Isekai Rohan

375 Elves

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 95]

[HP: 165 MP:155]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Heavenly Designation]

Magical aspect of all skills immune to [Friendly Fire] with [Intent] 

[Hot Blooded]

Immunity to cold and freezing temperatures.

[Cleaning Mastery]

Attacks on stains and dirt +40% effectiveness.

Asai de Trichi was making his way back to his room within the military academy. Having satisfied his desire for more useful skills to further increase his options and adaptability. He chuckled, whilst he could clearly guess who gave which skill.

"[Cleaning Mastery] must be Sammy's for sure. I was honestly surprised to see a brothel so organised and clean to be honest, and now I know why. As for [Hot Blooded] that should explain why Lily's vagina was so incredibly hot, true to her word after all. I just hope it only implies being warm blooded in the temperature sense, and not the quick to lose his temper sense... God knows I'm already struggling to control my alcoholic tendencies and bloodlust.

[Heavenly Designation] is actually really good, if it's what I think it is..."

Whipping out [Yomi] Asai spun the little blade around his index finger, generating speed and velocity. Casting a miniature [Psychic Phantom] the magical aspect struck through his left forearm, but dealt no damage at all.

"Good to know."

Now shifting his mindset, designation and recognizing his left arm as a hostile target. The same [Psychic Phantom] sliced through his flesh, causing a shallow wound to occur.

"I see..." Pouring a potion over the wound, the flesh stitched and mended itself.

Having seen Xian utilizing [Psychic Phantom] not via his weapons, but through his leg muscles. Asai had also began his own little experiments. However, thus far he was only able to imitate the skill into his little karambit twirls. Something, that was more of a parlour trick rather than an attack skill that was usable in real combat.

"With this, I no longer have to worry about friendly fire. I can already imagine it, me and my phantom clones all blasting out full blooms, amazing..."


Entering through the corridors and pathways towards his allotted room. Asai came across the 10 elf-trainees who had the ability to withstand his frightening killing-intent. The 10 were quick to gaze towards his direction upon hearing the gentle footsteps sounding off the cobblestone ground. However, their sudden flash of excitement immediately dipped and turned into disappointment. 

The three elves in which Asai recognised as Lottie, Ethan and Fox, drew their blades.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"This is the royal academy, you should know that civilians aren't allowed in here."

The three were eyeing up Asai's current get-up. As he was still dressed as a rich merchant's son, whilst still sporting his silver hair, eyes and pointed ears.

"Oh, oops."


Within their very eyes, the elf transformed into the human they recognised as Duke Trichia. Like a dash of dye, dropping into clear water, his colours and pigmentation smoothly changed back to their original setting.

"At ease, it's just me." "Hurry up and put your weapons away, Miku and Mimi behind me are close to drawing their weapons!"

"Ah! I heard the rumour that Her Majesty and Goddess Marea had personally blessed you, so that's what it was!" Hearing Lottie exclaim her intelligence aloud, the others lowered their weapons. Before quickly saluting the duke, in apologies for their failure to greet him appropriately.

Ignoring their greetings and apologies. Asai decided to get to the point.

"What are you guys doing here? And what do you want?"

[Lottie: Lvl 23]

Appearing to be their chosen leader, had all her allies eyes upon her.

"Your Grace, after having receiving your seminars and lectures these past few days. We've all came to the same conclusion that we would become stronger with you rather than without. Vena's royal military academy is good, absolutely. But, it's not as good as the practical and live-combat experience and training you have and can offer to us.

Please, if you'd allow it. Accept our vows of fealty."

After saying her piece, Lottie saluted once more. As this was a military academy, it was more appropriate to salute rather than to curtsy. The other 9 upon seeing her do so, followed suit, equally saluting the human.

"Amazing, I'm sure these guys must've done their research and homework on my past military achievements and background. They should be aware that my biggest rise to fame and peerage was upon the bodies of their kind. Goddess knows how many elves I've personally slain...

