30 minutes into the training exercise, Asai decided to ramp up the intensity. Seeing as the elves weren't taking the fights seriously, laughing and jeering at each other's performances.

Equipping [Yokai Mask] Asai summoned his clones anew.

With such terror, bloodlust and killing intent flooding the entirety of the training grounds. The elves almost believed themselves to having been teleported into a life or death battlefield. Whilst the men struggled to hold their urine from leaking. The women were becoming increasingly wet. There was simply something, a flavour, a unique taste within the duke's magical energy that flooded them with something unknown. Something that simply made them want more of it, an insatiable itch.

Amidst the 200 elves attending, only 10 remained standing. An equal number of men and women. The others, unable to withstand the ongoing killing intent felt their very instincts compel them back towards the stands and away from the human.

"I should've done this from the start huh?" "Good. You 10, I grant you permission in testing your mettle against both my favourite knight, Robin Sol and I."

The four phantom clones dematerialized, whilst Robin took centre stage. Two mithril blades within her hands, gently brimming with divinity. The first to approach Robin was an elven man who stood almost taller than himself. With a standard elven longsword within his grip, he announced himself.

"Knight-trainee Christopher, of Via Marea!"

"Baroness Robin Sol, knight of Trichia."

Asai loud and clearly shouted "Fight!"

The elf, Christopher instantly surged in, performing two cross cuts that forced Robin into leaping back. Aiming for the moment, in which her foot would require time to stabilize her centre of gravity, he shot forward once more. However, as long as he waited and focused upon her footwork. Something was increasingly wrong, Robin's feet weren't actually making contact with the cobblestone ground. 

Unable to even hear her footwork, to figure out her timing or any inconsistencies. Christopher quickly took a round-house kick to the face. The speed and precision sent the man spinning out of the arena. In which the next trainees entered

"Knight-trainee Ben!" Rather than finish his declaration, he sprinted in to fight the half-elf. Who actually vaulted over him, as if he was but a hurdle. A kick landed upon his ass before he could even finish swinging his blade upon Robin's previous position. Sending him flying out of the arena.

"Robin... Maybe go a bit easier on them? They're just kids! 


Wait, are they? They look young but, they're elves right? Ugh. Fuck I'm confused."

"All 10 of you. Come at me." Robin declared stoically.

Without any hint of joy, arrogance or pride. Her face remained expressionless as her gaze went over the 10 who Asai deemed qualified enough to face her. The little white cotton ball atop her head though, had other thoughts. As it began to snicker and tweet. And perhaps Asai was the only one who could tell what it was trying to do, as the little thing was trying to flip everyone off, with middle-fingers. Albeit with his wings.

Asai entered [Hide] as he made his way off the stage, and out of Robin's way. The 10 vocally challenged by the petite girl accepted her offer, marching up the stage in unison.

""Knight-trainees Melon/Kiki/Max/...""

"Baroness, Robin Sol."

Upon announcing herself once more, in respect of their conviction to take up her challenge. 10 holy blades of pristine beauty materialized above her, each pointing towards the elf-trainees that had her surrounded.

Seeing such a beautiful, yet deadly weapon form and hover above the girl who now had wings flourishing from her back and ankles. The trainees were greatly surprised, as only one of them managed to shout orders.


""[Mana Shield]""

The 10 swords shot at the speed of light, piercing the space adjacent to their necks and blasting the cobblestone behind them.

Only 3 of them were quick enough to respond by casting their defences.

"The one's who failed to dodge or block the skill. Consider yourselves dead and step down." Robin ordered the weaker members off.

Seeing as they were either unable to react to the insanely fast attack, or they were simply too busy immersing themselves in the beauty and holiness of the weapons. Therefore, forgetting their location, their presence upon an arena of battle. Thus, showcasing their lack of presence-of-mind.

"State your names." Seeing Robin's calm body language, they lowered their weapons to salute, before announcing themselves once more."

"Knight-trainee Lottie, of Via Marea"

"Knight-trainee Ethan, of Via Marea"

"Knight-trainee Fox, of Via Marea"

[Lottie: Lvl 23]  [Ethan: Lvl 21]  [Fox: Lvl 24]

"Interesting, the lowest level trainees are the ones to make it through mine and Robin's filter?"

As Robin could still see Asai, even whilst he was in stealth. She noticed him nodding approvingly. As such, she dipped into [Disappear] herself and left the stage to him.

The three suddenly losing vision on the girl, before she re-emerged at the stands, seemingly relaxing.

"You've earned your right. Duke Trichia is now standing right behind you, with a blade upon your neck. Fight!"

Whilst two of them were able to perform quick tornado kicks to clear the area around them. Fox had his knees kicked in from behind, as he felt the blunt edges of a dull wooden dagger slide across his neck. Clearly informing him of his death.

Before leaving his side, Asai gave him one piece of advice.

"Letting your guard down, just because you can't see your enemy? That's a big mistake, especially if you did that during a battle."

Leaving the man behind, he approached the remaining two. Wielding a traditional medieval wooden long sword. He allowed the two to attack first. To reward them, he forced himself to ignore his leg's muscle memories. Ensuring his feet remained unmoving as he defended himself with purely swordsmanship. No mana utilization, no skills.

Just pure, beautiful and precise swordsmanship. A blade that was honed via numerous battles against all forms of targets.

After a few minutes of exerting their utmost speed and strength, in an attempt to pressure or force the human into action. Lottie and Ethan were gasping for oxygen as their arms tired out. The human in question lowered his stance, as he finally decided to utilize mana.

"Either activate your mana shields once more, or immediately exit the stage." The two glanced down to his hip. The wooden sword had already been replaced by [Ruin] which was now aggressively vibrating, edging and pleading for its owner to unleash it and its ferocity.

Lottie, the green haired maiden decided to stand her ground. Channelling her mana into her weapon.

Ethan, the black haired elf also decided to stand his ground. Inhaling a large breath, bracing himself for impact.

""[Mana Shield]!"" 

[Decimate: Full Bloom] !

Upon the cobblestone arena, a beautiful flower bloomed. Its petals, a mixture of golden divinity and sparks of chaos. The two elements never combined nor tried to dominate one and another. They simply existed as the skill bloomed and covered a 360° area of effect.

The surrounding elves who were upon the stands, at the far borders of the training grounds watched in awe, as the single skill eclipsed the entire cobblestone arena before them. A mixture of inspiration and fear filled their hearts as both divinity and chaos both glittered and flickered out before reaching them.

Somewhere deep down within their hearts, they knew that if they were to receive such an attack. They would die without a doubt.

Lottie and Ethan, their mana shields had broken as they collapsed. As their minds were about to fade, Miku and Mimi poured a HP potion over each of their faces. 

"Well done, you survived to see another day."


Asai having already walked off, approached the headmaster who had returned during the sudden flood of killing-intent.

Passing a small note over, on it was written the names of the 10 who held great potential for growth. Whilst also outlining the three who were gifted enough to carry wits optimized for battle.

"Headmaster Merlin. I would like to recruit these trainees, and offer them vassalage. As I'm unsure whether or not this goes against our treaty, I will leave it to you to decide. Whether you pass my offer on to them or not, it is up to you."

Patting the man on the shoulder as he left the crowd that was both exhausted and in awe. Asai returned to his allotted stay.

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