Isekai Rohan

328 Colosseum –

Victoria Del Lagos noticed Asai's sudden sharp glare. A little hue of divinity flashed within his black eyes as he focused upon the girl.

"Yes, that's her. Bethel, according to my reports, she's currently seventeen. No record of any family members, grew up in an orphanage. Known to throw her fists more than making friends, as she supposedly fought off a rapist singlehandedly, when an intruder broke into her stay.

Her breasts are C cup, in case you were wondering. And~ We believe her to be human, as there are currently no indicators of any elven heritage.

The instant she reached adulthood, she started adventuring. Making a name for her self as a solo, before turning down multiple offers of peerage and employment as a knight. To be honest, I'm surprised she even agreed to participate. As her invitation was sent only on a whim."

Victoria decided to give the man a recap of her information, as well as bringing Rosemi up to speed.

Asai nodded, grateful for the free information. The fight below had already started. Bethel was easily cleaving multiple goblins in two with a single swing of her weapon. And whilst the crowd cheered for her performance, the girl mostly carried a frown upon her face.

"What if, she's only here to show her power and strength? Just like a certain someone I know, who goes around clearing dungeons and monster dens solo. She must be showing her ability to the world, in an effort to decrease the amount of people who would bother her with lets say... More wicked, and vile intentions.

Your kingdom wide celebration simply presented her with the opportunity to showcase herself. If I had to guess, at the end of her fight. She will also make a speech of sorts."

Bethel completely dominated the 10 goblins, quick to engaging the next 5 beasts of rare grade.

Victoria nodded along, somewhat recognising the feasibility in her conjecture. Leaning over to whisper.

"How about we make a bet?"

"With what?"

"The first wife, the main wife position. Who gets to marry Asai first?"

Seemingly, numbers was what cost her more time than individual strength. As a single cleave was all it took to decimate the 5. Thrusting her into the next stage: Unique.

Whilst Rosemi felt like this was a horrible deal for her. She glanced back into Victoria's golden eyes. Her instincts telling her that the queen was a being she would never be able to defeat in a duel. Something she was almost about to challenge the women to.

Feeling like this random bet was a more possible outcome, that leaned in her favour, Rosemi accepted by nodded twice.

Victoria, having enjoyed teasing her childhood friend enough, peered over towards the man. His gaze was still locked upon the pink headed girl below.

"Asai, what are your thoughts-"

"Duke of war, Asai Trichia. Hero of humanity, Sword of humanity. I challenge you to a duel!" Bethal had one shot the level 50 Berg. A single cleave was all it took to behead the beast. And with her greater reach with such a large weapon, she easily managed such a fast feat. Quick to leap off stage, snatching the voice-amplifier. She issued her challenge, which turned the cheers into confused murmurs, before they quickly erupted into a thunderous roar of excitement.

"-What are my thoughts on her? I'll tell you later today." Asai got off his comfy seat, leapt onto the balcony's edge and leapt down directly onto the arena.

The drop was so high, that if it were a normal human performing such a jump, death was a guaranteed result. However, for Asai who was level 89, insanely empowered by his stats and many passives. He landed like an action movie's protagonist. The force though, however, caused the arena to shake and rumble as the crowd's excitement and fervour grew increasingly louder.

If it wasn't for Goddess Loha, who was spectating today's events, buffing the arena itself and ensuring the stone wouldn't crack nor break. Perhaps Asai would've created craters and fractures upon landing so recklessly.


[Bethel: Lvl 47] Stared in shock, wide eyed at the crazy man who basically leapt off a building. She inspected his legs, and boots that appeared perfectly fine. 

"I Duke of war, Sword of humanity. Asai Trichia, accept your challenge in recognition of your strength and skill as a fellow swordsman." With mana flowing around his lungs and throat, Asai's voice was magically amplified without the need of the tool. Thus, his voice was heard loud and clear throughout, even over all the cheers and excitement.

Bethel's gaze regained its previous focus, and sharp glint. "This is the man I must defeat. Beat him, and all those perverts will leave me alone surely!" 

"Thank you, Sir Duke. First to be incapacitated loses?" Bethel, being someone unfamiliar with nobility and the proper forms of address, spoke to the Duke as if he were but a knight. However, seeing as the duke himself didn't care, no one voiced their complaints either.

It only emphasized the rumours that surrounded Asai. That he was a man of action, caring and prioritizing combat ability over sophistry and dialogue.

"Sounds good, you're ready I assume?" Bethel nodded in response. But, her eyes gazed upon the man who was dressed in his usual black and gold leather gears. Confusion evident upon her face, as she was expecting the man to come clad in full plated heavy armour.

"Do I defeat her swiftly?" Before he could decide himself on how best to tackle this challenge. He remembered Her Majesty's order. To perform and to show to all of humanity, just how strong the duke of war was. "Sorry friend, you might be the chosen hero. But I have a royal queen to please."


Under the instructions of Queen Victoria, war drums that surrounded the entire colosseum began to beat and drum. In unison, their heavy bass blasted everyone's heart into a fever, blasting their excitement as the drums drowned out their voices.

Upon the stadium, now filled with the fervour of battle. Asai Trichia materialized his beloved weapon. [Ruin] into a quickdraw grip. Something his opponent recognised. Her own great sword was held above head, daring and challenging the duke's speed with her imposed ferocity.


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