Isekai Rohan

395 Trichia

Bethel and Mel, having travelled from the far north back down to the southern kingdoms. Now finally made their way to Trichia Duchy. Specifically, Trichia Manor. 

Standing before the large gates, Bethel quickly showed the guards her letter that was personally written and signed by Duke Trichia himself. Having seen the letter, the men quickly sent a messenger in to inform someone who had more authority to receive their sudden important guests.

Whilst Mel was dressed as if she herself was a barbarian warrior. Rags of white fur and leather, messily held together by belts. The large hooded cloak hid her body, as the outfit was designed to heavily expose her leg muscles, mid-section and arms, starting from the shoulders. Bethel on the other hand, still had Trichia's uniform available to her, albeit damaged and dirty.

"Are you sure he'll help us? And why couldn't we wait till morning?" "I really don't think some mighty and powerful duke would go out of his way to help us two strangers... I'm just a no named adventurer, whilst you're some strong-willed free-spirited girl who seemingly goes where she pleases..."

"Trust me Mel! The duke is a good person. He's perhaps, the only good person I had met down here." "He did gift me this set of clothing right? Oh god, what if he only meant to lend it to me? How much does this cost anyway!?"

A pitter-patter of footsteps approached the two, snapping them out of their little bubble.

"Greetings, Bethel. I'm knight Clam, loyal knight to His Grace, Duke Asai de Trichia. I've seen the letter my lord has written for you and I also have a letter that was recently written to be delivered to you. Here."

Clam passed the letter on, in which Bethel quickly bit open before reading the contents.

"Dear Bethel

As the duke of war, the sword of humanity. As you may expect, I am privy to information that is hidden from the local citizenry for their own safety and concern. Please keep the following information for yourself and trusted persons only. I trust you.

Far north of our kingdom, there exists a race called dekans. These blue skin humanoid beasts take the form of draconic lizards, they eat and consume all that come into their sight. And upon digesting and absorbing flesh of all, whether it be human, elf, dwarven, dhans and even beasts and monsters. They grow both in size and strength.

There is no denying it, they are a evil and cruel race that seeks to drown the world we know in darkness and blood. 

This is where you come in, Bethel. I shall place under you my two loyal knights, Oliver and Olivia. 

Join my household, and receive military education and lessons. Learn to command, and learn to survive.

This, is a quest in which I find myself only being able to bestow upon you. Having personally witnessed your prowess and potential. I believe, that you're the key to saving humanity and this very world.

If you accept this quest, pledge yourself to my name and household. Make no mistake, even now you are under the gaze of Goddess Loha. For she shall be my witness.

Because, if we fail to stop this demonic army from the north. I guarantee it, there will be no redo, no start-over, and no turning back.


The sword of humanity

Duke Asai de Trichia."

Bethel's red eyes spread open in surprise and excitement.

"This is it! I knew it! The main questline is finally here!"

"Knight Clam, I wish to pledge myself to house Trichia. What do I have to say or do?"

Clam, unknowing of the contents of the letter could only find himself lost for words. And before he managed to find any, Mel removed her hood and stepped out of Bethel's shadow.

"Knight Clam, I too, wish to pledge myself to house Trichia. Please!" "When I find Alex and the others, I'll just convince themselves into becoming vassals too. Bethel has done too much for me to simply ditch her like this."

"M-MEL!?" Clam's eyes widened in shock and fear. Rubbing his eyes, as he had thought the being before him was a ghost from the past. "Mel! Is that you!? You're alive!"

Mel, equally surprised, hid behind Bethel as the tall muscular man was becoming too excited. "You know me? But, I don't know you?"

As confusion spread within his mind, he wondered if it had truly been that long since they had last met. And, it was only after he remembered that Mel was supposed to be dead that he realized that something was afoot.

"A woman, who sported leather gears, mostly red and black. Had a few scars across her face, she came years back. Told us you had died in an accident, His Grace, Asai de Trichia even rewarded her with silvers for being considerate enough to make the journey, to inform us of your loss.

You. Mel, you and Asai were close. You taught him how to wield the dagger back when he first started making a name for himself. You- you really don't know?"

Bethel stepped in to clear the confusion.

"Mel suffered from an injury to the head. It seems her memory of places and people are all jumbled up. Anyways, that bitch that came and told you she was dead. Please tell me that's a side-quest and I can personally go fuck her world up." Bethel slapped her two fists together, ensuring Clam got her point.

"Blimey... Alright, come inside. I'll sort our your rooms for now. The oath of fealty can wait until the morrow when the others are also around, to be your witnesses." His head pounding from the headache, he desperately wanted to share the information with the others.

As Clam led the two women into their living quarters. He wondered what exactly did Asai write to recruit one of the few named-adventurers of Del Lagos. Who was even personally invited to perform at the celebrations by Her Majesty, Queen Victoria.

Unbeknownst to them, Asai had simply recalled his past self. And how addicted and obsessed he was with anything remotely resembling a quest. Using such a notion as bait, he loosely threw the word quest into the letter addressed to Bethel and hoped for the best. Asai, not arrogant and narcissistic enough to believe himself special, and therefore being the only other-worlder, had banked on the fact that the oddly acting Bethel was for sure also isekai'd here.

Something, that evidently paid off in great success.


This is canon, from the game. The only quests anyone ever completed were the tutorial quests, in which you were basically locked in a zone. Any other, was only for starting weapons etc.

But the player base was so lazy, since quests gave so little experience points, that it was faster to beg in world chat for free weapons to grind with, then it was to do quests for levels.

Thus, no one ever did any. Rohan was a mmorpg, in which you simply purchased cash shop scrolls for XP boost, and grinded circles in a grind zone for hours...

Asai, after having realised quests gave shit awards, was no longer obsessed and mental about it.

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