle, the human quickly reminded himself of their theories. 

Whilst Asai engaged in an awkward duel against the draconic tail. His clones found themselves easily severed in two, whilst another had its head chumped off, eaten by the dragonkin.


However, by god's grace, the dekan no longer grew any stronger upon consumption. As the meat within its mouth simply dematerialized before he could absorb any nutrients. It's flavour though, continued to linger upon his tongue, teasing it of the real meal.

"Talking with your mouth full of food, didn't your father teach you any table manners!?" Taunted the human.

Dodging his claws, the duke dipped back into stealth.

"He's just like me, can't life steal from things that aren't living!" Switching his summons over to his 50 undead skeletons. Asai continued to swarm him, whilst he took pot shots at his tail in an attempt to severe it. Until a window of opportunity arose, one in which he could strike at its long neck, it seemed he would be in for a battle of attrition.


Arthur Del Lagos, clad in full plated armour. A sword in each hand, brimming with divinity. With ease, the human swung the blades as if they were daggers. Parrying whilst pummelling Oliver's sword and shield, pressuring him onto his back foot.

Miku shot out of stealth, vaulting from both flanks.

[[Psychic Phantom]]

Slamming into the man. However, rather than seeing the 2nd prince hurt or staggering. The man had intuitively foreseen such an attack.

His memories still livid to this day, remembering how Asai and his clones vaulted from all angles, battering his body as he wasn't able to block all strikes.

However, after experiencing an infinite amount of time alone, studying and analysing his duel against the dhan. The man was now able to precisely manoeuvre, blocking both daggers as he glared into Miku's features.

"You. You're just like him!" Anger consumed his mind, as the dhan before him fought just like Asai had once did.

Ignoring the mace and sword that slammed into his armour from behind, even the blow upon his helm. Arthur booted Miku out of stealth. Lunging himself upon the girl. His blade impaled itself through her shoulder and into the ground. Where he then began to beat the petite girl down. Crushing her ribs as his heavy metal gauntlets did their work.

[Knight Symbol]  Slammed into his neck, whilst the secondary damage ignored armour and directly reduced his health pool. Feeling the intrusive pain, Arthur turned to face the two knights.

Before he could lunge forward, Miku weakly stabbed a dagger through the gaps of his armour. Impaling through the chainmail and into his ass. [Invenom] entered through his system. Momentarily weakening him as pain struck his mind.

Olivia immediately took the chance, slamming her mace into the prince's face. Forcing him away from Miku, in which her brother threw out a flurry of strikes. Ramping up his damage as each strike landed with [Order Swing]

Whilst the two men engaged in swordsmanship. Olivia was quick to cast [Heal] Helping the dhan up, before returning into the fray to support her brother.

Miku glanced over to Asai's side. The dragonkin was now covered in numerous papercuts, wildly swinging its claws and tail. Fighting off the undead horde that recklessly threw themselves upon it. As for the duke himself, he found chances here and there to drop [ANNIHILATION] and [Weighted Slash] constantly switching between the two, in an attempt to keep his target guessing.

The constantly switching of a sharp penetrative attack and one that utilized only mass and velocity kept Caron on his back foot. Being unable to properly defend as he found his large health pool slowly dwindling. Unable to consume the skeletons before him to recover.

"MIKU!" Shouted Olivia, snapping the dhan out of her observation.

"Coming!" Miku dipped back into [Hide] her doppelganger already dropping another [Psychic Phantom] which managed to land, increasing the amount of [Invenom] that coursed through Arthur's body.

It seemed both groups were engaging in their own form of attrition.

Olivia dropped another [Astral Concussion] slamming Arthur's mind further into submission. The little stagger that the man found himself in, was immediately taken advantage of.

[[Psychic Phantom]] Slamming in from behind, flooding him with [Invenom] that ate away at his mana. 

In desperate retaliation, Arthur slammed both blades at Olivia, as he continued to brute force himself onwards. The girl's shield being forcefully shoved aside, revealed her unguarded face in which he punched. Sending her to the ground as blood spilt from her broken nose.

After dealing such a critical blow upon the girl, Arthur turned towards her brother who had just managed to ramp up his damage with dozens of quick attacks, foregoing defence entirely. Something that Arthur found to be increasingly annoying, like a wasp that constantly bothered him.

Seeing Arthur's attention switch over to him, Oliver threw out a [Knight Symbol] at the 19 second mark. Maximizing the accumulation.

The empowered cross-cut battered Arthur's plated armour upon the chest, whilst the secondary severed any attempts the man's immune system was making to fight off the invasive energy signature. Before falling, the prince managed to sever Oliver's offhand, as the knight was desperate to block, yet was too slow in doing so.

Both shield and hand slumped upon the ground, as blood spilt from the wound.

Olivia ignored the pain upon her face, a broken nose was nothing compared to the suffering and torture in which she experienced within this past month.  wielding her mace with both arms in an overhead stance, the knight slammed the blunt mass of steel upon Arthur's helm. Blow after blow, forcefully relinquishing Arthur's control over his own body as he found himself kneeling before commoners.

With the smallest amount of clarity left to him. Arthur glanced over to his murderer. Asai Trichia.

"No... I- I am the second prince, Arthur Del Lagos. This isn't my destiny. I-"

Rather than have their resolve shaken, upon hearing the man's true identity. Miku ripped his helmet off. Revealing his golden features, the same radiant gold that Her Majesty, Victoria sported within her many portraits.

The twins, being of common background, had never personally seen any members of the royal family. Thus, they weren't sure if the man before him was simply delusional or real.

Seeing her human counterparts hesitate, Miku slit the prince's throat. Suffocating the human as both blood and [Invenom] flooded his lungs.

For the third time, the second prince of Del Lagos, was announced dead.

His body slumped over into the ground, before shattering into particles of light.

"Was that really a member of the royal family? Does this count as treason?"

"No, we're still in a dungeon. And we acted upon the orders of a duke. And I'm sure His Grace, knows what he's doing."

Olivia tried to reattach her brother's hand, but upon searching. The severed limb was no where to be found. Thus, she could only close the wound with [Heal] for now. Forcing Oliver to find with only a single sword.

Miku who was already running over to join Asai shouted to break them out of their little lull.

"His Grace is still fighting by the way!"

Miku and her doppelganger dipped into [Hide]

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