I can respect them, in fact, I do. Their desire for self-betterment, and progress outclasses their own pride. Being able to lower themselves enough to learn from me was already quite the surprise, yet, now they want to join me? Incredibly."

"At ease.

To be clear, I have already submitted the papers to your headmaster. The papers were a request to transfer your swords into my armies. To have you as my knights, to both allow me to temper and hammer your swordsmanship as well as have you enrichen my duchy's. 

And although I too desire to have your vows, the current treaty between our two kingdoms is quite obscure in regards to permanent recruitments of knights. Thus, I've already entrusted your fates to your headmaster who would have the final say on the matter.

If, it isn't the human duke who recruited the unripe swords of Vena. And, instead it was a form of a gift, from your military headmaster to I. Then and only then would it be possible for you to enter my household and serve as vassals permanently.

And if ever that day comes. Having received your vows of fealty and utmost loyalty. I will invest in you the time and energy, the very same I have done so for my own knights."

The 10 elven trainees thought back to Robin's prowess, and how she too was rumoured to have risen from nothing. From the streets and alleyways with only rags to her name, to being the most fearsome and famous named knight within Trichia. The thoughts of her youth, her monstrous speed of growth, strength and skill. And how they were unable to even hold a candle up against the breeze of her gaze.

Seeing as they understood what he meant. And that there were underlying politics and rules in play. And that not everything was as easy as saying yes and no. Asai sighed in relief, happy that they were smart enough to not spearhead through stubbornly, and risk causing fractures between their two kingdom's currently budding friendship.

"So, it isn't I that you must convince. Convince Sir Merlin. And just a word of advice, perhaps convincing him with your conviction would be better than with simple words."

Walking past the group, as they split apart out of his path. Asai entered his room before Miku closed the door securely. Leaving the group lingering around outside, dissecting and absorbing his words.

After having relocated elsewhere, to continue their group discussion. To ensure they wouldn't disturb the duke's rest and respite. Lottie began their new topic of focus.

"Look. It's clear as day to me that if we were to stay within this military academy, and even if we achieved the best scores and to graduate. We will never receive he same fame, glory, resources and skills in which the knights who belong privately to nobles receive. We will be destined for mediocracy and a life of standing within ranks of mass bodies following orders of those above us. Regardless of our ability, we have no noble household to back us, to alleviate our standing above the rest.

Duke Trichia, we must do everything in our power to join his household as knights. If we can even achieve a semblance of the prowess Baroness Robin Sol, has achieved by simply being besides the human. I have no doubts in my mind we will equally be given names of our own, and units, squads, forces of our own to lead and command.

Anyone else thinks otherwise?"

And whilst the elves began their own discussion on the pros and cons of leaving the homes and families behind to join the human kingdom. Ultimately having to decide between nationalism and individualism. Most of what Lottie had opened up with was true.

As much as the royal academy: military branch was funded and supported by Her Majesty herself, they were mostly knights and soldiers trained to simply fill her garrisons and militias. The vassals and knights that were recruited from young, or even being born within the supporting branch families of noble families were always considered the real force to be reckoned with.

Always the ones to receive the highest honours, including the most numerous opportunities in receiving the most crucial and noteworthy tasks within wars to date.

If they truly did continue on to graduate from the military branch, one hundred percent, they'll be expected to march upon the frontlines as levies. Sent to their deaths, only to distract or to hold the enemy back.

With Asai, they would receive opportunities to prove themselves worth. And in doing so, perhaps they would be entrusted with units and armies of their own. And from what they have painfully gathered via their light wallets. They received the information that Trichia Duchy, in regards to their military, was mostly autonomous. Meaning, the duke placed a great deal of trust and confidence in his elite-knights capacity to perform. Which translated into the freedom to act and fight best suited to their abilities.


One of his latest chapters introduced a new character by the name of Asai Arikatsu. Now I have no idea whether or not he's read my wn but this made me undoubtedly happy, due to the coincidence. 

Bro, if you're reading this by chance, let me know if I can also perform shout outs to your characters.

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