Isekai Rohan

386 Erica

Her body exhausted, fatigued and sore all over. Erica climbed into her bed, throwing her face into the comforts of her luxuriously soft pillow. As she was not yet considered an adult, and was still within her growth-spurts. Her bones were naturally expanding and stretching, thus the naturally occurring aches and pains compounded atop her usual agonies. Yet, she didn't cry or grimace, but only smiled. As bed time was perhaps her second favourite part of the day, as she could fall into slumber and temporarily forget about the hardships she had to endure.

A little knock tapped upon her door.

"Erica... Are you awake?" The little one peeped in to see Erica's eyes gently gazing towards her. Seeing as she was indeed awake, she wobbled inside, clutching a fairy tale book to her little chest as she struggled to enter Erica's bed.

Erica, naturally helping her up and into her bed, couldn't help but yawn as her body sought rest and respite, desperately.

"Please, I had a nightmare. S-so, can you read me this book again?" Erica's body croaked in pain, as her muscles twitched and spasmed in soreness.

"Sure." Taking the book, and flipping to page 1. The little one got comfy, snuggling up to her big sister whilst Erica begin to recite the same fairy tale book over for the 100th time. 

Always about a dashing handsome prince, swooping in to save the princess out of the clutches of the evil and bad men who sought to do her harm by stealing her jewelleries. Something that was commonly found within the tales of young.

The little blonde quickly began to snore as her older sister soon joined her in slumber.


Feeling a tug upon her shoulder, Erica's bright blue eyes opened up. Swiping her blonde hair out of her face, she gazed up to see her personal maid pulling her out of sleep.

"Young miss, it's time for class. If you don't hurry, you'll be late." "And if you're late, I'll be responsible..."

Erica glanced out towards the window, noticing it was still dark. However, she threw herself out of her warm and soft bed regardless. One last glance at the adorable face that was drooling all over her favourite pillow was enough to send her marching out the door and towards the training hall.

Within, her mother stood dressed in full plate. Wielding a blunted steel blade, for training purposes. Gazing over to her own stands, there laid her usual leather equipment.

"Hurry up Erica. I don't have all day."

"Yes, mother."

With the assistance of her maid, she was soon dressed for combat. Her own sword however, was an iron sword that was especially weighted to force muscle-growth and endurance. Having no choice but to wield it two-handed for now. Erica engaged in an hour long duel, in which she did her utmost to protect her vitals. Sacrificing and allow hits to land upon her arms and legs as it was simply impossible to block or dodge the flurry of strikes her mother performed upon her.

"Remember, I'm doing this for your sake. Remember the pain and discomfort you feel today, so that there'll be none to remember in the future."

Her mother stood, towering over the little teenage girl who was down upon her arms. Waiting.

"Yes mother, thank you, mother."


"I love you mother."

"Good. I'll be seeing you tomorrow." Having finished her class, the woman immediately exited, leaving the girl laying upon the floor in pain.

"Young miss, please get up. Or you'll be late." Insisted the maid.


Another year of such events occurred as Erica continued to endure. And as she endured and endured, her relationship with her little sister increasingly strained.

Her continued refusal to allow the little one in joining her classes, in becoming her possible replacement in case she wasn't deemed worthy. Her continually shortening windows of opportunity to spend time with each other. As she became older, grew taller, and became mature enough for more classes that her smaller body wasn't able to take on, such as horsemanship.

Her little sister equally growing up, and becoming more mature no longer craved her affection and touch, no longer sneaking into her room at night.

At one particular day, the little one stumbled upon her parents having a discussion with people who came from the palace. Talks of engaging their oldest Erica to the crowned prince were being weighed. Her young, naïve imagination spurred. As it was currently her dream and aspiration, to marry the dashing and handsome prince who would swoop in and save the princess.

She immediately ran into the mansion, barging through Erica's doors, finding her older sister to be laying in bed, sick with a fever. In which she immediately started crying, shouting and throwing a tantrum.

"I hate you! I hate you! How could you!? I hate you so much, I wish you would die!"

Having said her piece, she stormed out crying. Leaving Erica, with a cold, fractured heart. No longer strong enough to withstand such hateful words.


The next day, it was announced that the eldest hadn't managed to survive the fever. And whilst the little one could only unemotionally stand, held between her two parents as they bickered and argued over who did what, and who was right. Within her arms, she clutched the old iron training sword that Erica once used.

"Alyssa! I've told you time and time again that your training methods are too much! She's but a little girl!" 

"Oh shut up Jeffrey, this is how generations of my predecessors were trained and taught. If it wasn't for your weak-heart and constant desire to pamper her, she wouldn't have grown to be so weak!"

Anger and spite filled the two adults as they shouted and roared at one and another. Only after having said all that they could towards each other did Alyssa storm out.

Jeffrey knelt down upon a knee, embracing his one remaining little flower.

"Oh, my darling Rose. I promise you, from this day onwards. I won't ever allow anyone to control you. I vow that with my very being I will give you freedom, and the decisions to chose your own life. Forget about inheriting the household. Daddy will manage it, now and forever!

What has happened to your sister won't ever happen to you. I guarantee it!"

The man soon filed for divorce, however, for the sake of the duchy and kingdom. The royal family had requested they remain together cordially. And for the main position of power and authority to be shifted over to Duke Jeffrey De Lumix, rather than his overbearing wife.

Something that only occurred, due to Jeffrey's inability to grasp the true potential of swordsmanship, whilst his wife Duchess Alyssa was an exceptionally strong-willed woman, who had perfected the art.


As for Rosemi de Lumix. She decided to learn the sword after all. Disregarding the desires and wishes of anyone and everyone. And choosing to only learn and train in what she wanted. Hoping, in doing so, she could understand a little of the hardships her older sister Erica de Lumix once endured.


A collection of books laid atop Jeffrey's table top.

How to be a good father:

Jokes that your children will love you for

Jokes that will make your kids laugh for sure

How to create your own funny jokes


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