Isekai Rohan

337 Aevraury

In the territory of the Dark Elves 

Over a thousand beasts and monsters of mixed origins swarmed through the mountain pass, charging into Count Jenson's knights, alongside their elven allies. Rather than take the beating at the whims of their opponents, Jenson's elites courageously marched through to catch wind of what seemed to be dhans and dark-elves escaping. Deciding against chasing into enemy territory, in care of an ambush. Jenson decisively marched the rest of his men through, including himself. Thus, leading to the humans annexing the sites.

Orc Fortress was now occupied by humanity, as the monsters were now caged and shackled. To be transported back to Del Lagos, to enter their colosseum's farm and provide strength boons to Her Majesty's templar forces.

The mountain pass itself, now being surrounded by elves on one side, and humanity on the other. Resulted in the necromancers being unable to recast their necromantic spells. As only the poisonous fog remained, lingering within it.

Multiple surrounding villages were captured, and claimed under humanity's banner. Although none of the villagers were strong enough both mentally and physically, to put up a resistance. The human knights still remained vigilant, as their forces began to become spread thin from covering so many locations.

Having sent a messenger back to Del Lagos, Count Jenson and his 1000 knights remained behind, awaiting reinforcements. As for the adventurers he had employed as mercenaries. Who would both guard the caravans of resources and goods. A large majority of them were also allowed to venture forth, to take whatever there was to plunder, to scout ahead of the knights, whilst also weakening any potential enemies.


Within the command tent, the count dressed in his set of plate armour, was currently discussing their options amongst his best.

"Gentleman, as much as I'd like to conquer more territories for our glorious kingdom and Queen. Our forces are too spread thin, and if we thin our numbers any further. We risk losing everything we have achieved thus far.

As such, whilst we wait for our reinforcements to arrive. I say we recruit the villagers we have colonized, train them, arm them and conscript them as levies or soldiers to bolster our numbers. 

You've seen the reports, they have no governing lords or nobles. They're literally headless chickens, and as the civilized people that we are. I say we bring them under our banner completely, and show them the beauty of humanity.

All in favour?"

Whilst he was expecting a unanimous vote, a few of his men who were wiser voiced their opinions.

"Surely, if the people were worth bringing into our fold. Rather than serving us, as the barbarians that they are. His Grace, Duke Trichia would've colonized them back when he entered these lands?"

"What, exactly are you trying to say?"

"Milord, I'm saying, there must've been a reason why His Grace chose not to colonize them. Something we must've missed."

"Ney! You're forgetting, Duke Trichia entered these barbaric lands with only Lady Rosemi of house De Lumix. His Grace, simply didn't have the manpower to do so."

Whilst this vassal was on point with his reasoning, the others still shrugged it off as simply desiring more honours for the De Lion household.

Whilst Jenson mostly treated the villagers kindly, even going as far as sharing their rations, as they didn't even bother resisting their rule. Believing himself to be a man of charisma and leadership. Jenson had already allowed the mingling between the two races.

Although forced-sex, rape. Was still banned, if the local women desired it themselves, then the knights were allowed to impregnate them. Either, to bring them back to Del Lagos in the future, or as a means of beginning their colonization.

Luckily for the count. Nightmare Castle's mighty bridge had yet to be rebuilt. As such, Ignis' main army and forces were still unable to traverse over.

Unluckily for the man though, King Xian Par'Talucca and the necromancer Pascal Vistierre, were preparing stage 2 of their plans. Something that was quickly revealed to the humans.

"My lord! It's an emergency!"

One of the scout-type mercenaries barged into the tent, halting their discussion. Jenson nodded, allowing the man to speak.

"Enemies ambushed the men at the mountain pass. Assassins and undead creatures! W-We're now cut off from Via Marea!"

Count Jenson's brain immediately comprehended the implications.

"The men left to guard our exit path has been captured. Our elven allies are unable to help us, as they can't even pass through the poisonous fog. I have around 900 knights left, and god knows how many surviving mercenaries.

Our enemy has outsmarted me... The first attack was bait, to catch our attention. I took it, I marched my men into enemy territory, and seeing the free-to-take villages and resources, I bit more than I could chew.

Just like Rima had encircled Prince Victor. I now found myself encircled by this new enemy...


Turning his gaze to his messengers and scouts, the men who had horses afford to their profession.

"Quick, order all knights and men to gather within this village. Bring all rations possible, but prioritize speed. It appears we'll be stuck in a defensive siege until reinforcements arrive!

If the villagers want to help us defend their village, allow them to come. For we will need the extra hands."

A dozen men saluted, before immediately setting off into multiple directions.

"Baron Ford, Baron Shoto. You and your men shall train the villagers. Teach them the basics of attack and defence. Go!"

The two barons saluted, before heading out to conscript the local dark-elves. However, seeing how skinny and malnourished they were. The man doubted whether they would even carry their own weight in food.

"Men, start praying. Pray that the duke of war, will make it in time to save us dumbasses..."

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