Isekai Rohan

396 Miku’s Mind

Asai de Trichia,

left blue balled by Queen Emilita Regenon, whether it was intentional or not. Was now greatly pent up, as he summoned his personal assistant.


The door to his room opened just barely, before the dhan appeared out of [Hide] However, instead of Miku, it was Mimi.

"Mimi?-" A sudden flash of memory resurfaced within his mind. "-Ah right, lead me to her." Mimi nodded before swiftly leading the duke to Miku's allotted room. Upon entering, Asai immediately noticed that it was incredibly dim and dark within. The windows blocked, as the curtains were drawn. And a little bump hidden under the covers indicating Miku's current mind that was still experiencing turmoil from her first death.

And as much as Mizumi and Rosemi de Lumix tried to decorate it, to dress it up as a positive learning experience for warriors. Miku was still within the early years of adulthood and thus had a weaker conviction. 

Thinking about it further, Asai should've seen this coming. Not everyone was as crazy and indifferent as he was capable of being, thanks to having the system block out most of his human emotions such as fear-of-death, horror, hesitation and reluctance. Mostly thanks to [Mental Fortitude] truly, it was a blessing for the man to acquire such a skill early on. 

From mentally-refusing to believing this world that he was in was true, to relying upon the mental-amplification to throw himself into warzone after battlefield. Honestly, he shouldn't have thought everyone else was as battle-hardened or as confident as he was.

"Miku, it's me. Are you alright?"

Asai sat upon the bed, wanting to pull the covers off the girl. However, he knew she needed her time alone. As such, he only deigned to reassure her that she wasn't alone, and that he was only at arms-reach if she needed him and his support.

Thankfully, the blue-headed girl peeped her purple eyes out of the covers to see him. Although, she was greatly confused as to why the man was topless and somewhat shiny due to the oils.

"H-how? How do you cope with the fear? When I died... I felt the pain of having my lungs, my chest, my heart punctured. And then... It was nothing, just pure blackness, nothing. I-It was so frightening. How do you cope with such a thing?"

Asai head patted the girl, who quickly snuggled up to him. Feeling safer in his arms than in her own bedsheets. Asai wasn't sure how it was possible, or how they did it without air-conditioning, but the room was actually a nice temperature. Thus, whilst he was topless and in shorts, Miku could remain wearing her usual outfit as well without issues.

"Well. for starters, I guess I hated feeling weak, more so than my feelings of fear, towards death. Since the very beginning, people I looked up to, depended upon, were dying and swatted like nothing, before my very eyes. From then on, I knew that I couldn't afford to relax, to take it easy. And to acquire the strength and power I need to stand above all others, to protect those within my care. I had no choice but to push myself to my utmost. 

And as you must've heard or read from the reports. I do in fact constantly throw myself into the fray, because I have figured out how the system works."


"Yes. The gods of this world heavily rewards and favours those who risk their lives on battlefields. Think of it as a store in which you purchase strength. You enter this divine-store, and you place your money upon the counter, to exchange it for strength and power. But here's the catch, you're never allowed to know how much money is in your own wallet. Thus, everyone in this world plays it safe by spending only a little, by little. 

Because, if you ever ran out of money, it equalled death and you will never leave that store. As for I? I have been risking my life, going all in and throwing as much money as I possibly can for my strength and power. 

Now, I'm not telling you nor am I encouraging you to become reckless, to risk your life as I have done. Because, I only did so, so that the people I care about, that are important to me, won't have to. Do you understand?

So if you did decide to risk your life, to copy my ways. It will honestly make me sad and depressed, because it means that my efforts, the pains and lengths I went to acquire my current strength still isn't enough. This is my way of life, a path I chose myself. Don't copy it...

Honestly Miku, I'm unsure whether or not I'm still human. I'm sure I'm more [Monster] by now... And, I don't want anyone to become like me. So, promise me that you'll treasure your own life the most, and live how you want. Don't live for me, as I too am only living for my own decisions, choices and desires." "Does Miku know that I'm half-dhan? Or is that something only Kozumi and Mizumi managed to figure out due to their background of being the initial invading force?"

With so much information on how Asai viewed the thin line of life-and-death, Miku wasn't sure as to how to feel. But at the very least, his presence, comfort, soothing-voice and getting the rare chance of knowing his thoughts pleased her.

"If dungeons are too scary for you, then whenever we enter any. You can remain behind, stock up supplies for me, or go shopping or something. It's not mandatory. Because, if I'm being honest with you, I have a feeling our next dungeon experience will once again be a nightmarish experience...

Anyways, you're still young. Your blade is still being tested, tempered and sharpened daily. Take it easy alright?" 

Miku nodded, whilst Mimi revealed herself, entering the group hug. Seeing the doppelganger smile once more, Asai could assume that Miku's mind or heart had relaxed.

"Miku. Do you want a massage? I took a few bottles of massage oil from Her Majesty, Queen Emilita's own stock."

"Yes please!"


So, I was strolling through PinInterest, just looking at character art designs etc. And I saw many that resembled how I imagined characters, so I figured I'll show you guys too! Of course, none of the artwork belongs to me. I'll commission an artist for this webnovel if it ever becomes bigger.

How I imagined Robin Sol:

Emotionless Robin, who is always stoic.


Rosemi de Lumix:








Victoria Del Lagos/Battle-junkie:

Victor Del Lagos:

Asai de Trichia:



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