[Akira Kaka: Lvl 50] 

Akira, a mature looking man who's black hair was already showing signs of greying. Upon the belt of his Yukata was a little red emblem. The insignia upon it appearing eerily similar to the one on [Par'Talucca] ring.

"My king. I am Akira Kaka. This here is my son, Hajin and my daughter, Sora."

[Hajin Kaka: Lvl 32]  [Sora Kaka: Lvl 33]

The two slightly bowed before raising their gazes back upon their new sovereign.

Whilst Hajin sported both identically black eyes and hair, Sora had short white hair and black eyes. 

"My family and vassals had served the previous king, Uda Par'Talucca loyally. And as such, as the head of house Kaka, I wish to pledge my household's allegiance and loyalty to you, the new king of Par'Talucca."

Akira had closely observed Mizumi's actions towards the man. Seeing how happy and close she was to the man, he believed there to be no falsehood in her words. And even if Asai proved to be an unworthy king, a lazy or perhaps simply lacking in ability. The man made it his new goal to utilize all that he had, including his household and vassals to train either the new king, or his future offspring into one that could bring the dhans to new heights.

However, before such lofty ambitions and honour, of being the household to personally support and raise the new monarch's family. He would pray that the man before him was powerful enough to defeat their long-existing mortal-enemies. The dekans of Rev'Deca.

"Akira, tell me. How are you here, and what else can you tell me about the situation in the far north?"

"Gladly, Your Majesty.

As my household's loyalty lay not with the usurper, but with Uda. We immediately entered hiding when Xian allowed the dekans to ransack out city. With hostile forces both outside and within, we had no choice but to escape. 

At the very least, whilst doing so, my agents took note of the directions the other households and people. As such, the very instant I received news of Xian's defeat at Aevraury. My vassals have been diligently gathering the remnants, the exiles and lost ones. 

Whilst our capital, Par'Talucca is still abandoned and empty. As we fear, the dekans would simply return and attack us once more since the alliance between our two people was only held between the dekans and Xian himself.

We've built ourselves a new home, one dubbed by the people as Hermit's Hideout. Another segment of the people had settled themselves within the Temple of Ohn. That was built by our ancestors upon a small island in the middle of our lake. Because the building is blessed by the heavens, the dekans had mostly ignored it.

As for how we arrived here to find you. Within the necromancer's guild in Aevraury, they found an ancient portal that requires blood sacrifice to activate. It connects directly to the island of Bahran.

Ah, whilst the dark-elves had sacrificed their slaves and servants. We found out that we could simply use the blood of animals. As long as it was recently alive, it seems the portal doesn't discriminate."

Asai nodded satisfactorily. "Good work. You've solved one of my concerns. I had been thinking up plans to travel to Par'Talucca, to search, find and rally the exiles back home to rebuild the city. Akira, I'm very satisfied with your actions thus far, thus I accept your oath of fealty. And order you to leave your children behind to act as my vassals. The two will work under Mizumi, and relay any future updates you have for me. And any orders I may have to send you."

Akira, greatly joyed. As rather than seeing his children being held as black-mail for his loyalty. He saw this as a chance to have his children become close to the new monarch's family. A chance to increase his own bloodline's prestige. Thus, he joyfully kneeled once more to speak his vows.

"I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the lord, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit. As such, on this glorious day, under the gaze of the almighty heavens and divine-beings above. I solemnly pledge my household, my bloodline and people in service to His Majesty until the end of days. Long live, King Asai de Trichia, monarch of Par'Talucca."

His two children repeated the vows under the careful gaze of their father, before the people also pledged themselves to house Trichia.

"Alright then, so now I'm both Del Lagos' duke, and king of Par'Talucca..."

"Miku, send a letter via pidgeon back to Del Lagos. Inform Queen Victoria Del Lagos of my accomplishments."

"With this, the kingdom's next monthly report will notify the entirety of Del Lagos of my rise to Grand Duke."

"Akira, I have additional orders for you and your men. As you find the scattered people of Par'Talucca, begin training them. Prepare them, and ensure at the very least, that they're able to defend themselves in combat against beasts. 

Prepare an army for me, one that I can march and personally lead into Armenes. The dekans must die."

Akira saluted, whilst their new appointed king returned to his carriage. Followed by Hajin and Sora, who were now in [Hide]

"Humanity's army is under Prince Victor, along with the elven army. I will build a new army of dhans to reinforce humanity's efforts in defeating the dekans. As from what I've heard and read, they're bat-shit crazy and obsessed with eating and consuming foreign kingdoms for both strength and entertainment. And in a world where I would very much like to live in peace, there is no place for such evil.

Also, lets try my luck, see if the dark-elves of Ignis would like to join our holy crusade."

Entering his carriage once more, the elf-driver didn't even bother asking about his little delay. And simply moved the carriage onwards, towards the royal academy.

"It would be nice, if there was another kingdom to join us. To ensure the defeat of Armenes, of Rev'Deca. Cat-people or dog-people, something like that..."

"Hey, King Caronia. Are there any still living and breathing dwarven kingdoms? Possibly hidden underground in the deadlands?"

"Sorry lad, not that I know of. And Goddess Roha won't tell me."

"Alright, that's fine."

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