Asai De Trichia sat perched upon a tree branch. With his vantage point, he gazed across the camp site. 

These were the same fields he had once marched his men into. In advance, and in preparation for the rest of humanity's army. Just ahead of their current campsite, the exact same shallow river that he had fought off a night-time raid.

Having made so many trips down south, to Via Marea. The duke prayed that this would be the last time he had to march men clad in armour and weapons down south. The next time he entered these lands, hopefully it would be for sight-seeing, or even a holiday or such.

Thinking back, the very first time he was ordered to march to war. He did in fact feel quite excited, although nervous. The chance to gain levels and experience by killing people that weren't considered human was certainly a welcome idea back then. However, now that he found himself engaging in friendly relations with the elves, and even Violet. Asai was beginning to tire of such bloodshed. 

Knowing that, most likely, his enemies would be too low level to garner him any benefit, and truly be just a waste of human life. As for the dekans, he could easily kill them without hesitation. They simply weren't considered humane at all, to be the literal enemies of humanity as they openly devoured and consumed the limbs and torsos of man.

For the dhans, Asai had to mentally remember that they were simply enemies who had chosen to side with such monstrous and inhumane beasts. To support the consumption of humanoids was simply unthinkable. Perhaps, they were best thought of as fallen, or corrupted. For the remnants though, he were human enough to resist Xian's tyranny, Asai deigned himself to save as many as he could. They were innocent and simply caught amidst cross-fire as far as he was concerned. Seeing them in the same light as Miku, and her 9 little friends.


His initial 1000 man unit had swiftly travelled out of the duchy, and pass the capital on horseback and carriages. Courtesy of many noble houses and farmers who lived both relatively close and within Trichia Duchy.

And although on paper, this made his entire current force appear powerful. As cavalry charges were still able to dominate most fields of battles especially within the era of sword and steel. As they were basically the tanks of this feudal era, if magic and skills weren't taken into consideration.

The matter-of-fact is that the mounts these men travelled upon were light horses. These smaller, weaker, lighter horses were bred and trained for simple travel. To carry goods and messengers. Thus, afforded the men the mobility to reach their lord's position so quickly.

However, in a field of battle of explosions and eruptions. Their reliability were unaccounted for as they were more than likely to buckle up, in an attempt to fling their riders off, to flee.

The mighty war bred steeds, on the other hand, were loyal and brace companions. Beasts that would ride into the midst of war and bloodshed without hesitation. 


His most trusted vassal leapt down from another branch, seating herself lightly as if she were a feather. The branch the two humans now perched upon barely moved as she did so.

Looking closer, little wings were on her ankles, as well as the coursing divinity within her eyes.

"Asai, I [Detect] zero hidden enemies around us."

"Robin, your [Saintess' Faith] do you think it can empower the horses too?" 

"Negative. I've tried."

"Damn, Robin needs to acquire [Horsemanship] If she did, we could easily trample over so many enemies."

"Alright. The moment we enter Via Marea, have the knight-trainees return the light-horses back. With the hundred war horses we have, we'll advance first. Is Chloe ready?" "Even feeding and upkeeping a hundred mighty horses will dig into our current grain stock quite hard..."

"She says she is, and I believe her. You can leave the rear guard to her."

Asai nodded, before leaping down. A little shut-eye was better than none. As for Robin, she decided to cast her [Detect] once more for safe measures before joining the man.


Thanks to the alliance between Del Lagos and Via Marea. Proper pathways were already being implemented throughout the old Wild Highlands, something the elves funded with resources, whilst the humans contributed working hands. The elves, offering their knights and scouts as bodyguards, casually stood around watching the humans work away upon the many new roads.

Asai and his company utilized these new roads, which increased their mobility speed and energy effectiveness by a large degree. Rather than having their kinetic energy transfer and fall through the grass, mud and dirt as per usual. The newly laid roads would bounce their energy back into a person's or horse's step. Like a trampoline, the legs would find it easier and less energy consuming to begin their next step.

Thus, the usual long march ended shortly. Something Asai greatly desired personally. 

As throughout each passing day, the man felt unusually uncomfortable. Knowing, that Jenson had already reported being attacked at the mountain pass, it simply didn't feel right to rest and to take such a large amount of time to travel.


One particular day, finding his muscles to be entirely restless and itchy. The duke of war set off with Robin, Miku, Mizumi and one hundred knights who had the luck to ride upon a war horse. Leaving behind the 900 knights on light horses, and their slower moving carriages, along with Violet and Chloe under Rosemi's command. Who would ensure their timely arrival later on.

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