Isekai Rohan

327 Colosseum

Over a dozen thousand people sat seated within the colosseum, eagerly enjoying the performances of over a hundred participants. 

Whilst the common people spent their coins on food and beverages, the nobles spent theirs upon comfort and gambling. 

To enter the colosseum as a participant, one first had to pass the preliminary screening. Which was a simple test of combat ability, of killing a goblin. One of the beasts that multiplied and bred insanely quick. The prior test ensured that no drunken fool would attend upon something as stupid as a lost bet. Considering how their elven allies were also in attendance, the humans had an obligation to at the very least prove themselves brave and honourable.

Split into different ranks, participants were afforded the choice of choosing their challenge.

Normal: Monsters that were easily encountered upon such as, goblins, imps, vargs. For each participant, 10 of said monsters were released.

Rare: Monsters that were next in their respective evolutionary paths. [Hob-Goblins] [Imp-Foreman] and [Varg Patriarch] Entering at 5 at a time.

Unique: Monsters that could easily slaughter basic militiamen and beginner adventurers. A Large tribal bear that stood upon its two rear feet, wielding large claws, [Berg] 

A humanoid creature with grey coloured and highly defensive skin. From their diet, a natural set of crude metals grew out of their bodies as armour. [Enchanted Tonken]

These two monsters would only be released one at a time, no matter how many challengers are currently standing upon the arena.

Whilst most commoners would only challenge the normal stage, hoping it to be enough to catch the attention of any noble houses that were recruiting and refilling their ranks of knights. A few daring ones would go for Unique, hoping to garner greater success, for a better employment deal. Considering how their oath of fealty was basically a lifetime contract, the dangers and risk were certainly worth it.

Only named adventurers and the knights sent out by the respective noble houses were challenging the unique stage. An effort, to show their household's swordsmanship, battle style and prestige.

As for the merchants and businessmen who had the ability to do so, they privately fought within the shadows, trying to supply the participants with their armours and weapons. Hoping to catch the eyes of would be investors or future customers.

Whilst Duke Trichia's prosperity was greatly influencing the kingdom in a positive light. The duchy was still quite small compared to De Lumix's duchy, let alone comparing it to the vast land of the kingdom itself.

Thus, there were still a large population of people who couldn't simply pack up and move north, to Trichia. Something that was both a financial issue, and self belief problem. As currently, the duke of war's territory was dubbed the land of the elites.

Being people who were mostly used and abused by their ruling lords and nobles, it was simply a far-fetched dream. To travel to Trichia, hoping to instantly hit it rich.


Asai, with his retinue were all seated within the royal family's private booth. Her Majesty, and Rosemi were delightfully updating one and another on their most recent experiences and thoughts. Victor was also enjoying the performances down below, with Daisy besides the man. 

Asai and Victor's showing was scheduled for the last finale. As such, the two were mostly leisurely enjoying themselves. Tended to by many beautiful maids who were professionals within their occupation.

Even Robin was currently enjoying a shoulder massage, whilst Miku and Mimi diligently observed and learned.


The crowd roared and cheered as adventurers:

[Mimi: Lvl 31] [Lucas: Lvl 35] [Lucy: Lvl 29] [Marvin: Lvl 34]

managed to clear both normal and rare stages. Seemingly encouraged on by the crowd, they decided upon challenging unique.

Which for them was randomly selected to be the [Berg: Lvl 40] The monstrous bear-like beast charged into their party upon all fours. Slamming its head and shoulders into their shields.

Such an explosive start garnered great cheers from the crowd, as their human fighters appeared unfazed and already counter-attacking. Without mana, their swords mostly glanced off the beast's thick hide, but Lucy landed multiple lucky hits. Critical attacks that allowed her blade to enter through the thick leather and slice up its insides.

Even Lucas landed a lucky shot when he managed to plunge his blade through its eye socket.

The party now tired, exhausted and battered. Rose their swords above as they cheered along with the crowd. Joyfully enjoying their victory before leaving the stage.

The next participant was actually [Jin: lvl 57] The elf had abused his own connections and favours to get himself into the fighting pit. The celebration being an attempt at creating human-unity, the elf naturally couldn't help himself with the challenge, by added his own comment. That this was simply his way at showing his desires for the friendship and unity between their two great kingdoms to grow and blossom further.

Rather than being stubborn and risk offending the elf, the organisers accepted his participance. Although, they now had to fear risking their jobs, if the elf by chance was all talk and ended up dying just to entertain humanity. The implication and consequences could be dire.

Jin climbed up the steps, entering the large arena, waving his arms around as if he was on home-ground. Whilst the nobles who suffered great losses during the campaign remained quiet. The citizens who had been bathed in the information of their friendship and alliance were enthusiastically cheering the elf on.

Rather than entering with a party or a platoon, Jin fought against the 10 normal monsters solo. Quickly showing his expertise with the longer variant of the sword.

Even swimming through the 5 rare monsters later on, albeit being forced back into a defensive fight. All to ensure the monsters weren't able to land a single hit upon his person.

The elf, now slightly warmed up and sweating. Decided to continue, refusing to admit being weaker than his human counterpart.

His opponent was a [Berg: Lvl 50]

Thus, a slow, long and calculative duel began between elf and beast. After a dozen minutes of slugging away with the large [Berg] chipping away at its defences. Jin emerged victorious, albeit greatly tired and in need of a shower.

Being someone slightly special, a spokesperson entered the stage to ask him a few questions.

"Anything you'd like to say to your many viewers Sir Jin, of Via Marea?"

Jin snatched the little magical voice amplifier out of his hand.


Thank you for your cheers and support! This victory is my gift to you! As representative of Via Marea, I look forward to our futures as friends, allies and partners!"

Jin bowed and bowed as the fans cheered. People who were still mostly ignorant of how the elves truly were, still believing mostly in the romanticized stories and fables, cheered and roared in support of the handsome elf.

After emptying the arena, the next participant to enter was a young woman. 

Long pink hair that wildly flowed down her back, a fringe that was tucked behind her hair as she scowled upon the masses. Dressed in what seemed to be leather armour, typical of Role-playing-games, in which her shoulders and legs were exposed and undefended as she wore a skirt that fluttered just above her knees.

She wore two iron gauntlets that covered her forearms, whilst a large great sword that was bigger than her person was dragging against the floor as she walked.

Her red eyes glinting as she signalled towards the staff, rushing them into starting the challenge.

For the first time, since watching so many battles play out. Asai's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"What the fuck?"

[Bethel: Lvl 47]

[Title: Hero]

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