Isekai Rohan

338 Adventure

After receiving the duke's favour, Bethel quickly escaped Einhoren entirely. She had failed to defeat the duke of war, failed to remained conscious enough to voice her demands to the kingdom. A simple desire to be left alone.

Yet, even within the capital, men were trying to rape and take advantage of her.

"What the fuck is up with these NPCs, why are they all so fucking horny and hard for me. Are girls with pink hair a fetish or some shit?"

Being randomly thrown into another world, Bethel wasn't exactly enjoying her experience.


[Bethel: Lvl 47]

[HP: 150 MP:120]

[Title: Hero]

[Skills unlocked:]


Increase Fire Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defense by 10%.

[Crash Above]

150% additional Attack Damage.


900% of your Dexterity is dealt to all targets within AOE


100% of damage ignores targets defence

"What kind of [Hero] has to spend more time protecting their virginity, over saving people in need!?"

Filled with indignation, Bethel booted a rock the size of a football. The piece flew, slamming into the backside of a lycan.



The beast turned, gazing upon the small human that dared interrupt its meal. With feral teeth filled with gore and dripping with blood, it pounced towards the girl. In Response, Bethel smacked the overgrown dog with the flat surface of her weapon. Bonking its head multiple times, until it fell upon its knees.

"Good dog. Now are you goi-"

The lycan launched out, trying to bite her shoulder off. However, Bethel was faster, slamming a punch directly upon its jaw, throwing his brain into a concussion as it bounced around within its skull. To top things off, she slammed the tip of her boots into the lycan's testicles. Causing it to whimper and kneel once more.

"Want more?"

The beast actually whimpered whilst shaking its head horizontally.

"Good boy. Mmm. I think, I'll name you Terry."

Head patting the beast, she climbed above its shoulders. Seating herself upon its fur, holding onto his ears to stabilize herself.

"Get up. Move! Now Terry! That way!"

The lycan's eyes scanned the vicinity, hoping to find any of its brethren. And yet, it appeared truly alone and abandoned. To ensure his family jewels survived, the lycan helplessly carried the human girl onwards. Towards the north.

Whilst Terry continued to carry her north, Bethel couldn't help but think about her recent experiences.

Seeing the queen of the kingdom from afar, she was honestly surprised that someone could be so perfectly sculpted. As if she were a living, moving, marble statue from Athens. "As beautiful as she was, that Victoria gave me really bad vibes..."

"That duke though, that fight was actually fun! How long has it been since someone managed to trade blow to blow with me? But that dude, he whooped my ass!" Bethel chuckled to herself, whilst she ruffled and head-patted Terry. "That guy, he's probably a hidden evil boss or something right? Someone I have to defeat later on? There's no way he's just another NPC. No way.


But, he was really handsome too! Seriously, when he was sitting right next to me, my heart was thumping so much... Lets not forget that his personality was actually really good too. Unlike all those bastards who kept rising tents just from looking at me. Ugh.

A shame though, no way would I have sex with an AI, an NPC, or whatever these people are."

"Seriously though, shouldn't the system at least tell me what I'm supposed to do? Or give me quests? I'm literally just wondering around enjoying myself. Open world games are fun, but... At least give me a main quest!

Isn't that how it usually goes? Complete the main questline, defeat the demon lord, and return to my comfy apartment back on Earth?"


After travelling for quite some time, Bethel had exhausted the rations Asai had given her. As for the uniform the man had given her. She kept most of it within her [System] that could barely fit a box's worth of items. The only piece she wore whilst travelling with the cape, and upon its back was the Trichia insignia in clear black and gold.

Hating the hunger system in this stupidly realistic game, she had to hunt together with Terry. The dog, eating more than what she could stomach made her question his usefulness. And perhaps understanding her intentions, Terry enthusiastically pinpointed edible beasts for her to hunt.

At night, the girl simply slept within Terry's embrace. The lycan, greatly confused. In all of its entire lifetime, never had it ever come across a being that was this relaxed around him. Even fellow lycans would constantly engage in clan battles.

Terry thought twice about either eating her then and there, and also ditching the girl and escaping. But... Something made him stay, rather than leaving her all alone, he wanted to keep her warm and safe.

And although he couldn't speak in the human tongue, it could still very well question his creator's intention. As his large furry arms wrapped around the girl, ensuring the night breeze didn't chill her bones.

"Good gods human, can't you at the very least set up one of those campfires you humans always litter everywhere?"

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