Isekai Rohan

317 Morning

The young duke awoke.

Surprisingly, the hangover he was expecting was no where to be seen.

[Heavy Sleeper] already performing its magic, as his body now recovered at an accelerated rate whilst asleep. Cleansing whatever alcohol was within his system.

Glancing around, from what he could remember. He had continued enjoying Miku's service, along with more cups of sweet liqueur. That was until, Robin, Chloe and Violet barged in and were quick to join in on the festivities.

Seemingly fuelled by alcohol themselves, the girls all had their way with the man as he found himself to be in a state of pure bliss. Laying himself upon his king-sized bed, and simply allowing them to pleasure themselves, using him.

Interestingly enough. Whilst Miku, Robin, Chloe and Violet were still sleeping butt-naked. Mimi was dressed like a prim and proper maid. Awaiting any further orders, as she bought over a warm cup of coffee. The girl was considerate enough to think of the consequences, of long hours of sex and heavy amounts of alcohol consumption.

"Thank you Mimi." Asai gave the girl head pats, as she bowed. Even if she had a throat, lungs and tongue. She was unable to speak. Perhaps the governing laws of this world simply refused her ability to do so.

Looking down towards Miku.

"Amazing, she's ridiculously talented. It took me a long time to be able to cast my clones and even maintain the mana whilst asleep. Yet, she's already figured it out. That 40 day training camp must've paid off more than I thought, if it conditioned her ability to utilize mana efficiently to such a high degree.

Next time, Robin, Chloe, Violet and hopefully Rosemi can join me. Although, I'm not really looking forward to being stuck in a dungeon for 40 days again..."

"What happens if I take Miku again?" He wondered.

Before Asai could even stand up, to get dressed. Two soft arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him back into bed.

Robin, who was the most disciplined awoke first, before the others who were just now rubbing the sleep out of their drowsy eyes.

"Should we see who can make him cum the fastest?" Suggested Violet.

In response, the other girls all nodded in favour.


Missing breakfast, and only making it to lunch.

Asai found only Rosemi to be present, already seated upon the table, waiting for him. The moment she noticed his arrival, she curtsied before taking it upon herself to update him.

"His Highness, Victor Del Lagos sends you his appreciation for inviting him. He says he had enjoyed himself greatly. However, as a prince, he has many noble houses he must visit, to give thanks where due as many households had answered his call to arms.

As for my father, Christine and His Grace, has already begun their journey towards Einhoren. As one of the members organising the celebration, father has a lot of work cut out for him.

As for me, I will stay with you for now. Until you begin your own journey to the capital.

So, Your Grace. Mind telling me what's for breakfast? Or... You couldn't possibly be hungry for more of me right?"

Rosemi De Lumix's blue eyes peered into his, whilst her hand started to stroke his thighs. Awakening that, in which she shouldn't, especially at the dinner table. 

"Apologies Rosemi, I'm actually famished, I could really use the food." "I think [Heavy Sleeper] increases my metabolism or something, I woke up feeling starved... Or maybe I was simply milked too much..."

Seeing as the man was somewhat immune to her advances, she focused on her meal instead. With multiple maids lining the wall, awaiting orders. If she really did commit on arousing the sleeping beast, goddess knows how long he'd be stuck in here. Especially if, his other harem members decided to join in.

"Your Grace, you may have noticed already, but we're already trying to build the image of our three bloodlines having a strong sense of unity. Del Lagos, De Lumix and Trichia. By now, I'm certain rumours of our meal together would be spreading via couriers, merchants and our servants.

You'll be surprised to know, but there are a lot of people working here at your manor under the instructions of other noble houses."

Peering over her cup of tea, she checked to see how the man would respond. Even if just visually.

But this news was something he already knew. Courtesy of Mary and her hidden department. 

"I admit, I was initially surprised to find out just how many nobles was interested in my business. However, my agents have already dealt with all those that had ulterior motives. The ones you currently see, are those who are only here to get the latest scoop, at its source. Thanks to my many business ventures and investments. Others also wish to jump on the band wagon, and I honestly don't see why I should stop them.

If other houses were to also invest in the businesses and crafts that I require, at the end of the day, it still helps me further my own goals and agenda. Accelerating its progress in fact."

In coordination with Mary's efforts, there were days and nights in which Asai would pointlessly send his phantom clones out, dressed in the finest attire. Misdirection and misinformation simply, as after leading the more greedy of the bunch, the clones would simply vanish, leaving a cold trail behind.

As for the houses that were trying to resist the flow of power. The majority of them had already given up, especially with talks of a celebration along the way. Something they knew, was only to show and unify both ducal houses to the royal family. No longer having any leads to instigate between the top three. The smarter of the lot were already jumping ship, focusing on saving their houses and even offering marriage alliances to the nobles who had clear connections to the top three families.

"I see, I see... You seem to have very capable vassals working under you." Even with the amount of resources, and agents her house had invested in Trichia, not even Rosemi could make out the hidden web that protected the duchy.

And as much as Mary and Annie trusted the girl, for all that she had done. Some things were better left within the dark. Which was yet another reason as to why Annie made it a point to drag Rosemi into a bed for training, whenever she got too close to something intricate.

"After lunch, how about we have a little spar? It's been a while since I've seen your impeccable swordsmanship." 

"Sure, it would be my pleasure Your Grace ♡ "

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