Isekai Rohan

310 Finale –


The sharp radiance of mana slammed into the dekan's chest. Inflicting upon it another papercut.

Asai leapt backwards, out of Caron's tail's range whilst his new skeletons once more zerged the overgrown lizard.

The duke chugged a few potions to recover his energies, hearing footsteps approach him from behind he glanced back to see Miku, before the twins.

"Well done, you guys defeated him faster than I thought you would. Colour me impressed."

"Thank you, father." Miku only cared for Asai's safety, and making him proud. Thus, she enjoyed the rare praise.

As for the duke, he inspected their conditions.

Miku's attire appeared highly wrecked, dried blood covered her uniform, as well as her face.

Olivia also had dried blood covered the entirety of her nose, chin and neck. Her broken nose was thankfully restored with [Heal] The shield she carried was chipped and barely functional.

Oliver had it the worse, Missing his left hand just at the wrist. The man although being at full HP, still felt phantom pain from the sudden loss of one of his limbs. Fearing the worse, fearing that his only recently beginning career as a swordsman was already ending. He struggled to keep the tears from falling.

A lesser person, a person of weaker willpower would no doubt me crying, weakened and broken from such inflictions. However, these three had been tempered through darkness, divinity, ice and fire. The month long training had forged their mental capacity into swords of fine steel. 

Being under the gaze of the heavens, they mentally solidified their convictions to prove themselves worthy, worthy of gods favour and grace.

"Olivia, watch your heals! Don't go inflicting friendly fire!" Asai politely reminded her.

"I won't!"

The two dhans diving into [Hide] in a staggering pattern pommelled the dekan's defences with vaults.

"Play it safe! Don't let him bite you or he will heal back up!"

The man had spent so long, chipping away at the dragonkin's health pools. It would honestly suck, if any of them slipped up. Allowing Caron to heal back up.

Under ferocious claw and bites, Oliver had to play it safe, without a shield, he kept his distance and only fired [Knight Symbol] chipping away at the dekan with its secondary effect.

Miku played it safe by sending her doppelganger in, solely attacking Caron's eyes.

Olivia, who now felt that she had to step up in order to cover her brother. Thrust herself upon the front, fending against claw and tail with shield. Whilst her mace hammered down repeatedly, against anything that she could hit. Slowly numbing down the muscles and fibres under the protective scales, as she did so.


Caron, for as long as the battle had started was swamped by 50 undead, 4 clones and Asai. Now, an extra two knights, another dhan along with her doppelganger were just inflicting a barrage of skills upon him.

No matter how many he killed, the summons kept coming. And when he targeted the summoner, the man was found to be ridiculously slippery. With both greater agility and stealth at his disposal, Asai was simply uncatchable.

Which forced the dekan into intentionally showing glimpses of weakness, windows of opportunities, in an attempt to bait the human. However, even when he took the bait, Asai didn't fully commit. Throwing his skill out before immediately dipping back out of range.

"Fucking annoying dhans, they fight just like rats, where is your honou-"

Even just opening his mouth to talk, a skeleton would thrust its bones into his jaws, trying to grab at his uvula whilst making him gag. Truly, Asai had opted for the most annoying way to fight.

"Honour? A swordsman's pride? What good is that shit!?"

Asai remained immobile, [Ruin] held above his head. Now that he had four more factors included in distracting and pulling aggro. Asai had more time to summon his mana. Filling the weapon that desired nothing more than ruination with divinity.


Miku, Olivia and Oliver threw their skills in unison, compounding their kinetic force and effects. Slamming into Caron's front. And although the dragonkin had managed to block the blows with his claws, he still found himself pushed back as [Astral Concussion] and [Invenom] momentarily impaired his body.

Staggering back slightly and entering Asai's melee range.


[Weighted Slash] !

With one hundred and fifteen points of mana, [Ruin] slammed down upon the dragonkin's back. The force, mass and magical attack forced Caron upon his knees as blood squirted out of the cracks between his scales.

The skill being highly effective against targets who were covered in great defensive ability, ignored his scales. Inflicting not superficial wounds, but penetrating through and directly assaulting his organs. Causing Caron's heart to erupt within his ribcage, as blood spurted out of his jaws.

Both the human and the dekan limply fell upon the ground. Whilst the human just barely maintained consciousness, as Olivia was quick to cast [Heal] as potions no longer supplied him with any benefits upon consumption.

Caron, laid limply for moments. Whilst his body refused to move, and his heart no longer beat. His brain no longer had any supply of blood and oxygen, rapidly shutting down. His last thoughts were of revenge, promises of revenge if he were ever reincarnated.

"Asai! Are you okay!?"

"Your Grace!"

The three ran over to help the duke up, who by now was healed, but had a horrible migraine pounding away within his brain.

The lack of mana felt horrible, like a Saturday night hangover, from a dozen too many shots of liqueur.

Glancing upon the dekan that was slowly shattering into particles.

"Thank god, now please remain dead this time you draconic bastard.."

Goddess of wind Silva appeared. Perching her arms upon the arena as she joyfully smiled upon the group. Surprisingly, the floating platform didn't shake nor rumble upon receiving such a colossal amount of weight upon one of its edges. Her majestic wings wrapped around, surrounding the entirety of the arena with its golden radiance.

And although her lips never moved, as she continued to smile. She spoke to them.


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