Isekai Rohan

342 Camp –

With a swift and highly mobile elite unit. One that hadn't need to worry about pulling carriages of men, arms and supplies. The duke approached the mountain pass castle in record breaking time. 

An elven knight saluted the human, recognising him by both insignia and aura. Courtesy to the banners that his knights flew, and also

[Vena's Friend]

Citizens of Via Marea + 10 likeability

"Your Grace, it is a pleasure to see you again."

"Prepare fresh horses for me. There's no time, quickly update me before I march through the pass myself."

The elven knight staggered in surprise, but quickly performed his tasks. Replacing the fatigued horses with their own elven bred kind. Who were simply favourited due to their majestically beautiful white fur. As the men exchanged their steeds, the elf presented him with a small report.

"Count Jenson, from Del Lagos. After successfully defending against a thousand beasts that passed through the mountain fog. He sent his scouts through to catch sight of fleeing dhans and dark-elves. 

After advancing his 1000 strong force through, and fortifying the pass. The count has reportedly annexed multiple sites of value. Villages and beast settlements is what the last messenger reported.

The last messenger to return to us was over a week ago.

We have tried sending human adventurers through to check on their status, and request an update, but none have returned Your Grace."

"Thank you. That'll do for now." The elf saluted the human before returning to his post.

Turning towards his unit of 100.

"Boys. Count Jenson and his men are now considered MIA. Over a week has passed since their last update. As such, the moment we emerge through this shitty fog. Expect yourself to be thrown into hostile fire, immediate combat, or perhaps to be besieged on all sides by orcs."

Although his update was rough and hardly inspiring. The men who considered themselves to be the elite of Trichia proudly saluted. Upon their backs were 

[Edwin's Sword]

Level Requirement: 20



+3 Strength

+3 Stamina

5% Weight reduction

[Edwin's Shield]

Level Requirement: 20



+3 Vitality

+3 Endurance

5% Weight reduction

Their average levels being around 45-50. A little more and they would be considered as strong as the royal forces, the templars.

Naturally, being able to follow the duke of war himself into contact. Knowing the man's tendency to throw himself at the vanguard, along with their living Saintes Robin. The 100 strong unit didn't fear death, fearing only their inability to prove their worth, having received the rare chance.

Seeing as his men were all upon their horses, blades upon their main hand. Their offhand tightly gripping the reins, whilst their shields were either on their backs, are attached upon the side of their mounts to protect their leg.

Robin, Miku and Mimi had their own horses, and were dressed not as maids, but within Trichia's high quality leather gears.

Asai turned his gaze towards the black mist before him. "Whatever skeletons are in there, they're about to get ran over by a hundred heavy cavalry. Me and Miku with our positioning will be the first to emerge. Any arrow fire will be negated considering we have [Silva's Protection] I'm ready-"

"Are you ready boys!?"

The 100 strong unit replied both shouting a battle cry in unison. One that was short and sharp.

"-We're ready."

The elves who would remain behind at the keep gazed on at the human company. Beautiful white, pristine wings appeared upon their backs as their weapons shimmered in holy light. The duke's own war horse appeared to be filled with fervour and energy, as he imbued the companion with his divinity. Strengthening its muscles and defences.

Fearlessly marching their horses through the rancid black fog that flooded the mountain pass in its entirety. As they entered and exited their visuals, the sounds of their steps, the hooves, became increasingly fast as they were evidently bravely charging onwards.

All and any lingering remnants of the undead units that defending the pass were easily smashed and obliterated by the horses who weighed more than 400 kilograms.


The usual hours long march through the pass was reduced to a mere dozen of minutes. Especially when they no longer had to stop and fight off every single annoyance and emergence of undead.

The horses being stripped of their vision, mercilessly charged through, simply barging through any would be obstacles. Whilst Asai's horse led the very vanguard buffed by his divinity. The cavalry behind confidently followed their leader through the darkness that flooded their senses. 

This was perhaps the first time their courage, chivalry and loyalty was truly tested. Being the elites, naturally they had trained and cleared out monster infestations. However, being completely submerged in supposedly a poisonous mist, blindly following their orders and liege towards a possible death trap.

The men really had to grit their teeth as they ushered their horses onwards. Thankfully, their steeds were intelligent enough to figure out their proximity and space, rather than knocking, barging and tripping over one and another.

The moment the poison mist lifted, and their vision returned. The men found themselves to be surrounded. Beset upon by a hundreds of undead. Ghouls, skeleton-knights and skeleton-archers had them surrounded. The dastardly undead, void of life rattled their bones as they emitted bone-chilling screeches. Cold sweats covered the humans as their horses continued to bring them ever closer to death.

[Skeleton Knight: Lvl 45] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50] [Ghoul Brawler: Lvl 48] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50]

[Skeleton Knight: Lvl 45] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50] [Ghoul Brawler: Lvl 48] [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 44]

[Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50] [Ghoul Brawler: Lvl 47] [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 45] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50]

[Ghoul Brawler: Lvl 48] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 50] [Skeleton Archer: Lvl 52]

Asai who was the first to emerge, took the brunt of the projectiles to his body. His own horse seemingly blessed by [Silva's Protection] appeared also immune to arrows.

However, the duke noticed that his health pools still took damage, albeit little amounts of it.

"The blessing protects me from the physical aspect of the arrow attack. But the magical aspect still manages to hurt me, I see..."

Although the mana within the hostile projectiles inflicted damage, being mitigated by his divinity that coursed through both his body and the war horse below. The damage was honestly so small, that the two shrugged it off as an insect bite.

"CHARGE! CHARGE ON THROUGH!" The duke ordered, as the men devoutly followed through. Following their lord as the cavalry smashed through the encirclement. Excitement and adrenaline flooded his system as well as his horse's. The mighty beast ferociously charged on through, dopamine flooding its brain as it enjoyed its new found strength and power.

Torsos, rib-cages, bones and skulls fractured and broke into pieces as the mighty horse broke through. Robin's [Holy Testimony] hovered above the vanguard, decimating any would be threats that appeared stronger than others.

The 100 knights that had considered themselves elites were now respectfully humbled. With rumours, stories, reports and now visual evidence. Truly, the duke and his best vassals were on an entirely different level.

"Turn, turn and form ranks!"

The duke of war, living up to his tendencies. Ordered his men to turn, reforming the line before charging back to clear out the entirety of the undead forces rather than escaping.


As much as he wanted to make haste, to charge on through, to search for Count Jenson. He couldn't just leave an undead force behind, one that would pose a threat to Rosemi and the rest of his men. Taking into consideration, the fact they they didn't have members who were immune to arrow fire.


On this day, Asai De Trichia learned something new.

Even the undead feared death, as they threw their bone-swords and bows upon the ground, turning tail to run.

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