Passing through the beautiful elven architecture, where there wasn't a single house or building that was allowed to be built with only function and resource optimization in mind. Asai honestly felt that it was beautiful, yet somewhat overwhelming as neighbours seemed to be one-upping each other. Statues, flowerbeds and beautiful stained glass architecture that changed colours depending on the sun's direction filled the capital alight.

"I think, the elves have way too much time on their hands if they build everything with artistic value. Only their castles and keeps appear to be normal."

Whilst as a human, the duke was more used to seeing buildings designed with simplicity and efficiency as prioritizations. Miku, and Mizumi, the dhans were actually enjoying the architecture as their own capital was also built with aesthetics in mind. Numerous red banners, bells and wind chimes decorated the Par'Talucca in their memories.

Even going as far as ensuring everything appeared to be aligned, whilst the sun would rise from behind the main palace as a sign of power.

Another random thought that passed through Asai's mind.

"I'm still surprised to this day, no matter how poor or selfish the community is. There's hardly any litter or trash laying around. I guess, this is due to their literal gods actually being in the play. Going to hell because one was too lazy to find a bin would surely suck huh."

In a world where the heavens prefer their children dying meaningful deaths upon battlefields. Whilst they didn't have the technology to purify and cleanse sewage filth. Simply laying the tunnel system and expunging the stuff into the sea and ocean was enough.

With Leviathan swimming within the ocean, her holy aura cleanses, and literally deletes the filth out of existence. Purifying and blessing the water. Even the rain water that falls from the heavens cleanses and cleans the streets, buildings and architecture of dirt and mud. Rather than Earth's counterpart which was erosion.

However, although the rain water was drinkable, it didn't heal wounds and HP pools, but it did at the very least hold viruses and diseases back. If Asai hadn't come from modern day Earth, perhaps he would've believed himself to having died and entering the kingdom of heaven. Albeit still a kingdom with its own concurring wars and conflicts.

Only water bodies with greater concentrations of holy properties, such as the fountain within the capital's church had the ability to heal as well as expunging foreign and harmful substances.

Miku, noticing Asai's lack of energy and boredom, swung over. Placing her soft hands upon his thigh, her purple gems gazing into his.

"Would you like a massage master?" Her hands, stroking and lingering closer to his groins.

Although the man would usually accept, he was glancing out the window. And sure, no one outside would be able to see their debauchery as the windows were high and small. However, upon the rooftops of the buildings the carriage was slowly trotting pass. Dozens upon dozens of dhans dressed in their usual black yukata were perching, following his location.

"Stop the carriage." Without questioning, the elf pulled upon the reigns, slowing the horses to a stop.

Emerging out the carriage doors before the driver could open it for him, Asai confidently marched into an alleyway.  With [Ruin] upon his hip, he placed his left hand upon the hilt. Thus, easily showcasing the rings upon his fingers gracefully and naturally.

Whilst the elf remained behind to keep an eye on the horses, and await his temporary master's return.

Robin, marched behind the human duke, also aware of the hundreds above who were utilizing [Hide] The little cotton ball atop her head perched its beak above its own fluff, looked around before diving back in to sleep.


Now entering a spacious section behind the buildings. A section left reserved for cargo unloading and loading, in case the buildings adjacent to the space was ever transformed into restaurants or stores. Asai de Trichia positioned himself right in the middle.

"Come out."

Waiting a dozen seconds, only for them to remain unmoving. Asai funnelled his divinity into his lungs and vocal cords. "I order thee, come out now or perish."

The powerful commanding voice placed heavy tensions upon their hearts. Wildly beating and pounding within their chests, they felt compelled to follow his orders. Seeing the weaker-willed members jump down, revealing themselves. The others quickly followed suit. As dozens of the men and women leapt down, Robin already had her two mithril daggers drawn, ready to fight 1 vs 50.

"At ease, Robin."

The dhans who were all deliberately dressed in casual attire, without a single weapon in sight all gazed upon the man within their midst. They weren't sure how he knew, but the duke had his eyes focusing solely on their squad leader. As if he could immediately tell, who their strongest was. A profound sense of respect filled the man's heart as he shrugged through the shoulders of his men, showing himself fully to the human duke.

Mizumi appeared out of [Hide] showing herself latching onto Asai's arm, thrusting it into her bosom. Her crimson gaze also landing upon the leader, as if scrutinizing him.

Feeling the power and authority of the two, his knees buckled as he kneeled. Seeing their elder do so, the others quickly followed along, all kneeling in awe and respect to their presence.

"This man here is Asai de Trichia. Husband of both the 4th princess of Par'Talucca, Kozumi and of the 5th princess, Mizumi. 

Asai de Trichia, after battling 5,000 beasts and monsters and defeating them, he then proceeded to defeat the king-slayer, kin-slayer and traitorous usurper Xian Par'Talucca who slaughtered his own father Uda Par'Talucca, patriarch and king of all dhans.

Asai de Trichia bested Xian Par'Talucca in single combat. Thus he has both right from conquest and by bloodline to take the now empty throne. In addition-"

Mizumi removed the straps and buttons upon Asai's top. Revealing his chest and [Wings of Solemn Death]

"- Just as Uda had been recognised by the heavenly dragons. Asai has also been acknowledged and blessed. Kneel, kneel before your new king and sovereign.

And if anyone has any intention of rising to the occasion and challenging his rights. Stand now, and fight him."

Whilst Mizumi spoke the speech and points her sister had ordered her to, Asai decided to place his [Yokai Mask] upon his head, just off to the side. The mask, amplifying his aura and authority, instantly shut down any notions or false bravado. That, and also their imagination or hallucination, as they could've sworn they could see his blade [Ruin] excitedly vibrate within its sheath, desiring bloodshed and ruination.

Seeing as no one was willing to challenge the duke for his throne, the dhans all lowered their heads, further kneeling and accepting their new lord and king.

Whilst no one else was looking, as they were all kneeling subserviently. Mizumi shot her eye towards Asai's.

"Did I do good? I did a good job right? Reward me later okay? Hubby ~♡" She whispered.


Einhoren, capital of humans should be considered completely true to medieval standards, yet slightly better/cleaner due to religion.

Vena, capital of elves should be considered completely dominated by religion and faith, clean, beautiful, and holy. IIRC in game, Vena had plenty of spacious ground, and looked almost heavenly.

Par'Talucca, appeared exactly like it came out of medieval Tokyo, shrines. bamboo and pagodas everywhere.

Etton, capital of giants is mostly medieval, with hints of roman aesthetics of war and battle. statues and snow covering the city.

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