Isekai Rohan

371 Bethel

For the past week, Bethel had easily beaten the preliminary round, earning her right to showcase her warrior's spirit within the gaze of Craut. And demolished her 12 opponents in single combat one after the other.

Currently dressed in Trichia Duchy's combat attire, her bright pink hair braided into a single tail whilst her cherry red eyes gazed down upon the giant she stood upon. Her large glaive lingered just above the warrior's neck, confirming his defeat for all to see.

Seeing the man relax, as his weapon loudly thumped upon the ground. Bethel shot her glance over to Mel's location within the stands, showing her big fat grin as she held out a peace-sign in victory.

"Fucking finally! Now to demand my reward and get my ass back to Einhoren." Bethel, although having mostly enjoyed her stay up north in Etton. The constant and never ending snow and blizzards had been sapping her motivation away. Now greatly bored of seeing just a white landscape spread across the horizons. She felt somewhat home sick, missing the lush green fields and trees down south.

The queen of Etton left her seat, approached her podium to address the warrior who had proven herself worthy.

"Congratulations Bethel, your prowess, skill, adaptability and courage to face all and any obstacles has impressed us all. With great pleasure, I would like to bestow upon you our people's blessing." The red headed, muscular beauty clasped her hands together in prayer. A gentle light fell upon Bethel, slowly increasing in brightness as the crowd joined in.

"Nice, a freebie~"

[Bethel: Lvl 62]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Skills unlocked:]


Stores maximum [Level] items in [System]


Increase Fire Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defense by 10%.

[Crash Above]

150% additional Attack Damage.


900% of your Dexterity is dealt to all targets within AOE


100% of damage ignores targets defence


+10 boost to all stats. 10% critical rate boost. Critical attacks recover 10% missing HP/MP/SP

[Rooting Axe]

Summon a throwing axe [Root] target for 4 seconds. Deals 50% melee damage

[Unstoppable] (New)

All [Crowd Control] effect duration reduced by 85%

"[Unstoppable]? I guess that's pretty good. With my natural tenacity, I guess I should be able to shrug of any stuns and roots."

The crowd roared in applause, seemingly aware that their champion had indeed received their god's blessing. After a dozen seconds, the queen raised her palm to silence the masses.

"In addition to the boon you just received. I shall personally grant you a reward. One, that I know you have been greatly looking forward to, even going as far as spending months training and building your muscles in anticipation for-"

"Yes! This is it, time to ask for Mel's freedom and I'll be out of here~"

"-Rest for tonight, clean and cleanse yourself. For tomorrow, you shall receive my husband's seed. I congratulate you, you shall be the 100th battle-maiden to receive his mighty majestic seed. I look forward to seeing your future offspring's achievements in battle!"

After saying her piece, the queen left as the crowd cheered and and spoke words of envy towards the human. Who by now was still lingering upon the arena dumbfounded.


Many of the women who were secretly supportive of her ongoing efforts in turning away all the men of the city, ran over to congratulate her. Throwing her up above their heads in cheers as her mind continued to swim in confusion and bewilderment.

"I knew you could do it girl! Saving your body for only the best and strongest!"

"I'm proud of you! You go girl! Slay!"

"I have a cousin around your age, want to marry him after you receive the king's seed?"

Some of the men who had greatly admired her sighed in envy and sadness, as they understood that as a warrior, Bethel was clearly out of their leagues.

Mel ran over, and even without telepathy, the two knew exactly what the other was thinking.


"W-we have to escape tonight! I've seen the king, he's basically a humanoid grizzly bear!"


Not an actual bear, just someone who's insanely massive, muscular and also has a great amount of body hair that he doesn't bother shaving. Plus, the massive beard and long braided hair. Like the Vikings would.

[World Map]


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