Isekai Rohan

376 Robin Sol

Baroness Robin Sol

Having been kicked out of Asai de Trichia's party. Thrown out with a purse filled to the brim with coins. One that could feed families for many a moons. Was ordered to enjoy herself.

At first, she spent the days performing tasks in which she would hear the others constantly talk and brag about. Such as:

After exiting the store with many coins less. Robin's usual black military leather gears were now safely stored away in her [Storage] which withheld a couple points of her mana from being utilized, until the items were withdrawn again.

Her usual black aesthetics now dynamically reversed into a completely white, pristine and pure image. Already had many necks turning in awe, a few unlucky elven-men even bumped into others as they lost their bearings.

Robin's white hair was slowly growing longer, as months had passed without the need for combat. Thus, now longer than her shoulders, the members of staff within the store had straightened and styled her hair beautifully. Allowing only a single strand to flow towards her budding breasts that peaked out of the tight-fitting white elven-dress she now wore.

The dress itself exposed her arms entirely, up from her smooth shoulders. Her bosom was tightly squeezed together, allowing a little window of cleave to show as the chest area was also slightly padded. Two little religious earrings adorned her ears that were halfway between human and elf. And whilst Robin mostly went out without any make up, the staff had insisted on applying the bare minimum of mascara and eyeliner.

Instead of her usual thigh-high socks and knee-high leather boots. Robin now wore white-tights that were semi transparent, amplifying her milky-white smooth marble like legs, as the dress ended upon reaching her thighs. Something Robin had requested, as she still prioritized her mobility and ability to vault and jump.

As for her choice of footwear, she now wore little fragile white shoes that mostly exposed the top of her feet. Ensuring its stability with two little straps, as the heels gave her an extra two inches of height. A little white ribbon bow laid itself upon the middle. This was perhaps the only point in which Robin wasn't happy with. As she didn't want the beautifully white pieces to become stained. She now actively casted [Winged Foot] to ensure her footwear remained unstained and pure.

Refusing to acknowledge the fact that she was consuming mana for something so menial, she decided to turn it into training instead. Casting also [Saintess' Faith] which placed a pair of little white wings upon her back. Mostly oblivious to the gazes she now received from the elven folk who were highly religious. She wondered on to her next task at hand.

"Chloe always recommended sight-seeing. Violet only advocated for eating the best foods. Rosemi only spoke about the latest fashion trends. Mary and Annie only ever spoke about Asai, the duchy, and sex..."

Seeing as she wasn't able to fulfil the fourth without Asai's input. She decided upon her next task at hand, something she wanted to perform herself.

With the days remaining to her temporary ban from returning to Asai. She went to every elven orphanage and church. Bringing supplies of food, clothing, tools and also wooden training daggers. 

As both church and orphanages in Via Marea were desperately endeavouring themselves into becoming self-reliant by growing their own crops. Their funding came mostly from donations, prayers and a small stipend from the royal family. Who's priorities lay in war and national defence rather than feeding the forsaken.

As Robin had adopted Asai's eating practices, being that, she found joy in eating calorie rich food, carbohydrates, proteins and the vitamins in which Asai educated her on. She happily shared her usual meals with the children. Who in turn, happily enjoyed eating the exact same dishes as the living-walking-Saintes. Seeing it as a sign of her being forever humble, and understanding of their hunger, whilst not dabbling in the luxurious dishes the high-nobility engorge upon on a regular basis. To the people of Vena, it was as if a member of the royal family was eating the same dishes as a beggar, whilst also sitting at the same table without a care for one's own image.


Thoughtlessly performing her usual deeds in which she would perform back in Trichia's old orphanages. The elven children all came to love their new older sister. The other locations which were simply too far for Robin to travel to, could only pray and hope that the rumoured golden eyed Saintes would visit them.

To the ones who saw her in person. They could only exclaim in awe, as Robin didn't bat an eye towards the dirt, mud and little fields of farms that they had. Robin with her [Winged Foot] casually walked over such muddy flooring without a care, and seeing as her person was seemingly immune to dirt and stain. The nuns and fathers began to see her as a sign of divinity. A living Saintes, who travels the lands, serving and supporting the needy in their darkest hours.

The little white cotton fur ball atop her head, especially enjoyed the attention it received. As it mightily gloated, rising its nose above in pride.



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