Isekai Rohan

318 Onwards

As all things in life, even the good must end.

Having rested enough, in regards to both himself and his elites. The duke of war began his journey south, to Einhoren, the capital of Del Lagos. 

Taking with him as his retinue his elites:

Robin, Chloe and Violet. Clad in house Trichia's black and gold military attire.

Followed along by Miku and Mimi. Who wore their own tailor made maid uniform, albeit with a military cape over it.

Whilst he would've liked to take the twins, Olivia and Oliver with him. The two had been tasked with learning leadership skills, specifically within the fields of battle. To command, to rally, and to train their own designated platoons. Along with a dozen more knights who appeared to have leadership, and battle potential. All in preparation for the eventual call-to-arms.

As per usual, Clam, Gary and Paul were delegated into peacekeeping tasks. Ensuring the Duchy was protected from hostile forces, along with the many local garrisons and militiamen. Duke Trichia, having felt somewhat guilty for leaving them behind consecutively, did at the very least inquire whether or not they wanted to witness the capital's celebrations. However, they personally decided against. As they were more concerned with being a knight, a warrior, or a swordsman. Rather than learning how to hold a cup of tea the correct way.

At the very least, whilst they staggered their schedules, they could continue watching over the new talents, the many able men who were rushing to enlist. This crowd of people included both men who simply wanted riches and fame, the honour of receiving and carrying a set of Trichia's new swords and arms. Which basically told anyone who recognised the design and emblem, that they were considered a part of the elite. Whilst the other half who joined were religiously devout. Desiring purpose within their lives, committing themselves to the greater cause, one under the gaze of their goddess of wisdom, Loha.

Miku, in her endeavours to confuse the enemy and to commit herself to her misdirection. Now did her utmost to remain quiet. Thus, enforcing the image that the duke was tended to by twins who were simply mute, or extremely shy as no one was able to tell who was who.

As idealistic as it sounds, most nobleman actually believed themselves to be better than the other 99% of the population. Believing their vassals and knights would truly, and without hesitation, sacrifice themselves to save them.

With this in mind, perhaps Asai along with the royal family who had knights who were almost completely devout, had people willing to actually throw themselves in harm's way.

In addition, a almost suicidal maid who could drop out critical nukes with [Psychic Phantom] uncaring of her own safety was truly a frightening thing to see and experience. For the any would-be attackers.

Riding alongside the duke's retinue was Rosemi De Lumix. Who had two platoons of her own, guarding her safety and person. As for her knights Karen and Ash, along with their own squads. They remained behind in Trichia, proudly showcasing De Lumix's emblem upon their uniforms as they worked alongside Clam and Gary, to further build upon the image of their two ducal house's alliance and strong friendship.

Her best friend and knight, Christine Doltz was ensuring her father's safety. As the man himself wasn't actually a fighter. The duke had received swordsmanship classes back in his youth. However, he lacked the talent and passion that his daughter had. Something that perhaps only Asai would ever truly understand. 

As seen through the [System] Duke Jeffrey De Lumix, was born without a mana heart.

The man was quick to acknowledge his own short-comings. Thus, threw himself into navigating politics and ballrooms. Investing greatly into Rosemi, as her sword bloomed beautifully.


Whilst Duke Trichia and Rosemi De Lumix rode at the fore front, followed by their retinues.

Violet was questioning the social hierarchy. As it was currently seen, officially, Asai and Rosemi would soon perhaps be betrothed to one and another. Whilst Robin would be regarded the concubine, the second wife. As for herself, Chloe and the rest of his harem. Maybe they were considered mistresses at best.

As much attention as Asai would give to them, she had only ever seen his eyes linger upon Rosemi and Robin. And as much as she'd like to think that Robin would become the first and main wife, it didn't seem like politics, or his duty to the kingdom would allow such a blow to Duke Jeffrey De Lumix's lineage.

Even Rosemi herself had already begun acting as if she was the main head of the house, ordering his maids, permitting the newer girls to serve Asai, etc.

For Robin, it was hard to know. The girl still mostly kept to herself, showing hardly any emotion. Seemingly, as long as she could remain by the young duke's side, she would be happy.

One thing the necromancer did take notice of though, was the fact that Asai mostly surrounded himself with women. At first, she figured it was just the usual perverseness and lust of humanity. As seen throughout history, especially when the man rose higher upon the ladder of nobility. 

However, in the young duke's case, the women he surrounded himself with, or allowed into his company or threshold. Appeared either to be powerful, gifted, or someone who would soon become the prior two.

Thinking back, through her hazy memories. Asai did mention something about being able to see someone's innate potential right? Which was how he was able to teach her, her own skills and abilities. But, what if that wasn't all? What else is he hiding behind those abyssally black eyes.

"Is he choosing who to invest his abilities into? Or is it that women within this world have better potential than men? If that is the case, then perhaps that's why most believers of religion, imagine their creators as women, as Goddesses."

Whilst Rosemi was engaging in small talk with the duke, her blue ocean eyes couldn't help but glance backwards every so often. Robin was still training her usage of mana. As such, both Asai and his retinue had beautiful astral wings upon their backs. The pristine white feathers gently flapping as radiance glittered off their edges.

Looking over her own shoulder, she found it to be bare. Just her usual cape, and her ducal house's emblem upon it.

"What are the conditions? I wonder~"

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 89] [Robin: Lvl 84] [Chloe: Lvl 84] [Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 70] [Violet: Lvl 70] 

[Miku: Lvl 76]

Because of the sheer strength of the company who rode upon their horses. No monster nor beast was stupid enough to even enter their proximity. Their instincts instructing otherwise, causing them to flee back into their holes.

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