Isekai Rohan

385 Room 8

"Erica! Erica! Where are you!?" The little blonde girl fell upon her knees, tears streaming down her puffy cheeks as she was unable to find her older sister. Her little yellow dress becoming increasingly dirty as she threw a tantrum all over the grass and flowerbeds.

Her personal maid was desperately holding back her own laughter as the little one rolled and cried, simply because she lost a game of hide and seek. However, to be fair, a garden larger than most people's homes would be was quite the playground for such a childish game. Her older sister, who was hiding in plain sight, within the midst of the growing sunflowers emerged. Equally laughing her ass off.

"Y-you cheated! I hate you!"

The little one stormed off, fuming and stomping as she strode through the corridor.

The older sister's expression instantly turned 180, from the childish laughter and giggles, her face now resembled one filled with resolve, grace and eloquence befitting of a noble. 

"You know, young miss... She doesn't mean it. She just wants to be more like you that's all." 

"I know." Erica easily shrugged off the hateful words she received. As it wasn't the first time she had heard such things directed at her.

Being the oldest, she was naturally flooded with responsibility. Further education, classes, lessons, swordsmanship, dancing, sewing. All subjects that society expected a lady to master.

"Young miss, if I may have the permission to speak my thoughts."

"You may." Erica was still glancing back towards the mansion.

"You shouldn't have advocated against your little sister from joining your classes. She desires nothing more than to spend more time with you after all."

"Okay, thank you. Dismissed." Before the maid could continue further, she was dismissed. 

Seeing the maid run inside, off to catch the little rascal who was leaving a trail of mud and dirt across the beautiful carpets. Erica made her way to her next class. 

"I understand, I'm aware that she wants to spend more time with me. But, she's too young to understand. My classes aren't fun, I'm not there out of choice, but out of obligation. They're mandatory, exhausting and tiring. Sometimes, I wonder as to who I really am...

And Goddess forbid, I don't desire such a fate to befall her, not whilst she's still so adorably innocent and pure."


Upon reaching her next class, which was situated within one of the many great halls. The walls were found to be decorated with beautiful portraits of all the previous masters of the house, all dressed for the occasion, stoically. However, rather than their confidence, pride and honour. What Erica noticed, was the lack of emotion in all of their paintings. Evidence, of their very own upbringings within this household.

Her next class, she was expected to both dance perfectly in tune with a partner, as well as answering multiple questions regarding human history. The greatest soldier, knight, noble and even monarchs without fail. Failure to do so resulted in either more lashes upon her bottom, hidden from view. Or, lesser days and hours in which she could spend time with her younger sister.

To discourage the young miss from growing attached to any of her teachers who had been frequently swapped out and exchanged throughout the years. They were all ordered to wear plain white masks that covered the entirety of their faces. As such, Erica grew cold blooded and learned to utilize others without sympathy. Slowly entering a day in which she would see her knights and soldiers as mere numbers. As a means to an end. 

And whilst her mind recklessly comprehended and absorbed as much information as it could from her perception and hand to eye coordination. Dancing swiftly and elegantly whilst answering the many random questions that many would fail to answer. Within the corner of her perceptive ability, she noticed the little crack within the doorway. A single strand of blond hair fell through, as she immediately realised it was her little sister. Once again peeping, admiring her prowess and intellect in awe.

Feeling her cold heart fill with warmth, as she endeavoured to take on all responsibilities of the house upon her own shoulders, so that her little sister may live freely. Her conviction renewed as she funnelled greater passion into her movements. Impressing her instructors.

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