Isekai Rohan

340 Aevraury –

"Hold the lines! Hold the lines!"

One thousand knights fortified the village walls. A mixture of wooden fences, carts and stones were piled together to prevent their enemies from entering. Alongside the knights were the local dark-elves who had decided to place their bets upon their human rulers over the monarch that literally abandoned them to their fate. That, and also for the food the humans were sharing with them.

Being unarmoured, but at least being given spears for increased range and safety. The locals tried to keep both beasts and undead at bay.

The dhans, deciding to preserve their energies and numbers. Had ordered their necromancer allies into emptying out their mana stores, to attack in coordination with the beasts they could command. The dekans and dhans both being creations of Craut, who was also the father of all monsters and beasts, were naturally more cooperative than with any other races/species. Although this was the case, not all manners of beasts and monsters were willing to submit to their rule and governance.

"Hold the lines! Hold the lines!"

Jenson was clad in plate armour. A shield attached to the side of his horse protected his leg, as he and his elites performed a cavalry charge through the hundreds of skeletons that kept emerging. The powerful horses rammed and trampelled upon the skulls and bones, crushing them into literal bone meal.

This was already the 7th day in a row, where the skeletons attacked during the night. Whilst during the day, beasts and monsters attacked in cycles.

And as much food and rations they had, their minds were beginning to tire from the inconsistent sleep.

Alas, surviving was still more important than sleeping on time. As such, Jenson and his knights rode back into the village to perform a quick inspection upon their horses. Ensuring they still had the strength, energy and literal horse-power to perform another charge. They once more thrust themselves into the battlefield.

The necromancers who were currently in hiding. As much as they could summon their undead at a relatively decent distance. Afraid of pain and death, although highly respecting it. They continued to summon and usher the skeletons into existence from afar. Xian who was spectating the attack was none-the-wise. As such, never voiced any complaints.

As for the villagers who chose not to join the humans in their defence, remaining behind in their desolate homes. The dhans had already imprisoned all men to work within their mines upon their return. Whilst the women were already being raped and impregnated. As Xian knew for certain, that his people would be lacking in population for years to come, due to the many battles and wars they would continue to endure.

As for the locals who had decided to join humanity, they at the very least were glad they had placed their literal life-savings, betting on them. As during the day, scouts would occasionally pick up information and a few lucky runaways who managed to escape the dhans.

Thus, a new flame was lit within the hearts of the local dark-elves. Hatred for the invading dhans, and the necromancers who helped them. And newfound friendship and loyalty to the humans who stayed behind to protect them. Risking their all.

Count Jenson, being wise enough to guess their feelings and thoughts, simply kept quiet. And allowed it all to bloom in the favour of humanity.


King Xian Par'Talucca who continued to observe the ongoing siege down below signalled to one of his war advisors.

"How much longer before we can attack in full?"

"Your Majesty, just four more nights of this before we should attack."

"Explain to me why we're doing this again?" Honestly, Xian just wanted to charge in there himself and slaughter them all. However, his advisors were all against it. Constantly quoting the enormous loss of warriors, that perished upon fighting humans within their fortified locations.

Believing them, to having something that could counter them. As such, they convinced the man into a battle of attrition prior to a full forced attack.

"As you know, without sleep, our brains will begin to hallucinate on days four to five. Whilst the undead attack during the night in numbers. The beasts and monsters will attack in smaller numbers during the day. Ensuring they manage to get minimal rest. Thus on day 11 or 12. We shall attack, whilst their minds and bodies are at their weakest.

And whilst they'll believe our main attack will come during the night, we shall attack during the day instead! Catching them off-guard."

Xian nodded unenergetically. A slow siege was boring, especially one filled with psychological manoeuvring. Another point that made him bored, was that most of the local women were malnourished, and therefore were entirely flat chested. Something he didn't exactly enjoy.

Thus retiring to his hidden tent. The man eagerly awaited the day his men could run rampant over the humans and their flimsy makeshift defences.

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